Only Preexisting Condition Of Dead Father Was Trusting Trump

Stupidity of this magnitude should make you angry But it doesnt does it? trump makes you fuck sticks angry. Im done pretending you fucking cockroaches are worth being treated kindly.

You're the one who claimed that the OP suggested that listening transmits the virus.
Yeah right. Too bad she didn't trust her doctor. Why was his immune system so weak that he couldn't fight it off?
He was 65. Was he taking a strong regimen of vitamins as he was aging? Did he love carbs and sugar? Was he on daily prescriptions?
It's obvious that he was NOT in excellent health. He was immunodeficient. Where are his past medical records?
Hypertension? Asthma? Got recent CT's of his liver, lungs and spleen? Sonograms of heart?
A novel virus hits. Brand new.

Who in their right mind trusted China with their deception and not allowing the U.S. medical team into their country to investigate early on...TWICE no less?

Of course he wasn't in good health. My family had covid in January and one member who is 85 with us. He was in the hospital for 3 days but recovered and was back to working 30 hours a week within days of being discharged.
You're missing the point.

No evidence has been presented to back up her claims that her father had no comorbidites.

I am not credulous enough to accept her utterances as fact.

Here's why I am skeptical:

  • There's no proof that her father was "perfectly healthy" as she claimed.
  • She's a left-wing activist who was an invited speaker at the DNC.
  • She blamed the governor of Arizona before she blamed the president.

"Gov. Ducey has blood on his hands"

My point is simply she's complaining that her father went out to karaoke and such and contracted COVID. Doesn't matter what his motivation to do that was, he got the disease and died. Now she's mad he died. She blames Trump, not her father, not the other people present, not the disease: Trump. She also says he was taken away from her. That is selfish, entirely selfish.

That was my point. I then expressed my hope her father enjoyed his life fully right to the end, because if he did then he lived a good life. If his daughter wants to be miserable because of her greed and selfish wants, so be it. I hope she realizes the error in that and has the ability to change.
President Trump said don't be afraid of COVID. Well, how can you be afraid if you're dead?

That's the sad truth for one dead Trump supporter:

"Kristin Urquiza said her father contracted the virus after listening to Trump dismiss the severity of the crisis. He went to a karaoke bar with friends and subsequently died.

“I’m one of the many who has lost a loved one to COVID. My dad, Mark Anthony Urquiza, should be here today, but he isn’t … My dad was a healthy 65-year-old. His only preexisting condition was trusting Donald Trump, and for that, he paid with his life,” she said.

“The coronavirus has made it clear that there are two Americas: the America that Donald Trump lives in, and the America that my father died in,” she argued. “Enough is enough.”

“One of the last things that my father said to me was that he felt betrayed by the likes of Donald Trump. And so, when I cast my vote for Joe Biden, I will do it for my dad,” she explained."

COVID victim’s daughter goes off at DNC Convention: Dad’s ‘only preexisting condition was trusting Donald Trump’

Hopefully, the cunt doesn't have any kids and it gets her before she can taint the gene pool.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

She's selfish, nothing more to it. I sincerely hope her father enjoyed his time out and had a full and exciting life to the very end.

It's better to live a short life filled doing the things you love than a long life spent never taking chances and being miserable the whole time. This is a major reason I will not vote for the Progressive Left. They're the sort that never do anything and live their lives in a miserable way making as many around them as miserable as they can because misery loves company.

That is an absurd dehumanization of the opposing side, completely lacking in any fact or supporting link.

It was foolish to go do karaoke in a deadly pandemic which is airborne transmitted. Yeah, grab the mic that some other person just had up to their mouth and put it up to your own mouth? What could possibly go wrong? How about you get their germs and they might be deadly. An evening of karaoke is not worth a life.

Nobody needs to make a choice between a fun life and one of misery, based on foolish risk-taking. This is no black and white decision. There is plenty of fun to be had in life without taking stupid risks. Every proposed activity carries associated risk. The wise person will consider the trade-off and learn to maximize fun while minimizing risk.

Reminds me of a personal anecdote:

Even though I am a liberal, I was involved in a somewhat dangerous sport. I loved it and did my best to minimize the risk. And there were so many great people involved. I loved the events, seeing all the people, many also came to all the events. Great gatherings of fun-loving people.

I remember there was a beautiful woman I wanted to date one time. Really nice, and very nice to talk to. Not stuck up, like so many. But she was attracted to this other guy and kindly rejected my offer. No big. You win some, you lose a lot, I figured. Time passed. I saw her again maybe a year later. She was despondent. Her other guy was a skydiver. He had an accident and died. Chute didn't open. He had a whole life ahead of him but it was cut short. I consoled her as a friend might. I did not ask her out. She was mourning, not a good time. This other guy saw me talking to her and noticed how gorgeous she was, asked about her. He really liked her beauty, said she was 'to-die-for-gorgeous.' I said: "You have no idea how right you are."
Are you suggesting that I find her phone number or her address to contact her?

I don't really care how you do it. You're the one that said medical records was the only way to know. It's up to you to get the only thing you said would clear this up.
No, you have difficulty explaining yourself. Don't blame the receiver when the transmitter is broken.

The poster claimed that the OP was suggesting that listening to Trump will transmit the virus.

That's a strange claim, don't you think?

It's like that movie Cell or some other movie.