Palin book tour draws massive Michigan crowd

Translation: I don't have any proof or evidence to support my charges, so I will attack Dixie as a partisan hack and be done with it.

But you are a partisan hack. When clear, factual evidence is presented to refute the rumors you still deny, deny, deny.

I suspect Obama was born in Kenya because his grandmother says she was there when it happened.

The grandmother story was debunked as soon as it happened. Here's an actual transcript of the conversation plus a link.

MCRAE: Could I ask her about his actual birthplace? I would like to see his birthplace when I come to Kenya in December. Was she present when he was born in Kenya?

OGOMBE: Yes. She says, yes, she was, she was present when Obama was born.

MCRAE: When I come in December. I would like to come by the place, the hospital, where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?

OGOMBE: No, Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America.

MCRAE: Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya.

OGOMBE: No, he was born in America, not in Mombasa.

MCRAE: Do you know where he was born? I thought he was born in Kenya. I was going to go by and see where he was born.

OGOMBE: Hawaii. Hawaii. Sir, she says he was born in Hawaii. In the state of Hawaii, where his father was also learning, there. The state of Hawaii.

We have yet to see an official record of the mans live birth in Hawaii.

You certainly did see the official record. You've just chosen to deny its legitimacy because it doesn't gibe with your CT that Obama is a foreigner.

There is no "lie" there, those are the facts of the matter. The ones who continue to lie and obfuscate, are Obama people, who want to create divisive little pet names for people... birthers... teabaggers... etc. etc. etc.

LOL. Let's not admit that the people who concoct CT's about Obama are divisive and brought the derision on themselves. Let's talk about all the crap re: "taking back our country", as if the country belongs to a small subset of Obama haters while the majority has no say.

The swiftboat vets were people who served with Kerry, and had a different opinion of him than the one he was trying to portray to the public in his campaign for president. Whether you like what they had to say or not, they did indeed have some influence on the public perception of Kerry's service record. You want to believe they just told a pack of lies on Kerry, because it is what you have to believe. Although, there is no justifiable reason why these men would all just lie about it. People can have different perceptions of the same event, and neither of them are lying. This IS possible, you know?

Fact: Of the 3,500 Swift boat sailors who served in Vietnam, the names of some 250 appeared on the group's statement against Kerry; most did not serve at the same time or in the same place as Kerry.

Fact: Several of those who joined SBVT during the 2004 campaign were officers who had previously praised Kerry's conduct during the Vietnam War. These included Division Commander Grant Hibbard, who wrote positive evaluations of Kerry, and Commander George Elliott, who submitted Kerry for a Silver Star.

Fact: Despite SBVT's statements that Kerry's "entire chain of command" belonged to the group,[13] Joseph Streuli, former commander of Coastal Division 13, Charles Horne, former commander of Coastal Squadron 1, and Art Price, former commander CTF 116 who is described in "Unfit for Command" as part of Kerry's chain of command, are not affiliated with the group.

Fact: Of those who served in Kerry's boat crew, only Stephen Gardner joined SBVT.[19] He was not present on any of the occasions when Kerry won his medals, including his Purple Hearts. Gardner appeared in two of the group's television advertisements.

Fact: No members of SBVT were aboard Kerry's boat during any of the incidents for which he was decorated.

Fact: Several members of Kerry's crew stated that O'Neill failed to interview them; some veterans who were interviewed asserted that their statements were edited to strip out material favorable to Kerry.[46] Neither O'Neill nor Corsi had any firsthand knowledge of Kerry's service. O'Neill served on the Swift boats after Kerry left Vietnam and Corsi never served in Vietnam.

Fact: The SBVT statements were accompanied by sworn affidavits, although one affiant, Al French, later admitted he had no firsthand knowledge of what he had sworn to.

Fact: "...although Kerry's accusers have succeeded in raising doubts about his war record, they have failed to come up with sufficient evidence to prove him a liar."

I'm not trying to imply a damn thing, I am saying outright, the LEFT insisted Dan Rather didn't do anything wrong, that his "report" was legitimate in spite of the forgery, and that the forgery wasn't ever conclusively proven to be a forgery... it went on and on for months! IF you weren't a part of it, you certainly found it in your heart to forgive those on your side who were!

I was on a different forum when the Rather thing broke and can say that the LEFT in its entirety did not insist he was right. Many did, before the proof came out, but I don't know any lefties who are still making that claim.

You people really have a lot of nerve... Fox News mistakenly runs the wrong video clip with their Palin book story, and that is held up as a 'legitimate' example of bias... while Dan Rather is forging goddamn US Government documents as fast as Sandy Berger is shoving them in his pants, and... oh, that's okaaaaayyyyy.... Dan didn't know... ooops!

The CBS business was over five years ago. Furthermore, Rather didn't forge the documents himself, he accepted them as true without fully investigating their provenance. Dan Rather stated: "We are told [the documents] were taken from Lieutenant Colonel Killian’s personal files"[10] and incorrectly asserted that "the material" had been authenticated by experts retained by CBS. Nobody I know is absolving CBS of their error although your RW blogs probably wouldn't admit that.

Pathetic SCUM! And YOU support them!

I support the facts. I suggest you do the same.
Joe Biden thinks he's clean. Ya know, for one of those.... you know....

Yeah, and that's been done....evidently to the satisfaction of Obama enough to make Biden his VP.

Put it this way, Biden's real and perceived public gaffs PALE in comparison to Palin's 15 minutes in the limelight. Palin was Alaska's she's the national Republican party's problem. If she's the BEST you endorse for the future of the neocon driven GOP, then you do indeed have your ass in your hat.
Originally Posted by Dixie
Translation: I don't have any proof or evidence to support my charges, so I will attack Dixie as a partisan hack and be done with it.

But you are a partisan hack. When clear, factual evidence is presented to refute the rumors you still deny, deny, deny.

I suspect Obama was born in Kenya because his grandmother says she was there when it happened.

The grandmother story was debunked as soon as it happened. Here's an actual transcript of the conversation plus a link.

MCRAE: Could I ask her about his actual birthplace? I would like to see his birthplace when I come to Kenya in December. Was she present when he was born in Kenya?

OGOMBE: Yes. She says, yes, she was, she was present when Obama was born.

MCRAE: When I come in December. I would like to come by the place, the hospital, where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?

OGOMBE: No, Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America.

MCRAE: Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya.

OGOMBE: No, he was born in America, not in Mombasa.

MCRAE: Do you know where he was born? I thought he was born in Kenya. I was going to go by and see where he was born.

OGOMBE: Hawaii. Hawaii. Sir, she says he was born in Hawaii. In the state of Hawaii, where his father was also learning, there. The state of Hawaii.

We have yet to see an official record of the mans live birth in Hawaii.

You certainly did see the official record. You've just chosen to deny its legitimacy because it doesn't gibe with your CT that Obama is a foreigner.

There is no "lie" there, those are the facts of the matter. The ones who continue to lie and obfuscate, are Obama people, who want to create divisive little pet names for people... birthers... teabaggers... etc. etc. etc.

LOL. Let's not admit that the people who concoct CT's about Obama are divisive and brought the derision on themselves. Let's talk about all the crap re: "taking back our country", as if the country belongs to a small subset of Obama haters while the majority has no say.

The swiftboat vets were people who served with Kerry, and had a different opinion of him than the one he was trying to portray to the public in his campaign for president. Whether you like what they had to say or not, they did indeed have some influence on the public perception of Kerry's service record. You want to believe they just told a pack of lies on Kerry, because it is what you have to believe. Although, there is no justifiable reason why these men would all just lie about it. People can have different perceptions of the same event, and neither of them are lying. This IS possible, you know?

Fact: Of the 3,500 Swift boat sailors who served in Vietnam, the names of some 250 appeared on the group's statement against Kerry; most did not serve at the same time or in the same place as Kerry.

Fact: Several of those who joined SBVT during the 2004 campaign were officers who had previously praised Kerry's conduct during the Vietnam War. These included Division Commander Grant Hibbard, who wrote positive evaluations of Kerry, and Commander George Elliott, who submitted Kerry for a Silver Star.

Fact: Despite SBVT's statements that Kerry's "entire chain of command" belonged to the group,[13] Joseph Streuli, former commander of Coastal Division 13, Charles Horne, former commander of Coastal Squadron 1, and Art Price, former commander CTF 116 who is described in "Unfit for Command" as part of Kerry's chain of command, are not affiliated with the group.

Fact: Of those who served in Kerry's boat crew, only Stephen Gardner joined SBVT.[19] He was not present on any of the occasions when Kerry won his medals, including his Purple Hearts. Gardner appeared in two of the group's television advertisements.

Fact: No members of SBVT were aboard Kerry's boat during any of the incidents for which he was decorated.

Fact: Several members of Kerry's crew stated that O'Neill failed to interview them; some veterans who were interviewed asserted that their statements were edited to strip out material favorable to Kerry.[46] Neither O'Neill nor Corsi had any firsthand knowledge of Kerry's service. O'Neill served on the Swift boats after Kerry left Vietnam and Corsi never served in Vietnam.

Fact: The SBVT statements were accompanied by sworn affidavits, although one affiant, Al French, later admitted he had no firsthand knowledge of what he had sworn to.

Fact: "...although Kerry's accusers have succeeded in raising doubts about his war record, they have failed to come up with sufficient evidence to prove him a liar."

I'm not trying to imply a damn thing, I am saying outright, the LEFT insisted Dan Rather didn't do anything wrong, that his "report" was legitimate in spite of the forgery, and that the forgery wasn't ever conclusively proven to be a forgery... it went on and on for months! IF you weren't a part of it, you certainly found it in your heart to forgive those on your side who were!

I was on a different forum when the Rather thing broke and can say that the LEFT in its entirety did not insist he was right. Many did, before the proof came out, but I don't know any lefties who are still making that claim.

You people really have a lot of nerve... Fox News mistakenly runs the wrong video clip with their Palin book story, and that is held up as a 'legitimate' example of bias... while Dan Rather is forging goddamn US Government documents as fast as Sandy Berger is shoving them in his pants, and... oh, that's okaaaaayyyyy.... Dan didn't know... ooops!

The CBS business was over five years ago. Furthermore, Rather didn't forge the documents himself, he accepted them as true without fully investigating their provenance. Dan Rather stated: "We are told [the documents] were taken from Lieutenant Colonel Killian’s personal files"[10] and incorrectly asserted that "the material" had been authenticated by experts retained by CBS. Nobody I know is absolving CBS of their error although your RW blogs probably wouldn't admit that.

Pathetic SCUM! And YOU support them!

I support the facts. I suggest you do the same.

I support the facts. I suggest you do the same.

Liberals concoct all kinds of lies, half-truths, misconceptions and myths, and claim they are facts. You do believe those, you refuse to look at anything else that might interfere with your political leanings.

Obama's grandmother did indeed claim he was born in Kenya, and later recanted. You posted where she recanted, not where she originally claimed he was born in Kenya. Like I said, you believe the "fact" the left wants you to believe, because that is what you have to believe to support your political views.

The SBV's all served in the Navy during the time Kerry served. All 250 of them were not actually on the boat with him during his "heroic" efforts, but they did indeed serve at the same time, and did indeed know about him.

The point about the CBS forged documents is relevant in light of leftist propaganda being currently peddled regarding Fox News bias journalism. No one on the left took Dan Rather to task, or his producer. She still works for CBS, didn't lose her job or anything... probably got a fucking raise! Dan was allowed to retire with full accolades and honors, and was completely forgiven for the whole incident by the left. In fact, to this day, I have lefties who still want to defend him, and claim his 'report' was legitimate in spite of the forged documents!
Liberals concoct all kinds of lies, half-truths, misconceptions and myths, and claim they are facts. You do believe those, you refuse to look at anything else that might interfere with your political leanings.

Obama's grandmother did indeed claim he was born in Kenya, and later recanted. You posted where she recanted, not where she originally claimed he was born in Kenya. Like I said, you believe the "fact" the left wants you to believe, because that is what you have to believe to support your political views.

The SBV's all served in the Navy during the time Kerry served. All 250 of them were not actually on the boat with him during his "heroic" efforts, but they did indeed serve at the same time, and did indeed know about him.

The point about the CBS forged documents is relevant in light of leftist propaganda being currently peddled regarding Fox News bias journalism. No one on the left took Dan Rather to task, or his producer. She still works for CBS, didn't lose her job or anything... probably got a fucking raise! Dan was allowed to retire with full accolades and honors, and was completely forgiven for the whole incident by the left. In fact, to this day, I have lefties who still want to defend him, and claim his 'report' was legitimate in spite of the forged documents!

If the man had been born on Mars he would be better than the last incumbent. Isnt it thanksgiving or something over there? Be thankful
oh yeah, we should be thankful for 10 to 12% unemployment, the highest dept imposed on us by ANY President ever.. nothing in the future to look forward to but more taxes for every Socialist program in the world this administration can come up with to try and force on us and less money in our pocket...yea lets celebrate...
oh yeah, we should be thankful for 10 to 12% unemployment, the highest dept imposed on us by ANY President ever.. nothing in the future to look forward to but more taxes for every Socialist program in the world this administration can come up with to try and force on us and less money in our pocket...yea lets celebrate...

Well at least give thanks, fer cryin' out loud!. It's not every day we get to know exactly how screwed we are.

Some nations have to wait centuries to find out!
Well at least give thanks, fer cryin' out loud!. It's not every day we get to know exactly how screwed we are.

Some nations have to wait centuries to find out!

I'll be giving thanks to the "Messiah" the "One" the savior of our United States that has restored our moral standing around the world and cry over the thought the world now LOVES Us.. while I'm at my job working to try and pay my bills..
now that I think about it I'm surprised the Messiah President didn't mandate we all have Thanksgiving off to give thanks to him...
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I'll be giving thanks to the "Messiah" the "One" the savior of our United States that has restored our moral standing around the world and cry over the thought the world now LOVES Us.. while I'm at my job working to try and pay my bills..
now that I think about it I'm surprised the Messiah President didn't mandate we all have Thanksgiving off to give thanks to him...

Well there's skads of people who won't even have pressed turkey tomorrow, but the Messiah's wife had her Naemm Khan designer ball gown at the first State dinner.

Palin- Schmalin.

Stinkin' hypocrites!
Well there's skads of people who won't even have pressed turkey tomorrow, but the Messiah's wife had her Naemm Khan designer ball gown at the first State dinner.

Palin- Schmalin.

Stinkin' hypocrites!

what the hell was up with it being held in a that's some low rent shit..but at least MaBell was looking all expensive so I guess that made up for it..
Liberals concoct all kinds of lies, half-truths, misconceptions and myths, and claim they are facts. You do believe those, you refuse to look at anything else that might interfere with your political leanings. Typical willfully ignorant neocon parrot opening barrage.....all squawk, no facts or content.

Obama's grandmother did indeed claim he was born in Kenya, and later recanted. No shit sherlock.....that's what Christie said and proved. You posted where she recanted, not where she originally claimed he was born in Kenya. Like I said, you believe the "fact" the left wants you to believe, because that is what you have to believe to support your political views. And please explain how providing a link to her previous statement somehow negates her recanting it later? Got news for you genius, in a court of law a recant of a statement can mean the difference between conviction and freedom. You recant a statement, and that is a key piece of evidence against someone, then that person is officially relieved of that accusation. You can stomp your widdle feet, cover your ears and repeat half the story until doomsday, but the recant is the final action that counts here. A matter of fact, a matter of history.

The SBV's all served in the Navy during the time Kerry served. Prove it. All 250 of them were not actually on the boat with him during his "heroic" efforts, but they did indeed serve at the same time, and did indeed know about him. So if I was in the same town as you and you committed some act, I could testify against you? That's what your "logic" dictates here, because by your own words, as long as a Swiftboater served in Nam at the same time Kerry did..then that automatically means that they had knowledge of him and could testify against him...EVEN THOUGH THEY DID NOT SERVE ON HIS BOAT OR WERE IN HIS AREA OF SERVICE. Jeezus, must be a reincarnated witness from the Inquisition...Torquemada would have loved you! :palm:

The point about the CBS forged documents is relevant in light of leftist propaganda being currently peddled regarding Fox News bias journalism. No one on the left took Dan Rather to task, or his producer. You're a liar....because in the first place YOU don't pay attention to ANY information from alternative news services nor do you accept anything from the 3 Networks unless it's in sync with the neocon GOP party line. So how would you know? She still works for CBS, didn't lose her job or anything... probably got a fucking raise! Dan was allowed to retire with full accolades and honors, and was completely forgiven for the whole incident by the left. In fact, to this day, I have lefties who still want to defend him, and claim his 'report' was legitimate in spite of the forged documents!
Oh God, he's ranting again....wipe the spittle from the screen, bunky. Pity you didn't get this worked up when the Shrub used YOUR tax dollars to pay off Wall St.'s golden parachutes (that makes you a either a hypocrit or a dumbass rube that got suckered).

Rather got suckered...period. He should've doubled checked the document. Thing is, NO ONE seems to remember that he had the ACTUAL secretary responsible for typing and filing that document on the air. She stated, that it was a good ALTERED copy...because it follows how she did the forms. She stated for the record that she did type such a document (proving that the Shrub ducked his duty). But by that time, Rather's goose was cooked.

But that is all for another time....I'm just pleased to know that folk like you will actually waste time and money on Palin. I just can't wait for when the neocon's split the GOP ticket in 2012. Carry on.
oh yeah, we should be thankful for 10 to 12% unemployment, the highest dept imposed on us by ANY President ever.. nothing in the future to look forward to but more taxes for every Socialist program in the world this administration can come up with to try and force on us and less money in our pocket...yea lets celebrate...

So you, the people of America, did not over extend your personal debt? You, the people of America, did not take out mortgages that you could not afford? You the people of America stood by and did NOTHING while bush lined his personal coffers and drove his stupid little golf cart and had to be told where 'abroad' was. And you the people of America were so affronted by the fact that a couple of brown people dared to crash planes into you holy of holies that you ran around wailing to the world who, whilst expressing their heartfelt sympathy at first grew tired of your self serving whining, and demanded that your government spend TRILLIONS of dollars on a war that you BELIEVED was connected.
Yes, lady. Be thankful. Be bloody thankful that some Americans had the good sense to send you and you chicken shit party to the trash can where it belongs.
Apart from that, as they say, Have a nahce day.
Well there's skads of people who won't even have pressed turkey tomorrow, but the Messiah's wife had her Naemm Khan designer ball gown at the first State dinner.

Palin- Schmalin.

Stinkin' hypocrites!

You are absolutely right. There are thousands of Americans who wont have turkey today. They are the Americans that bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al sent to their early deaths in Iraq. Thank bush.
So you, the people of America, did not over extend your personal debt? You, the people of America, did not take out mortgages that you could not afford? You the people of America stood by and did NOTHING while bush lined his personal coffers and drove his stupid little golf cart and had to be told where 'abroad' was. And you the people of America were so affronted by the fact that a couple of brown people dared to crash planes into you holy of holies that you ran around wailing to the world who, whilst expressing their heartfelt sympathy at first grew tired of your self serving whining, and demanded that your government spend TRILLIONS of dollars on a war that you BELIEVED was connected.
Yes, lady. Be thankful. Be bloody thankful that some Americans had the good sense to send you and you chicken shit party to the trash can where it belongs.
Apart from that, as they say, Have a nahce day. sound like a broken record, someone needs to kick the record player..
Liberals concoct all kinds of lies, half-truths, misconceptions and myths, and claim they are facts. You do believe those, you refuse to look at anything else that might interfere with your political leanings.

Obama's grandmother did indeed claim he was born in Kenya, and later recanted. You posted where she recanted, not where she originally claimed he was born in Kenya. Like I said, you believe the "fact" the left wants you to believe, because that is what you have to believe to support your political views.

I posted the exact transcript of the conversation. You're psychologically committed to your belief and the more evidence presented, the more you'll dig in your heels. This paragraph describe you perfectly: "When we are faced with information that contradicts beliefs we hold, we tend to reject the information or interpret it in a way that allows us to keep our beliefs: "in everyday thinking, the mind is very good at brushing aside information that a logician would regard as being of the utmost importance to correct thinking" (Campbell, 1989:238)."

The SBV's all served in the Navy during the time Kerry served. All 250 of them were not actually on the boat with him during his "heroic" efforts, but they did indeed serve at the same time, and did indeed know about him.

Then anybody who wasn't privy to the facts shouldn't have sworn affidavits that easily proved them to be liars.

The point about the CBS forged documents is relevant in light of leftist propaganda being currently peddled regarding Fox News bias journalism. No one on the left took Dan Rather to task, or his producer. She still works for CBS, didn't lose her job or anything... probably got a fucking raise! Dan was allowed to retire with full accolades and honors, and was completely forgiven for the whole incident by the left. In fact, to this day, I have lefties who still want to defend him, and claim his 'report' was legitimate in spite of the forged documents!

Wrong again. Producer Mary Mapes was fired. CBS demanded the resignations of Executive Producer Josh Howard and Howard's top deputy, Senior Broadcast Producer Mary Murphy, as well as Senior Vice President Betsy West, and those resignations were carried out. Dan Rather also resigned in 2005. None of the top people involved in that story are still employed there.
oh yeah, we should be thankful for 10 to 12% unemployment, the highest dept imposed on us by ANY President ever.. nothing in the future to look forward to but more taxes for every Socialist program in the world this administration can come up with to try and force on us and less money in our pocket...yea lets celebrate...

LOL, dream on, mimi. It was reagan, from October 1982 to March 1983.
what the hell was up with it being held in a that's some low rent shit..but at least MaBell was looking all expensive so I guess that made up for it..

Yeah, some "low-rent shit". My house should look this great for a party. :rolleyes:



Yeah, some "low-rent shit". My house should look this great for a party. :rolleyes:




10% unemployment and you lefties laugh in peoples faces and gloat about the Obamas throwing half million parties for the high and mighty...

boy did America get suckered..
10% unemployment and you lefties laugh in peoples faces and gloat about the Obamas throwing half million parties for the high and mighty...

boy did America get suckered..

Yeah, and you righties laughed and gloated over raygun's parties when the unemployment was almost 11%. Queen nancy hosted 56 parties over eight years so Obama looks like a piker in comparison.

Heal thyself.
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Yeah, and you righties laughed and gloated over raygun's parties when the unemployment was almost 11%.

Heal thyself.

do you ever live in the we're going back to the 80's to make excuses for these people...good are a certified Obamabot
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