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How on earth can you conclude I wish to overpopulate our country? How many times have I written about illegals coming here just to have a litter so those kids can become American citizens because they're born here? How many times have I written that the 14 Amendment has served it's purpose? Do you think I (and those you've mentioned above) agree with giving anyone a "free ride" to citizenship in this country?
Let me address a previous post of yours on technology decreasing the need for workers. I am a (now retired) machinist/tool & die maker. When I earned my technical degree, there were no CNC's in the shop. In fact, the only EDM used an oil filled tank and the electrodes were made by hand. Production parts were done on manual and turret lathes, milling done on knee mills and simple one operation production mills, grinding done on hand cranked or simple "back and forth" automatic table surface and form grinders. Lathe tools were made by hand, milling cutters sharpened by hand or on simple tool grinders. In other words I'm an "old school" machinist. Believe me, the machining industry has come a long way and almost all production work is done on CNC's. Tooling is rarely made by hand anymore. If I was to survive, much less advance in this occupation, I had to learn the computer programing "language" (G-code - and Mazak has it's own separate "language"). But, not all machining is done on CNC's. One off, repair and prototype parts are still made on manual machines and only the basics are taught in educational institutions anymore. Young people coming out of accredited schools today can program CNC's better and faster than I can, but they only want to push buttons and change inserts. They have no conceivable idea how to hand grind tooling or why different angles are used to address chip flow when grinding them (and that's not even the beginning!). Knowing both CNC and "old school" machining practices is why I worked my way up to the position I retired from (and I was well compensated).
Now, to my point (sorry for the above long rant). None of those "college educated" younger "machinists" had any interest in learning the "old school" methods (again, all they wanted to do was push buttons and change inserts), save one young Puerto Rican HS grad who showed a serious interest and would often ask me questions on how and why I did what I did when making one-off and prototype parts, and how to make and sharpen tooling. Long story short, I recommended him (over some of the "college grads" with more seniority) as my replacement, he now has a solid, well compensated position in the company. Not all immigrants are "dead weight" in this country, some have a desire for success and can be productive citizens.

I appreciate your story here, RB. One, we all are 'immigrants', so I'm NOT bashing the individual immigrant. Two, which I think is the important part, how many Machinists were there when you started ... and how many Machinists are there now that can crank out the SAME amount of Work? (My guess would be LESS people can do the SAME amount of Work with the use of Technology).

A good example would be Painters that used to paint cars in Detroit. They've all been replaced by robotic machines that can paint cars 24 hours a day, need no Lunch Break, never get sick, and don't ask for a raise. That's what's happening all around us but we may not notice it.

Because of 'Technology' ... we will need LESS people in the Future. Stopping legal and illegal immigration is the easiest way to lessen the Problem of 'Too many People for too few Jobs' that our children will face in 20 years. IMO.
I appreciate your story here, RB. One, we all are 'immigrants', so I'm NOT bashing the individual immigrant. Two, which I think is the important part, how many Machinists were there when you started ... and how many Machinists are there now that can crank out the SAME amount of Work? (My guess would be LESS people can do the SAME amount of Work with the use of Technology).

A good example would be Painters that used to paint cars in Detroit. They've all been replaced by robotic machines that can paint cars 24 hours a day, need no Lunch Break, never get sick, and don't ask for a raise. That's what's happening all around us but we may not notice it.

Because of 'Technology' ... we will need LESS people in the Future. Stopping legal and illegal immigration is the easiest way to lessen the Problem of 'Too many People for too few Jobs' that our children will face in 20 years. IMO.

Not to be nosy, but did you have a job when you were in high school? Middle school?
A couple of things.

1) Grind always abides. When Damo finally relents and sells me this place. I will make Grind the Czar of JPP
2) You will have to back up your accusations
3) Grind and I don’t agree on every issue nor is it necessary. But, we agree on enough important ones

Don: "2) You will have to back up your accusations"
Jack: I have provided a quote from Grind. It was a conversation he was having with Mott the Cossack (a well known Communist here on JPP) on a thread ('Open Borders') started by another Soviet sympathizer, WaterMarx.

Grind (post #28): "I said 3rd world proles could come here if they dont take my money. you said that's what we already do. then one post later who couldn't help yourself but reveal you'll eventually want to give healthcare to 11 million illegals. you are like the camel poking his head into the tent."

Don ... don't let your proclivity to suckle at the appendage of Grind muddle your thought process here.
I have been consistent on this issue for decades. America benefits from well-regulated immigration. We have the freedom, culture, space, and resources that intelligent, motivated, and creative people crave. Think about it- If certain scientific geniuses had not emigrated from Germany to the US, and if Hitler had been smart enough not to be a Jew-killer, they would have developed the atomic bomb for Germany instead of the US.

(shaking head) That's true. But not the point Jack is making.
Small temporary jobs that were insignificant.

Significance is not the point. I worked for a lawn care business 3 yrs. I was in HS, had a paper route the two prior years. Both you might say were insignificant.
The point is, you worked. Millennials don't want to do that today, they just think they are above "insignificant" jobs. They think they can start at the top.
There is a drive-in North of me that hires HS girls as waitresses, they're only open during off school hours spring, summer and fall. It is near a reputable college
town and is frequented by many professors, doctors, etc. Those waitresses make big bucks in tips. According to the owner, they had a difficult time getting waitresses this year, they
even resorted to advertising on the radio, when just one newspaper add was enough in years past. Kids today aren't learning a work ethic, simple as that.
Significance is not the point. I worked for a lawn care business 3 yrs. I was in HS, had a paper route the two prior years. Both you might say were insignificant.
The point is, you worked. Millennials don't want to do that today, they just think they are above "insignificant" jobs. They think they can start at the top.
There is a drive-in North of me that hires HS girls as waitresses, they're only open during off school hours spring, summer and fall. It is near a reputable college
town and is frequented by many professors, doctors, etc. Those waitresses make big bucks in tips. According to the owner, they had a difficult time getting waitresses this year, they
even resorted to advertising on the radio, when just one newspaper add was enough in years past. Kids today aren't learning a work ethic, simple as that.

I can't argue with that.
I can, I have millennial children and know their friends, I find his statement to be false.

Wait just a darned minute here!
I thought YOU were banned from this thread???

This thread is for 'likeminded Conservatives'! Not Commies like YOU, Mott the Cossack, and Commissar WaterMarx!
Wait just a darned minute here!
I thought YOU were banned from this thread???

This thread is for 'likeminded Conservatives'! Not Commies like YOU, Mott the Cossack, and Commissar WaterMarx!

he's got you there, Rana......'splain yourself.......
OK. So, ... all us Conservative minded people here, ... let's strategize.
1. Kavanaugh gave a really bad performance at the Job Interview, It was like he was auditioning for a Beer Commercial.
2. Lying. How many lies can you lie about before somebody makes an observation that you are LYING?
3. Exposing himself as a Partisan Hack. I mean, seriously, why couldn't he have at least pretended to be non-biased?

At this point, it's probably better if Kavanaugh just resigns from the nomination citing 'Family' or something. So, who is our next candidate? We really need to start all getting behind him and try to get this through the Senate before things get too dicey. This whole circus have given us all a real black eye in the mind of the Public,
We're in some pretty deep shit here. I wish Free911 was here to chime in, I bet he would know what to do.
We're in some pretty deep shit here. I wish Free911 was here to chime in, I bet he would know what to do.

There's no need; for two reasons:

1 - You're not a conservative


2 - When the investigation is finished, next week, the DNC, liberals, and probably you are just going to cry about it not being long enough and that just because the FBI didn't find anything to show him guilty, it also will mean that they didn't find anything to show him innocent.

