Only Preexisting Condition Of Dead Father Was Trusting Trump

I don't really care how you do it. You're the one that said medical records was the only way to know. It's up to you to get the only thing you said would clear this up.

Why is it up to me? Why it isn't up to Dr. Legion?
The fact is you should urge people to do the right thing. That is masks and distancing. Even if you doubt them, you should not urge others to not do them. You bear some responsibility if they get sick. You have nothing to gain by pontificating your disbelief of masks and distancing. The medical profession constantly tells us what to do How can anyone decide docs are wrong and they know better? Just shut up. It will not hurt you to follow the rules and it will hurt some who do not. Trump is showing what a super spreader looks like. Many are holding him responsible for their illnesses and their families.
The fact is you should urge people to do the right thing. That is masks and distancing. Even if you doubt them, you should not urge others to not do them. You bear some responsibility if they get sick. You have nothing to gain by pontificating your disbelief of masks and distancing. The medical profession constantly tells us what to do How can anyone decide docs are wrong and they know better? Just shut up. It will not hurt you to follow the rules and it will hurt some who do not. Trump is showing what a super spreader looks like. Many are holding him responsible for their illnesses and their families.
Republican's believe in personal responsibility not a nanny state.
The poster claimed that the OP was suggesting that listening to Trump will transmit the virus.

That's a strange claim, don't you think?

It's like that movie Cell or some other movie.

That's what the OP did. Trump was blamed because someone made a choice to do something.
Why is it up to me? Why it isn't up to Dr. Legion?

YOU're the one that suggested checking medical records.

The whining little bitch claimed her father had no medical conditions. Are we supposed to take her word for it?

The dad was 65 years old. Shouldn't he take responsibility for the decisions HE made?
YOU're the one that suggested checking medical records.

The whining little bitch claimed her father had no medical conditions. Are we supposed to take her word for it?

The dad was 65 years old. Shouldn't he take responsibility for the decisions HE made?

Dr. Legion kept harping about how he doesn't believe her. So why doesn't he suggest checking the medical records to confirm it?
That's what the OP did. Trump was blamed because someone made a choice to do something.

No he suggested no such thing. She blamed Trump for downplaying the virus, resulting in her father believing him. Or so she claimed.
Dr. Legion kept harping about how he doesn't believe her. So why doesn't he suggest checking the medical records to confirm it?

Ask him. Since you're the one that suggested medical records were the only way, I asked you.

I don't believe her. That doesn't mean I claim to be a doctor. Expecting proof is unrelated to someone's profession.
No he suggested no such thing. She blamed Trump for downplaying the virus, resulting in her father believing him. Or so she claimed.

Her FATHER made the choice to do what he did. Why doesn't she blame him?

She claimed? Exactly. She hasn't proven a thing yet the OP automatically accepted what she said.
Dr. Legion kept harping about how he doesn't believe her. So why doesn't he suggest checking the medical records to confirm it?
Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence. She claim trusting Trump was her father's ONLY risk factor. The Fact that her father was 65 proves she was lying. 65 year old aand above is 16% of the population and 80% of the COVID deaths.
Her FATHER made the choice to do what he did. Why doesn't she blame him?

She claimed? Exactly. She hasn't proven a thing yet the OP automatically accepted what she said.

Ah I got your point. Yes it's true that he made the decision.

However, Trump is the leader of this country.
Hello Nordberg,

The fact is you should urge people to do the right thing. That is masks and distancing. Even if you doubt them, you should not urge others to not do them. You bear some responsibility if they get sick. You have nothing to gain by pontificating your disbelief of masks and distancing. The medical profession constantly tells us what to do How can anyone decide docs are wrong and they know better? Just shut up. It will not hurt you to follow the rules and it will hurt some who do not. Trump is showing what a super spreader looks like. Many are holding him responsible for their illnesses and their families.

All true. Problem is the cult rejects basic logic and facts. Being a Trump supporter is very much about emotion. Anything to oppose liberals. No facts required.

There is so much hatred there it is palpable.

Part of it is the Christian Right. That's a cult in the first place. Logic is pointless on the cult. They reject facts like the plague. And then along comes a deadly pandemic so they reject that too. Very foolish, but since it is all 100% emotional you can't talk to them. The Christian Right thinks if you are not part of THEM then you are Satan. Trying to argue fact with somebody who thinks you are Satan is utterly pointless.

Since the Christian Right was already a cult before Trump co-opted them, it was easy for him to tell them what they want to hear and gain their support, turn it into the Trump cult. That's one of the reasons Trump has Pence.

The Christian Right does not follow the Bible. They think they do, but really they are cherry-picking the things that support their movement, and rejecting the rest.

The Christian Right is a cult because their leaders are frauds. Mega-church leaders, TV evangelists, internet preachers, etc, live lives of luxury. They use religion as an easy-money scheme to get rich. They tell their followers to give for the Lord's work, but really the money is used for opulent lifestyles. It's sad people fall for this, but if they'll fall for the big church shtick it's not a big leap to get them in line for Trump.

That's why facts have nothing to do with it.

They are going on feelings.

Trying to point out the mistake of giving money to these frauds is like pointing out their follower's mistakes that they don't want to admit making. And, of course, they are told to think you are Satan for doing so.

That's why Trump needs no platform. His cult does not need facts.

It's emotional.

So sad this woman lost her dad to the cult.