Ok, Biden not dropping out!

Biden (on Obama's String) has worked very hard to ensure Iran has nuclear arms. The Ayatollahs are on the brink of them as we speak.

Do you think Trump can stop this? Or will Joe's treason cause untold deaths in the near future?
Not at all...
Joe is the dangerous one...to himself, to our families, to our country...to the world...
We just have to pray his life alert button isn't on the same lanyard with the nuclear button...
If your "guy" was too compromised to drive, would you hand him the keys and gas up the car? And feel nothing when he plowed through a family on the sidewalk? Because, after all, it could have been Trump he mowed down...
Trump is dangerous to our democracy and the long term stability of the world.
Yup. Behind the scenes, TPTB are currently working out a "sweetheart deal" for Biden to step down. If he doesn't "do as he is told", then the Intelligence Community has all sorts of dirt on him, his son, and the "Biden Crime Family" in general to use as blackmail.

If it's the wish of the Intelligence Community, and Mark Warner has already let it slip that it does seem to be the IC's wish, then by the time the August DNC convention is over with, Biden HIMSELF will be over with.

When has your shit slide ever turned out to be reality?

Thanks for giving Biden the extra power to crush that Russian Bot hole program that was polishing Trumps ass
The democrats speaking about what to do now are Frustrated and hostile... It's clear that they want him out... But no one will be honest...they're too busy bashing President Trump... They don't care about Joe or the country...their hate is that intense...
Delusional as ever. I suggest drugs and counseling.
They? Here we go again. The truth is there are not very many who want him to drop out. They are in the process of determining the political repercussions of Biden running. It is easy to bash the twice impeached 34-time felon, ex-president. It is not hate, but disgust.
Top thinks she speaks for the universe, unfortunately.
If he does, it's because he has to...he's too selfish.. and compromised... to do what would be best for the country on his own....
Yet you think trump should stay in after being convicted of 34 felonies. You and trump are equally selfish and compromised. And add deluded.
Good Morning :)
Time for Joe to have an MRI to clear up any questions and concerns....shouldn't be a big deal, right? This is the future for our country, after all...