Onward Christian soldiers

Lutheran pastors have to go to seminary just like Catholic priests do, at least in the Missouri Synod and the ELCA sects. I think the same is true of most mainstream Xtian sects.

Not mine. :) My brother was an elder for his church, the same one in which I was raised. He is a business major.
Compassion and empathy for others. Reverence for life, nature and knowledge. The appreciation of the arts. The concept of being a very small part of something so grand it’s beyond my thinking, marveling at that thought. Great food, great relationships and love.

Recognizing the mystery of the infinite seems to me to be the foundation of a spiritual life.

I don't like labels or joining any teams, but I have invested time exploring world spiritual traditions and trying to take elements of each blended in a way to have it's own coherence. The process has really given me valuable ideas about right thought, right perspective, right action to aspire towards.
Lutheran pastors have to go to seminary just like Catholic priests do, at least in the Missouri Synod and the ELCA sects. I think the same is true of most mainstream Xtian sects.
makes sense

Outside of the MAGA fundy world, I think most believers want their ministers and bishops to be educated
IMO, the anti-abortionists are simply trying to trap women into motherhood. They seek to tie down their own women with children and they seek to trap minority women into subservient, poverty-stricken roles using children as the anchors.

If the anti-abortionists were truly seeking to preserve life, then they'd be supporting better prenatal care for women, better laws for supporting children's health along with mother's health, and they'd push for better laws and funding for public schools.

Instead, they scream about the unborn, don't give a shit about children much less the mothers and actively seek to defund public education through vouchers and dismantling the Department of Education...much less their demonization of teachers. Fuck them all. They are hypocrites, liars and only wear a mask of Christianity to hide their true purpose: to keep themselves on top and subjugate everyone else.

Yep. Getting rid of birth control is next on their agenda.

Mike Johnson, theocrat: the House speaker and a plot against America

Johnson was a senior lawyer for the extremist Alliance Defending Fund (later the Alliance Defending Freedom) from 2002 to 2010. This is the organization responsible for orchestrating the 303 Creative v Elenis legal arguments to obtain a ruling from the supreme court permitting a wedding website designer to refuse to do business with gay couples. It also played a significant role in annulling Roe v Wade.

The ADF has always been opposed to privacy rights, abortion and birth control. Now Roe is gone, the group is laying the groundwork to end protection for birth control.

Damo took exception with my use of the word "dangerous." THIS ^ ^ is dangerous.
Not mine. :) My brother was an elder for his church, the same one in which I was raised. He is a business major.

What flavor Xtianity was that? My dad was a Lutheran version of a deacon; he had a BS and masters in chemistry. But in that church, only the pastor led services and gave sermons. Not sure what the "deacon" guys did other than maybe teach Sunday school (which mom did) and take care of church business and maintenance.
I mean, we're not talking about a step back, like 50 years or something like that. It's more like going back to the middle ages.

TBH, I think it's a last gasp of the 1850s. The younger generation wants to go forward, not backward. That said, they need to get out and vote if they want to turn the tide.

Look at how many of them think their vote doesn't count in the link below. When elections are won or lost by less than 5%, then every vote does count.

December 15, 2020
Poll: Despite Record Turnout, 80 Million Americans Didn't Vote. Here's Why
Nonvoters' reasons for not voting include:

  • not being registered to vote (29%)
  • not being interested in politics (23%)
  • not liking the candidates (20%)
  • a feeling their vote wouldn't have made a difference (16%)
  • being undecided on whom to vote for (10%)

They are disengaged, disaffected and don't believe politics can make a difference in their lives. They are also more likely to be Latino, younger, make less money and have lower levels of education than voters.

Another reason why the Alt-Right 1) doesn't give a shit about younger Americans and 2) seek to defund public education.

FWIW, 16% of 80M is 12.8M eligible voters.
TBH, I think it's a last gasp of the 1850s. The younger generation wants to go forward, not backward. That said, they need to get out and vote if they want to turn the tide.

Look at how many of them think their vote doesn't count in the link below. When elections are won or lost by less than 5%, then every vote does count.

December 15, 2020
Poll: Despite Record Turnout, 80 Million Americans Didn't Vote. Here's Why
Nonvoters' reasons for not voting include:

  • not being registered to vote (29%)
  • not being interested in politics (23%)
  • not liking the candidates (20%)
  • a feeling their vote wouldn't have made a difference (16%)
  • being undecided on whom to vote for (10%)

They are disengaged, disaffected and don't believe politics can make a difference in their lives. They are also more likely to be Latino, younger, make less money and have lower levels of education than voters.

Another reason why the Alt-Right 1) doesn't give a shit about younger Americans and 2) seek to defund public education.

FWIW, 16% of 80M is 12.8M eligible voters.

you globalists are the ones who sold the future of young people to china.
Education gives more weight and authority to their leadership.

Unless you're a MAGAt, then it indicates you are a Lefty, globalist, soshulist academic.

It's why dictators order their troops into the universities to execute or incarcerate the academics. Notice how many MAGAts on JPP are anti-education.
What flavor Xtianity was that? My dad was a Lutheran version of a deacon; he had a BS and masters in chemistry. But in that church, only the pastor led services and gave sermons. Not sure what the "deacon" guys did other than maybe teach Sunday school (which mom did) and take care of church business and maintenance.

I don't know either. Not a church-goer except for weddings and funerals....usually the latter. LOL