OMFG... I Am Kin To Obama!!!!!

Actually, Mott thinks we all came from CORN! LMAOOOOOOO! SERIOUSLY!!

This is a lie to distort the evolutionary theory, which you continually betray your ignorance of.

Humans never descended from corn. No evolutionary biologist would say we did either.
This is a lie to distort the evolutionary theory, which you continually betray your ignorance of.

Humans never descended from corn. No evolutionary biologist would say we did either.

Mott believes it, I swear! Something about Krebs Cycles... he really honestly thinks we all share common ancestry with plants and shit!
Mott believes it, I swear! Something about Krebs Cycles... he really honestly thinks we all share common ancestry with plants and shit!

We do have common ancestry with plants. That doesn't mean corn was our ancestor. Some microbe was our ancestor, which was also the ancestor of corn.
We do have common ancestry with plants. That doesn't mean corn was our ancestor. Some microbe was our ancestor, which was also the ancestor of corn.

LOL... You are making statements, refuting them, and then reinforcing them again, all in the same paragraph! This is priceless!

We have common ancestry with plants.... but not to corn.... some other microbe was both corn's ancestor and ours... but we aren't related to the corn.... yet we all have common ancestry with plants! It almost sounds like you are prejudiced against corn! What has corn ever done to you? Why must corn have to endure oppression from The Man? Corn is a plant just like all the rest, it deserves equality! Yellow Power!

Here's the thing, you incurious dumbass... No one has EVER concluded we have common ancestry with plants, or that we emerged from a fucking microbe. If they have concluded this, they have stopped practicing science and started practicing faith, because science doesn't draw conclusions.
LOL... You are making statements, refuting them, and then reinforcing them again, all in the same paragraph! This is priceless!

We have common ancestry with plants.... but not to corn.... some other microbe was both corn's ancestor and ours... but we aren't related to the corn.... yet we all have common ancestry with plants! It almost sounds like you are prejudiced against corn! What has corn ever done to you? Why must corn have to endure oppression from The Man? Corn is a plant just like all the rest, it deserves equality! Yellow Power!

Here's the thing, you incurious dumbass... No one has EVER concluded we have common ancestry with plants, or that we emerged from a fucking microbe. If they have concluded this, they have stopped practicing science and started practicing faith, because science doesn't draw conclusions.

It's hard to imagine he's not joking, but he aint.

Dixie clearly doesn't understand AT ALL the evolutionary concept.

People did not evolve from corn. No evolutionary biologist has ever suggested so. Continuing to say we did as a tactic to discredit evolution is a retarded straw man from a guy who doesn't know enough about evolution to know it's a straw man.
It's hard to imagine he's not joking, but he aint.

Dixie clearly doesn't understand AT ALL the evolutionary concept.

People did not evolve from corn. No evolutionary biologist has ever suggested so. Continuing to say we did as a tactic to discredit evolution is a retarded straw man from a guy who doesn't know enough about evolution to know it's a straw man.

Oh, I understand the parts of evolution we have documented and observed. I realize that primates have changed over time, some of them have not changed much at all, and I can understand the same is true with plants and other living organisms, it all changes and evolves with time, to adapt to environment, to enhance stronger attributes, to ignore meaningless attributes, and over billions of years, changes and evolves. I get that!

What I don't get, is this silly and ridiculous argument that everything living, came from some universal original microbe! Nothing has ever been concluded on this, it is nothing more than silly superficial speculation, from people who have made it their life's work to destroy religious belief and denounce God. Mott will slather all kinds of long obscure scientific words on it, and pretend this makes it valid and legitimate, but it's just downright stupid on every level.

Plants live, grow, and function, with a completely different living system than warm or cold blooded animals. Photosynthesis is not used by other life forms, because they have their own unique and distinct operating systems. None of these living systems is interrelated in any way, they all operate on different principles, different chemical reactions, energy sources, etc.

It's a real stretch to consider warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals share commonality, but plants? There is no remote similarity whatsoever. We didn't come from plants.
I accept your withdrawal of your accusation that biologists believe we descended from corn as well as your admission of ignorance.
I accept your withdrawal of your accusation that biologists believe we descended from corn as well as your admission of ignorance.

Mott does CLAIM to be a biologist, and he HAS articulated this theory of common ancestry. It's not an accusation, it's in the threads he has posted here, you can go read them if you like, I am not making it up.

You are the one acting kind of ignorant here... you want to act outraged at the notion that someone would think we descended from plants, yet you admit you believe we did descend from a common organism, so it's like you are saying it is absurd beyond belief, but that's exactly what I believe! LOL
Mott does CLAIM to be a biologist, and he HAS articulated this theory of common ancestry. It's not an accusation, it's in the threads he has posted here, you can go read them if you like, I am not making it up.

You are the one acting kind of ignorant here... you want to act outraged at the notion that someone would think we descended from plants, yet you admit you believe we did descend from a common organism, so it's like you are saying it is absurd beyond belief, but that's exactly what I believe! LOL

"Common ancestry" ≠ "descended from"

We do have a common ancestor with corn, but corn is not our ancestor. Okay, get the hamster running real fast and think about it for a second.
"Common ancestry" ≠ "descended from"

We do have a common ancestor with corn, but corn is not our ancestor. Okay, get the hamster running real fast and think about it for a second.

We don't have a common ancestor, one has never been found, no one has ever determined such an ancestor, and the concept is nothing more than that, a concept.

Whether we descended from corn or from the same thing corn descended from, is essentially the same argument, just with a little obtuseness applied about the corn.

And "common ancestry" means basically the same thing as "descended from" regardless of how you wish to manipulate the words.
We don't have a common ancestor, one has never been found, no one has ever determined such an ancestor, and the concept is nothing more than that, a concept.

Whether we descended from corn or from the same thing corn descended from, is essentially the same argument, just with a little obtuseness applied about the corn.

And "common ancestry" means basically the same thing as "descended from" regardless of how you wish to manipulate the words.

It's nothing close to the same argument. Our common ancestor with corn would have been somewhere around the point where a microbe colony was just coming around to using chlorophyl to make energy from sunlight. In fact, we share some of the same traits as plants when it comes to this, though I can't remember the specifics off the top of my head. Something to do with the circulatory system.

Saying that (which is as much of a proven fact as you can come to in science) is nothing like saying we descended from corn, which would require corn to do something miraculous and totally against the predictions afforded by evolutionary theory. Corn would have to stop doing what plants do and spontaneously develop mammalian traits. This notion is absurd, and that's why you tried to pass it off as though it actually reflected what is predicted by evolutionary theory.

No, "descended from corn" is nothing even close to saying that we share a common ancestor with corn. Our common ancestor wouldn't resemble plant or animal but would be something exactly on the cusp of being both or neither simultaneously.

Seriously though, look into it. The evidence is there for our common ancestry with plants. If you were intellectually curious instead of intellectually dishonest, you'd go and do a google.

dixie is still confused about corn

he's a fucking idiot
he's worse than stupid
he's willfully ignorant
he goes, with a straight face .. " LOL...don't tell me you ACTUALLY believe that the earth is OLDER THAN 600 YEARS!"
as if it's the craziest fucking thing anyone has ever said

he said that?

im paraphrasing
but that's basically what he is saying in that obama kin thread

i know.
it's unbelievable. im starting to think watermark's hunch about dixie being a really elaborate troll is onto something.i'd probably buy that if the other conservatives on the site weren't so nearly equally retarded as dixie
at least the libertarians are rational

no one could put up with this for so long
i think dixie could be like a half troll
like he knows some of the stuff he is saying is retarded but wont admit it just so he can grin when people go crazy
By the way, Dixie, you're kin with everyone in the world. Maternal lineage can be traced back to a very, very minute population of people in Africa. They call the woman to whom everyone is related "Eve" as a joke. The idea is that the human population was at some point devastated by some natural event like disease or an asteroid and our population dwindled to near extinction before recovering. That's why all of our lineages trace back to the exact same place and same very small population of people.

It shouldn't surprise you that if you go back far enough you'll relate to someone not as retarded as yourself. I am a direct descendant of Robert Bruce. That fact doesn't surprise me enough to go and make a thread about it on a message board.