Panama Canal To China? Wtf

No Affirmative action is to make up for the 3 centuries of fucking that white people gave to people of color. Then they just expected them to compete the day after the CRA was passed. Should it last forever? No. Has it had enough time to correct past wrongs, no. Just cause you and beefy feel like you have been screwed by AA doesn't make it so. It sounds more like the whinings of underachieving mediocre white guys. And No, I am not Jewish. Last name is Thompson. My first ancestor in this country was a stow away on a british horse ship.

I don't feel like I've been screwed by it. Its never affected me personally. But that doesn't mean I have to agree with it.

You're just reacting to the intense skewering you were issued earlier today.
Good Lord..........

asshat and angry girl got soco so flustered he posted his last name...he may be a attorney...but that was pretty dumb!

No Affirmative action is to make up for the 3 centuries of fucking that white people gave to people of color. Then they just expected them to compete the day after the CRA was passed. Should it last forever? No. Has it had enough time to correct past wrongs, no. Just cause you and beefy feel like you have been screwed by AA doesn't make it so. It sounds more like the whinings of underachieving mediocre white guys. And No, I am not Jewish. Last name is Thompson. My first ancestor in this country was a stow away on a british horse ship.

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Oh I bet it would. I'm 20. I'm a bit rebellious myself. Recently I've come to the realization that in order to secure an existence for our white children (as you so cleverly stated in another thread ;)) we are going to have to bring back plural marriage. My parent's aren't too happy at least I wouldn't be marrying a black guy!

I'll be your sugar daddy. We can raise some kids right, to fight, and reject white guilt.
No Affirmative action is to make up for the 3 centuries of fucking that white people gave to people of color. Then they just expected them to compete the day after the CRA was passed. Should it last forever? No. Has it had enough time to correct past wrongs, no. Just cause you and beefy feel like you have been screwed by AA doesn't make it so. It sounds more like the whinings of underachieving mediocre white guys. And No, I am not Jewish. Last name is Thompson. My first ancestor in this country was a stow away on a british horse ship.

Since when do we punish the children of criminals? Or punish people the same race as people who have done wrong? You don't end racial discrimination with racial discrimination. And revenge oriented policy is a poor way to formulate laws.

It's had enough time. It should be done away with asap. Sorry, I'm right, you're wrong, and full of hate, which you claim to be against.
I don't know what's scarier. Asshats paranoia or the fact that people actually believe this nonsense. I can assure you, that if anyone covertly runs the Panama Canal, it's the good ole US of A.
Your flat out wrong assumption that China is no threat and that those that enter in alliances with China aren't a threat. They are a clear and present threat to the fabric of our being. The fact that anything bought and sold in America has the label "Made in China" in it is a travesty. Fortunately there is one good soul on this board spreading the gospel about the slave labor currently being used in China. They are single handedly going to drive down the value of our output and make us on the same menial level of their backwoods country folks.

China is an ECONOMIC threat, not militaristic.

Those that do business with China are not a threat. I'll let you in on a little secret... the US does business with China too.

But please, go back to trolling.... you seem to at least be good at making Asshat believe there is someone as neurotic as he is out there.
China is an ECONOMIC threat, not militaristic.

Those that do business with China are not a threat. I'll let you in on a little secret... the US does business with China too.

But please, go back to trolling.... you seem to at least be good at making Asshat believe there is someone as neurotic as he is out there.

From a military viewpoint, if an entire nations supply lines are controlled by the enemy that's called being screwed.
From a military viewpoint, if an entire nations supply lines are controlled by the enemy that's called being screwed.

True. But our entire supply is not, nor will it be, controlled by China. China has ports in Panama.... so do we. They have two canals and are building a third.

Even if your warped sense of what is happening in Panama were to come to fruition, it would not grant China complete control of our supply lines. It would obviously make things more difficult, but we could adjust.
True. But our entire supply is not, nor will it be, controlled by China. China has ports in Panama.... so do we. They have two canals and are building a third.

Even if your warped sense of what is happening in Panama were to come to fruition, it would not grant China complete control of our supply lines. It would obviously make things more difficult, but we could adjust.

Im referring the trade dependancy in general, not just the canal. Being in charge of production is actually MORE CONTROL than controlling a supply line, it's controlling the ACTUAL PRODUCTION. An entire society dependant on another for all types of goods gives the producing society an undeniable power over the other.
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Im referring the trade dependancy in general, not just the canal. Being in charge of production is actually MORE CONTROL than controlling a supply line, it's control the ACTUAL PRODUCTION. An entire society dependant on another for all types of goods gives the producing society and undeniable power over the other.

How unrepublican of you !
Im referring the trade dependancy in general, not just the canal. Being in charge of production is actually MORE CONTROL than controlling a supply line, it's controlling the ACTUAL PRODUCTION. An entire society dependant on another for all types of goods gives the producing society an undeniable power over the other.

Yes, but they are also dependent on US companies to build out their infrastructure. It is why companies like CAT and MTW are doing so well overseas right now (mainly India and China)

the other factor that you should consider is that should China ever try to control the situation, we simply move production somewhere else. If in the highly unlikely situation that everyone trys to use our dependency on forgeign production against us, we are always capable of moving production back to the US.

That said, you are correct on the point that China is certainly increasing influence here. Much as the Japanese did during the late 70's and throughout the 80s. Look how that turned out for Japan.

Bottom line... can their power burn us in the end? Yes, if our inept politicians continue running up the nations debt every year, eventually the house of cards will fall in upon us. But we still have the power to make the change and we are not at the whim of the Chinese.
Yes, but they are also dependent on US companies to build out their infrastructure. It is why companies like CAT and MTW are doing so well overseas right now (mainly India and China)
But they could put building out the infrastructure on hold if they needed. OUr dependancy on everyday goods is more debilitating.
the other factor that you should consider is that should China ever try to control the situation, we simply move production somewhere else. If in the highly unlikely situation that everyone trys to use our dependency on forgeign production against us, we are always capable of moving production back to the US.
I think we should preemptively diversify our vendor nations.
That said, you are correct on the point that China is certainly increasing influence here. Much as the Japanese did during the late 70's and throughout the 80s. Look how that turned out for Japan.

Bottom line... can their power burn us in the end? Yes, if our inept politicians continue running up the nations debt every year, eventually the house of cards will fall in upon us. But we still have the power to make the change and we are not at the whim of the Chinese.

This is how they have planned us to be ruined. They will do exactly what you have described. It will fall in in a couple years, and our country will come under complete control of the "world government". We're watching them do it. And you admit it's a dangerous dynamic. So when do YOU say enough is enough?
But they could put building out the infrastructure on hold if they needed. OUr dependancy on everyday goods is more debilitating.

I think we should preemptively diversify our vendor nations.

This is how they have planned us to be ruined. They will do exactly what you have described. It will fall in in a couple years, and our country will come under complete control of the "world government". We're watching them do it. And you admit it's a dangerous dynamic. So when do YOU say enough is enough?

I disagree. Their need for infrastructure is vital to their continued growth. Add that to the fact that we can move production of the goods we need to India, Thailand, Mexico, Indonesia etc... and the end result is pretty much a wash.

We do have a lot of diversification of our products. However, it is a preference to use India and China as they account for about 35% of the worlds population. Hence it is in our long term interest to see their economies continue to develop. That said, I agree that we have to remain vigelent and nimble. To move production would hurt short term margins, but at this point it can still be done in a relatively short period of time.

When is enough enough? If it ever appears that we will lose control over CHOOSING where we have our goods produced.
I disagree. Their need for infrastructure is vital to their continued growth.
BUT in a time of conflict they can stop building out. Our dependance on them for everyday goods and food is more debilitating. GROWTH can be put on hold. EVERYDAY SURVIVAL is ongoing by definition of the words EVERDAY and SURVIVAL.
Add that to the fact that we can move production of the goods we need to India, Thailand, Mexico, Indonesia etc... and the end result is pretty much a wash.
So let's do it now, instead of putting all eggs in a basket. And those governments are NOT as bad as china.
We do have a lot of diversification of our products. However, it is a preference to use India and China as they account for about 35% of the worlds population. Hence it is in our long term interest to see their economies continue to develop.
But not at the expense of putting our citizens out of work, or becoming dependant on them.
That said, I agree that we have to remain vigelent and nimble. To move production would hurt short term margins, but at this point it can still be done in a relatively short period of time.

When is enough enough? If it ever appears that we will lose control over CHOOSING where we have our goods produced.

We're already told we have no choice, and that's by our own leaders.
Superfreak, I used to believe as you, but you gotta think about it. Americans have historically been too free for the tastes of the elitists who seek total power. They're fixing that now. They're providing a temporary bubble of material success to pull out best and brightest to their cause, but they will bust it soon.