Onward Christian soldiers

Did you take your vow of poverty like Mother Teresa, too? :palm:

Is an unborn child 'life"?

Christ in a jar of piss is art? Mapplethorpe's child porn is art?

Does 'nature' switch children's genders?

Do you live in blissful harmony with nature like the modern myth of native American culture?

she's so full of it her eyes are brown.

her first answer was "i believe in law and order".

she's a true statist zomibe who has abdicated personal thought to her overlords.
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In Judaism you ask forgiveness from the person you offended and make amends, no one else can forgive another's sins or die for another's sins

God cannot forgive offenses between people until the relevant people have forgiven each other.


only jesus can.

jesus is more powerful than god.
you realize you're talking to yourself, right?
You replied, Fredo. The smart people, which is almost everyone on JPP relative to you, understand the problem with your comment.

Do you use blood in your Satanic rituals? Your own? Something bought off the street? Stray animals?
You replied, Fredo. The smart people, which is almost everyone on JPP relative to you, understand the problem with your comment.

Do you use blood in your Satanic rituals? Your own? Something bought off the street? Stray animals?

there is no problem with my comment.

now simmer down and shut your idiot hole, failed spook.
there is no problem with my comment.

now simmer down and shut your idiot hole, failed spook.
A Satanist like you think so.

Why? I'm having too much fun standing up for Truth, Justice and the American Way against Satanists, Pedo Don cocksuckers and other evil people.
You just described most of my spiritual beliefs as well. Thanks.

I hope this doesn't mean that we have to start a church now. lol
We could get a tax deduction, organize a Zoom meeting where we sing nature songs and discuss these various topic. We become ministers, and there you have it. We need to come up with a cool name.
When I was about 8 I asked one of the pastors of my church about fossils and their ages. His answer was: "The Devil puts false evidence in the Earth for the unfaithful to find, it helps them explain away God and the Devil wins." (Almost word for word there).

It did not convince me.
Usually the pastors of those fundy churches are not educated, never graduated college, never went to any reputable seminary school, never learned any Greek, Hebrew, or Latin.

Joel Osteen and Jimmy Swaggart never graduated college and I doubt they even had a legitimate college or seminary level course in theology, ethics, biblical exegesis.

Catholic priests at least typically have to be college graduates and Bishops are generally expected to be PhDs, and be able to read the bible in it's original languages. I suspect even Anglican and High Lutheran ministers are expected to be college graduates and graduates of legitimate divinity schools.
which of my ideas is satanic?

promotion of the golden rule?

You got nothing.
Your hatred, lies and spreading of evil.

You talk the talk but never walk the walk, Fredo.

Disagreed, but I'm content to just have my say, let you have your say and let all JPP members decide for themselves who is the wannabe suicide bomber.
We could get a tax deduction, organize a Zoom meeting where we sing nature songs and discuss these various topic. We become ministers, and there you have it. We need to come up with a cool name.

I'm not good at names though. You go first!

I'm already ordained so that helps! Tax-free status, here we come! :rofl2:
Abortion after birth is a non sequitur. Sounds stupid enough to have been thought up by Tucker Carlson or some other idiot who sold their soul for mammon.

It's a lie spread by the forced-birther contingent. Our former congresscritter, Ann Wagner, even tried to get a bill passed forbidding the killing of infants post-birth. We already have such laws; this was just a sop to the evangelicals.
In Judaism you ask forgiveness from the person you offended and make amends, no one else can forgive another's sins or die for another's sins

God cannot forgive offenses between people until the relevant people have forgiven each other.

This is an eminently sensible, wise, and a much more positive way to address our flubs.
Your hatred, lies and spreading of evil.

You talk the talk but never walk the walk, Fredo.

Disagreed, but I'm content to just have my say, let you have your say and let all JPP members decide for themselves who is the wannabe suicide bomber.

what the nature of the evil i spread?

describe it.

I want to know myself better.
Temptresses, we seduce men to sin according to Abrahamic scriptures.

Men are pretty easily seduced, to be perfectly honest. A man's best defense against a seductress is to run. :thup:

It goes with the idea that the best way to avoid being tempted is to avoid temptation. Drunks shouldn't visit bars, people trying to quit smoking shouldn't hang around smokers and married men shouldn't hang out at sex parties.

James 1
13 When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone;
14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.

Usually the pastors of those fundy churches are not educated, never graduated college, never went to any reputable seminary school, never learned any Greek, Hebrew, or Latin.

Joel Osteen and Jimmy Swaggart never graduated college and I doubt they even had a legitimate college or seminary level course in theology, ethics, biblical exegesis.

Catholic priests at least typically have to be college graduates and Bishops are generally expected to be PhDs, and be able to read the bible in it's original languages. I suspect even Anglican and High Lutheran ministers are expected to be college graduates and graduates of legitimate divinity schools.

Lutheran pastors have to go to seminary just like Catholic priests do, at least in the Missouri Synod and the ELCA sects. I think the same is true of most mainstream Xtian sects.
It's a lie spread by the forced-birther contingent. Our former congresscritter, Ann Wagner, even tried to get a bill passed forbidding the killing of infants post-birth. We already have such laws; this was just a sop to the evangelicals.

IMO, the anti-abortionists are simply trying to trap women into motherhood. They seek to tie down their own women with children and they seek to trap minority women into subservient, poverty-stricken roles using children as the anchors.

If the anti-abortionists were truly seeking to preserve life, then they'd be supporting better prenatal care for women, better laws for supporting children's health along with mother's health, and they'd push for better laws and funding for public schools.

Instead, they scream about the unborn, don't give a shit about children much less the mothers and actively seek to defund public education through vouchers and dismantling the Department of Education...much less their demonization of teachers. Fuck them all. They are hypocrites, liars and only wear a mask of Christianity to hide their true purpose: to keep themselves on top and subjugate everyone else.