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Go ask Mott the Cossack, Commissar Watermarkski, and Irthriuth their view on 'Immigration'. Decide for yourself.

I, as an American Patriot, one that can see the Future, am AGAINST any legal or illegal immigration to the United States of America. We have enough people, we don't need no more.
Go ask Mott the Cossack, Commissar Watermarkski, and Irthriuth their view on 'Immigration'. Decide for yourself.

I, as an American Patriot, one that can see the Future, am AGAINST any legal or illegal immigration to the United States of America. We have enough people, we don't need no more.

They should have said that in 1492
They should have said that in 1492

We don't have a Time Machine, so let's just stick with the 'Now'. I realize that you and these others are Socialists, so it won't surprise me what you answer is. Do you think we need MORE immigrants to this country? Especially Third World Basket-Weavers?
We don't have a Time Machine, so let's just stick with the 'Now'. I realize that you and these others are Socialists, so it won't surprise me what you answer is. Do you think we need MORE immigrants to this country? Especially Third World Basket-Weavers?

No,we don't need immigrants
Well, RB. We know Irthrium and his Communist friends want to destroy America by importing a zillion 3rd World basket weavers ... and we see all the sheeple here rush in and exclaim 'MeTo', 'MeTo'.
It's typical Stalinist tactics to lure the unwitting 'in', then feed them more 'Kool-Ade'.

Sure, Truth (where's my balls) Detector, Dark (I'm a Structural Engineer) Soul, and Big (small chihuahua) Dog are easily conned by these Redskiis, the usual rubes to these kind of Parlor tricks, but YOU ... I just thought YOU could see through this. (shaking head ... another good man goes down for the count) Sad.

the fuck are you talking about. i hate illegals
somehow i knew in the back of my mind my announcement thread with libreals whinning about my other thread would end up way longer. lol.
the fuck are you talking about. i hate illegals

You so easily forget ... I was there when you had your little secret meeting with Mott the Cossack and Commissar WaterMarx on 'Open Borders'.

I was just wondering what our true Patriots would think about this? Would our good Americans support MORE immigrants coming to this country of ours, or would they support 'America First'?

An Open Question to:

dark soul
darth omar
text drivers are killers
truth detector
somehow i knew in the back of my mind my announcement thread with libreals whinning about my other thread would end up way longer. lol.

Yes. I understand you will probably try and silence me with your Secret Police tactics from Stalin and send me to one of the Gulags. (Typical)
You so easily forget ... I was there when you had your little secret meeting with Mott the Cossack and Commissar WaterMarx on 'Open Borders'.

I was just wondering what our true Patriots would think about this? Would our good Americans support MORE immigrants coming to this country of ours, or would they support 'America First'?

An Open Question to:

dark soul
darth omar
text drivers are killers
truth detector

depends on the time period. There was a point in time where we had half a continent to fill and we killed off our population in a civil war. At that point sure bring em in no matter who. Now when we compete with the whole world in a race to the bottom? no.
Well ... That was surprising.

My view is that with Technology replacing Human Labor, we don't need no more basket-weavers.

Maybe some of these so-called 'Conservatives' here would like to weigh in on this?

are you sure your not on the same side me and grind are in?
depends on the time period. There was a point in time where we had half a continent to fill and we killed off our population in a civil war. At that point sure bring em in no matter who. Now when we compete with the whole world in a race to the bottom? no.

The 'time period' ... is NOW.

tsuke: "Now when we compete with the whole world in a race to the bottom? no."
Jack: Thank you. A fellow Patriot and a person looking out for America.

With Automation, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence accelerating to replace more Human Labor in the Future, NOW is the time to begin to tamp down population growth. The easiest way is to stop ALL immigration into the US.
are you sure your not on the same side me and grind are in?

This is a reply from grind to Mott the Cossack:

Grind: "I said 3rd world proles could come here if they dont take my money. you said that's what we already do. then one post later who couldn't help yourself but reveal you'll eventually want to give healthcare to 11 million illegals. you are like the camel poking his head into the tent."

So, tsuke. You all for admitting a zillion 'Basket-Weavers' from every shithole country around the world?
Well, RB. We know Irthrium and his Communist friends want to destroy America by importing a zillion 3rd World basket weavers ... and we see all the sheeple here rush in and exclaim 'MeTo', 'MeTo'.
It's typical Stalinist tactics to lure the unwitting 'in', then feed them more 'Kool-Ade'.

Sure, Truth (where's my balls) Detector, Dark (I'm a Structural Engineer) Soul, and Big (small chihuahua) Dog are easily conned by these Redskiis, the usual rubes to these kind of Parlor tricks, but YOU ... I just thought YOU could see through this. (shaking head ... another good man goes down for the count) Sad.

How on earth can you conclude I wish to overpopulate our country? How many times have I written about illegals coming here just to have a litter so those kids can become American citizens because they're born here? How many times have I written that the 14 Amendment has served it's purpose? Do you think I (and those you've mentioned above) agree with giving anyone a "free ride" to citizenship in this country?
Let me address a previous post of yours on technology decreasing the need for workers. I am a (now retired) machinist/tool & die maker. When I earned my technical degree, there were no CNC's in the shop. In fact, the only EDM used an oil filled tank and the electrodes were made by hand. Production parts were done on manual and turret lathes, milling done on knee mills and simple one operation production mills, grinding done on hand cranked or simple "back and forth" automatic table surface and form grinders. Lathe tools were made by hand, milling cutters sharpened by hand or on simple tool grinders. In other words I'm an "old school" machinist. Believe me, the machining industry has come a long way and almost all production work is done on CNC's. Tooling is rarely made by hand anymore. If I was to survive, much less advance in this occupation, I had to learn the computer programing "language" (G-code - and Mazak has it's own separate "language"). But, not all machining is done on CNC's. One off, repair and prototype parts are still made on manual machines and only the basics are taught in educational institutions anymore. Young people coming out of accredited schools today can program CNC's better and faster than I can, but they only want to push buttons and change inserts. They have no conceivable idea how to hand grind tooling or why different angles are used to address chip flow when grinding them (and that's not even the beginning!). Knowing both CNC and "old school" machining practices is why I worked my way up to the position I retired from (and I was well compensated).
Now, to my point (sorry for the above long rant). None of those "college educated" younger "machinists" had any interest in learning the "old school" methods (again, all they wanted to do was push buttons and change inserts), save one young Puerto Rican HS grad who showed a serious interest and would often ask me questions on how and why I did what I did when making one-off and prototype parts, and how to make and sharpen tooling. Long story short, I recommended him (over some of the "college grads" with more seniority) as my replacement, he now has a solid, well compensated position in the company. Not all immigrants are "dead weight" in this country, some have a desire for success and can be productive citizens.
This is a reply from grind to Mott the Cossack:

Grind: "I said 3rd world proles could come here if they dont take my money. you said that's what we already do. then one post later who couldn't help yourself but reveal you'll eventually want to give healthcare to 11 million illegals. you are like the camel poking his head into the tent."

So, tsuke. You all for admitting a zillion 'Basket-Weavers' from every shithole country around the world?

i think were on the same side but you sometimes the troll language grind and i use get misinterpreted.
You so easily forget ... I was there when you had your little secret meeting with Mott the Cossack and Commissar WaterMarx on 'Open Borders'.

I was just wondering what our true Patriots would think about this? Would our good Americans support MORE immigrants coming to this country of ours, or would they support 'America First'?

An Open Question to:

dark soul
darth omar
text drivers are killers
truth detector

A couple of things.

1) Grind always abides. When Damo finally relents and sells me this place. I will make Grind the Czar of JPP
2) You will have to back up your accusations
3) Grind and I don’t agree on every issue nor is it necessary. But, we agree on enough important ones
You so easily forget ... I was there when you had your little secret meeting with Mott the Cossack and Commissar WaterMarx on 'Open Borders'.

I was just wondering what our true Patriots would think about this? Would our good Americans support MORE immigrants coming to this country of ours, or would they support 'America First'?

An Open Question to:

dark soul
darth omar
text drivers are killers
truth detector

I have been consistent on this issue for decades. America benefits from well-regulated immigration. We have the freedom, culture, space, and resources that intelligent, motivated, and creative people crave. Think about it- If certain scientific geniuses had not emigrated from Germany to the US, and if Hitler had been smart enough not to be a Jew-killer, they would have developed the atomic bomb for Germany instead of the US.