Olbermann's special comment tonight

I did read the whole post and stand by my statements. There is NO WAY Gore could have fuck this up worse than the guy you voted for did. NO FUCKING WAY. And the guy you voted for has appointed people to the supreme court that are every bit as devoted to shrinking our freedoms as many of the libs on the court are at inventing rights. In my opinion, Justices that say we have a constitutional right to privacy beat the shit out of guys that believe that a kid who skipped school can still be punished by that school for speech that had NOTHING to do with his school.
That is hindsight, and when given the benefit of that, I voted for somebody else. And would do so again. And likely will not vote for the party's nominee this time.

I don't need your sanctimonious judgment in an attempt to make yourself feel superior for a while. Yeah, I didn't vote for Gore, and even if I hadn't voted for Bush the first time. I still wouldn't have voted for Gore and nothing would have changed at all. It doesn't change that I preferred the professed policy of Bush to Gore. Too bad he didn't follow what he said he would do.

There's nothing superior about looking at the past and saying, "You voted for him." Of course I did. His professed policy far better fit into my beliefs than Gore's did. Then when his action didn't match what I believed I voted for somebody whose past fit, and whose professed policy fit mine better than Kerry's or this pretend "conservative".
I didn't need the benefit of hindsight. I KNEW then I voted for the better candidate, warts and all. I guess part of that came from living next door to his state and seeing that even then the Emperor had no clothes. That he was a vote for his father's son and nothing more. Too many in your party was motivated by his religious beliefs and not by whether or not he had in his past anything to recommend him to the job. Gore for ALL his faults was, in terms of todays debates, far more qualified to be president of the united states than George HW Bush's little boy.
I didn't need the benefit of hindsight. I KNEW then I voted for the better candidate, warts and all. I guess part of that came from living next door to his state and seeing that even then the Emperor had no clothes. That he was a vote for his father's son and nothing more. Too many in your party was motivated by his religious beliefs and not by whether or not he had in his past anything to recommend him to the job. Gore for ALL his faults was, in terms of todays debates, far more qualified to be president of the united states than George HW Bush's little boy.
Again, the pretense here is thick. "I knew then..."

I knew then I voted for somebody that wasn't what I wanted but was closer to what I believed. I voted for the "lesser of two evils". I'm sure it's a shocker that a Republican would prefer a Republican to Gore. And I am equally shocked that you would prefer Gore over a Republican. Which means, not at all shocked...

You can't make me feel less for my vote or shy from it, I remain unembarrassed I voted for him that first time. Had I the information I have now I would go differently and I would have voted Libertarian. Given the exact same circumstances, with the exact same information I would again vote for him because I would be exactly where I was before...

Because I didn't know Bush would spend like a drunken sailor while fighting one of the most expensive nation-building wars ever. In fact he said he was against such activity. Of course, "9-11 changed everything." For me it made it so I couldn't vote for the guy.
Darn Soc you are a bush basher ! Don't you know that Republicans do not like to be reminded of past stupid actions done out of partisanship.

I tried to tell republicans what a mistake they were making in 2000, but they were absolutely certain and said I was the stupid one.

Most of them also said I was unamerican and such for not wanting to invade Iraq...
Saying it would turn into another mess like Nam, etc...

Well the last laugh is ours Soc, too bad everyone has to pay such a high price for the others mistakes though.

And yet many / most of them are just as certain that Obama is worse than McCain. Amazing....
I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed this thread.

I don't know what was more entertaining, Damo begging Soc "No mas, no mas" because he is a "drunken poster", or, the con woman meme, dropping the veneer of "butter wouldn't melt in my mouth" that all con women like to affect, and spitting her true nature at Soc.

Thanks everyone!
He hadn't illegally worked for money in his office then told me that there was "no legal controlling authority". He was also governor of a state that was voting for him overwhelmingly because he was popular there.

The reality was he spoke against nation building, he said things I liked while Gore did not, and he directly broke the campaign laws and flaunted it. I don't like people who do that. That and I didn't want Gore selecting people for the SCOTUS that promoted ideas that I was against.

All of those things became unimportant when he began nation building, and wasn't humble in foreign relations. When he went into war without declaration, and for little reason. Then a few SCOTUS decisions meant little and I wouldn't vote for him.

I can recognize when I made a mistake and not do it again. So, I wouldn't be such a jackass. I still wouldn't have voted for Gore and this state would have gone for Bush anyway. It still did even without my vote.

Frankly, Bush has been a transparent idiot all his life and anyone who was surprised that he turned out to be such a miserable failure .. well .. no words.

Millions of people "knew then" .. and said so ... then.
my wife and I watched it live.... she stood up and started applauding at the end of it.

I really think that Olberman is our generation's Edward R. Murrow...but of course, the koolaid soaked Bush faithful will vehemently disagree. :)

I applauded too. My dog was a bit confused, but it was definitely moving. Its like he reached into our minds and found the best way to express every sense of fustration and anger at the man in an eloquent and moving way. Like I said, I'm all over Keith.
I applauded too. My dog was a bit confused, but it was definitely moving. Its like he reached into our minds and found the best way to express every sense of fustration and anger at the man in an eloquent and moving way. Like I said, I'm all over Keith.

secretly...I think my wife would be too!
I did read the whole post and stand by my statements. There is NO WAY Gore could have ^&* this up worse than the guy you voted for did. NO *&^ WAY. And the guy you voted for has appointed people to the supreme court that are every bit as devoted to shrinking our freedoms as many of the libs on the court are at inventing rights. In my opinion, Justices that say we have a constitutional right to privacy beat the #$%@ out of guys that believe that a kid who skipped school can still be punished by that school for speech that had NOTHING to do with his school.

That's a safe assumption. Gore earned a Nobel peace prize. Bush has become the international symbol for Satan. Again, that's a very safe bet.
I applauded too. My dog was a bit confused, but it was definitely moving. Its like he reached into our minds and found the best way to express every sense of fustration and anger at the man in an eloquent and moving way. Like I said, I'm all over Keith.

Keith has more courage than anyone in the media.

... and he's absolutely right.

Open warfare has broken out between topper and tiana over Keith Olbermann.

Somebody better order a body bag for Top now - size small should do it.

Open warfare has broken out between topper and tiana over Keith Olbermann.

Somebody better order a body bag for Top now - size small should do it.

Nobody trashes Kieth and gets away with it.
What I love about the Guy is he was talking like this when Bush had a huge approval rating. He was talking about our shitty election process when no one else would dare.

He is this generations Murrow.

The man is intelligent , funny, well informed, loves his country and is the best journalist we have on nightly news right now.

Hes also hot.
What I love about the Guy is he was talking like this when Bush had a huge approval rating. He was talking about our #@$ election process when no one else would dare.

He is this generations Murrow.

The man is intelligent , funny, well informed, loves his country and is the best journalist we have on nightly news right now.

Hes also hot.

Exactly. He's no bandwagon hater. He was with us from the beginning.

And he's hot.

And I want him.