Palin book tour draws massive Michigan crowd

So 1500 people is rock star quality? Remind me again how many people showed up for Obama in Denver and other places, it was somewhere near 1500 right? Right?

How many people showed up everywhere he went before he was president to have his books signed? How many undisclosed contributions did the Obama machine have to go out ahead of wherever he'd be to cull the population when he was running???

To pretend Palin is not a person who can just draw large crowds without effort and which signifies her star power, is dumb.
How many people showed up everywhere he went before he was president to have his books signed? Well, how many books did he write BEFORE becoming a Presidential candidate? And what were the sales on his book being released AFTER he won? How many undisclosed contributions did the Obama machine have to go out ahead of wherever he'd be to cull the population when he was running??? You're not making sense....are you comparing stump speeches before or after the 2008 election? And why are you assuming that Obama had to grease palms to get an audience when you are NOT assuming the same for Palin?

To pretend Palin is not a person who can just draw large crowds without effort and which signifies her star power, is dumb.

That wasn't the assumption, the POINT was that the neocon PR machine is trying to pump life into Palin's deflating 15 minutes of fame and hyperboled a book signing in a marketedly conservative part of a State.
That wasn't the assumption, the POINT was that the neocon PR machine is trying to pump life into Palin's deflating 15 minutes of fame and hyperboled a book signing in a marketedly conservative part of a State.

In a country in which thousands flocked to see the bearded lady of Barnum and bailey's circus cum freak show, it is hardly surprising that their modern counterparts gather to see Palin. Though not a 'freak' in the true sense of the word, she is certainly an 'abnormal'. Totally devoid of talent, famous for nothing more than being lampooned and trying to present herself as what you call a 'haackee maam' she would be better respected round the world if she had three legs or, like bush, her head up her arse.
Very wierd.
In a country in which thousands flocked to see the bearded lady of Barnum and bailey's circus cum freak show, it is hardly surprising that their modern counterparts gather to see Palin. Though not a 'freak' in the true sense of the word, she is certainly an 'abnormal'. Totally devoid of talent, famous for nothing more than being lampooned and trying to present herself as what you call a 'haackee maam' she would be better respected round the world if she had three legs or, like bush, her head up her arse.
Very wierd.

Baseless elitism and unwarranted smears comprise 100% of your personality. You know nothing of valid arguments or accurate criticism.
Baseless elitism and unwarranted smears comprise 100% of your personality. You know nothing of valid arguments or accurate criticism.

Making scathing comments about Palin does not make one elitist. It makes one normal.
How the hell can anyone enter a sensible debate or level considered criticism at a woman whose only claim to fame is that she is a woman. There are literally millions of women who are better qualified than her. She is a joke that RW Americans have missed.
Making scathing comments about Palin does not make one elitist. It makes one normal.
How the hell can anyone enter a sensible debate or level considered criticism at a woman whose only claim to fame is that she is a woman. There are literally millions of women who are better qualified than her. She is a joke that RW Americans have missed.

Nope. When your criticism is just general adhominem based dismissals devoid of substance, then you're just an elitist.
Making scathing comments about Palin does not make one elitist. It makes one normal.
How the hell can anyone enter a sensible debate or level considered criticism at a woman whose only claim to fame is that she is a woman. There are literally millions of women who are better qualified than her. She is a joke that RW Americans have missed.

What percentage of American women put on their resume`: Governor of their state, Mayor of their city and State Oil Regulator?

Your lightweight and snotty dismissal of Palin is typical of a man whose days of getting a natural errection have long since have become nothing more than piss and vinegar :)
What Limbaugh and Hannity lies?
What Swiftboat Veteran lies?
What Birther lies?
What Muslim-Obama lies?

I'm not going to re-post and refute every one of the above lies rabid RWs have claimed over the years. Suffice it to say that if you can still put a question mark against each of the above, your brain has been rotted out beyond rehabilitation and nothing anyone posts will persuade you otherwise.

You think you've "called" someone on a lie because you claim it is a lie? You've certainly not proved any lies, and on most of these, you won't even acknowledge the facts when they are slapping you upside your silly head. You just keep mindlessly repeating that it's all a lie, and you've "called" us on that stuff!

Then what's the truth? Are you saying:

that Obama is a Kenyan-born Muslim?

that swiftboater Al French lied when he admitted he had no firsthand knowledge of what he had sworn to on his affidavit?

that all the Vietnamese lied when they disputed O'Neil's charge that there "was little or no fire" the day of the battle where Kerry was hurt?

etc., etc.

All I need for legitimate grounds to accuse, are the FACTS... The official government memo used by CBS news to smear the president and thwart his re-election, was a proven forgery, it could not have been composed on the equipment available at the time, it was indisputable that it was a forged document. This was the foundational support for the CBS report, which was exposed as a complete fraud and sham. Still, you mindlessly rant that I have been "called" on my lie, because you claim it is all a lie!

First of all, you are apparently trying to imply that I stood by CBS over the forgery. Idiotic. After the memo was proven to be false, I criticized CBS like the rest of you. "After" meant I waited for verification, something you're not familiar with in your haste to jump on the bandwagon of rumor and innuendo as long as it applies to liberals.

LMFAO... What a damn joke!

Yes, you are. And it would behoove you to insure the truth of your own so-called facts before you screech at anyone else for their comments.
I'm not going to re-post and refute every one of the above lies rabid RWs have claimed over the years. Suffice it to say that if you can still put a question mark against each of the above, your brain has been rotted out beyond rehabilitation and nothing anyone posts will persuade you otherwise.

Translation: I don't have any proof or evidence to support my charges, so I will attack Dixie as a partisan hack and be done with it.

Then what's the truth? Are you saying:

that Obama is a Kenyan-born Muslim?

that swiftboater Al French lied when he admitted he had no firsthand knowledge of what he had sworn to on his affidavit?

that all the Vietnamese lied when they disputed O'Neil's charge that there "was little or no fire" the day of the battle where Kerry was hurt?

etc., etc.

I suspect Obama was born in Kenya because his grandmother says she was there when it happened. We have yet to see an official record of the mans live birth in Hawaii. There is no "lie" there, those are the facts of the matter. The ones who continue to lie and obfuscate, are Obama people, who want to create divisive little pet names for people... birthers... teabaggers... etc. etc. etc.

The swiftboat vets were people who served with Kerry, and had a different opinion of him than the one he was trying to portray to the public in his campaign for president. Whether you like what they had to say or not, they did indeed have some influence on the public perception of Kerry's service record. You want to believe they just told a pack of lies on Kerry, because it is what you have to believe. Although, there is no justifiable reason why these men would all just lie about it. People can have different perceptions of the same event, and neither of them are lying. This IS possible, you know?

First of all, you are apparently trying to imply that I stood by CBS over the forgery. Idiotic. After the memo was proven to be false, I criticized CBS like the rest of you. "After" meant I waited for verification, something you're not familiar with in your haste to jump on the bandwagon of rumor and innuendo as long as it applies to liberals.

I'm not trying to imply a damn thing, I am saying outright, the LEFT insisted Dan Rather didn't do anything wrong, that his "report" was legitimate in spite of the forgery, and that the forgery wasn't ever conclusively proven to be a forgery... it went on and on for months! IF you weren't a part of it, you certainly found it in your heart to forgive those on your side who were!

You people really have a lot of nerve... Fox News mistakenly runs the wrong video clip with their Palin book story, and that is held up as a 'legitimate' example of bias... while Dan Rather is forging goddamn US Government documents as fast as Sandy Berger is shoving them in his pants, and... oh, that's okaaaaayyyyy.... Dan didn't know... ooops!

Pathetic SCUM! And YOU support them!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
The Palin book signing proof that a big shit attracts a LOT of flies!

Like Obama's campaign?

Not even close, you dummy. Obama was a successful senator, head of the Harvard Law review, can make a speech, handle an interview, and WON FAIRLY AND SQUARELY the Presidency.

Palin quit being governor of Alaska after 1 year, failed miserably on the national front as a VP candidate, makes a fool of herself on numerous live interviews, and was blamed by some GOP'ers as a major reason the McCain campaign failed.

Reality, once again, trumps a neocon parrots belief.
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Not even close, you dummy. Obama was a successful senator, head of the Harvard Law review, can make a speech, handle an interview, and WON FAIRLY AND SQUARELY the Presidency.

Palin quit being governor of Alaska after 1 year, failed miserably on the national front as a VP candidate, makes a fool of herself on numerous live interviews, and was blamed by some GOP'ers as a major reason the McCain campaign failed.

Reality, once again, trumps a neocon parrots belief.

Joe Biden thinks he's clean. Ya know, for one of those.... you know....
Not even close, you dummy. Obama was a successful senator, head of the Harvard Law review, can make a speech, handle an interview, and WON FAIRLY AND SQUARELY the Presidency.

Palin quit being governor of Alaska after 1 year, failed miserably on the national front as a VP candidate, makes a fool of herself on numerous live interviews, and was blamed by some GOP'ers as a major reason the McCain campaign failed.

Reality, once again, trumps a neocon parrots belief.

LOL Palin's book tour is extremely successful, and you call these crowds 'flies attracted by shit'. With that logic, every big crowd must be attracted by shit, and I used BHO as an example. Libby, this is no reason to get into another of your hissy fits.