Panama Canal To China? Wtf

Furthermore, the further devaluation of our nation to the point where it is along the lines of China, and most of South America and Mexico is no boogy man or ghost. Its an inevitable fact that is evidenced by hard core statistics and economic, social and political trends.
You've yet to refute anything put forth in this thread. All you have done is accuse me of being someone I'm not. It looks like you're the one that's getting destroyed freak

perhaps you should attempt to try READING the thread while at the same time comprehending what you are reading. Go back to page one where we were actually discussing China and the canal and what that would mean to US interests.

After you are done, then you may come back and spew forth more of your oh so intellectual banter.
Very true. In my opinion his belief system is that of a crackpot. Ghosts in the corner, boogey man gunna getcha, scared of shadows kind of crackpot. I do leave open the possibility that he isn't a crackpot, but it would be a shock to me to learn that were true.

It's called NOT being an internationalist fascist human hater. That hardly makes me a crackpot.
perhaps you should attempt to try READING the thread while at the same time comprehending what you are reading. Go back to page one where we were actually discussing China and the canal and what that would mean to US interests.

After you are done, then you may come back and spew forth more of your oh so intellectual banter.

Oh, I read the thread my friend. And what I found is a hopeless, hapless young man who represents the very core of what's wrong with this country and why we are headed in the direction that we are. You're part of the problem and you need to wake up from the comatose state you've been wandering around in.
Oh, I read the thread my friend. And what I found is a hopeless, hapless young man who represents the very core of what's wrong with this country and why we are headed in the direction that we are. You're part of the problem and you need to wake up from the comatose state you've been wandering around in.

Thanks babe. Couldn't have said it better myself.:clink:
Fascist human hater. Great description. Its exactly what they are. They hate freedom, they hate choices, they even hate their own race.

Yep. Nihilism. We've had great discussion on nihilism here. I literally drove people from the board who denied they were nihilists, but still saw no "innate value to human life". It's like, "get a dictionary, fuckface."
It's called NOT being an internationalist fascist human hater. That hardly makes me a crackpot.

It is fine that you are not an internationalist or a fascist. That is not what makes you a crackpot. What makes you a crackpot is the assertations that there is some global conspiracy out there designed to enslave us all.
Oh, I read the thread my friend. And what I found is a hopeless, hapless young man who represents the very core of what's wrong with this country and why we are headed in the direction that we are. You're part of the problem and you need to wake up from the comatose state you've been wandering around in.

Perhaps then you will enlighten me as to the points of disagreement you have with what I have written? Where have I gone wrong. Do try to be specific rather than simply spewing forth vague crap like you did above.
Ok finally caught up on the thread. First off AWC, good to have you on board, I never tire of listening to the rantings of the fighters of the great Racial Holy War. I imagine soon you will start signing off with RoHoWa. I want to know from you though, how exactly are THEY eliminating the white "race"? I was not forced to procreate with a brown person, though I chose to. Nor was my brother who also did. We are both horrible horrible race traitors. But no one is STOPPING the white people in this country from procreating. Upwardly mobile types of all colors are choosing to have less children. Have they all been brainwashed? Is it some subliminal on some channel that I don't watch cause I have 3 kids and my Girl Friend and I will probably have one more before I shut off the goo factory.

You and AHZ are hilarious. Poor old white fold that just can't git no break from the Gubmint. Next thing you know we're all gonna quit speakin' Amurican. Anyway, glad to see that the Apalachin country has entered the next century with the internet. Hell a few more modern appliances and you can probably jump right into the 21st century.

For the rest of you that are all for gun control, it is because there are LOTS of people like AWC and AHZ in this world that I STRIVE to keep my fire arms and long for some more.
Ok finally caught up on the thread. First off AWC, good to have you on board, I never tire of listening to the rantings of the fighters of the great Racial Holy War. I imagine soon you will start signing off with RoHoWa. I want to know from you though, how exactly are THEY eliminating the white "race"?
Workplace discrimination. without a job, you're not as attractive to the opposite sex. Affirmative action is racial discrimination against white people.
some of the trends hurt all americans not just whites, like sending work overseas.

Scholasically the white race is being held back by being shackled in the same classroom with people who are consistently many grades below them in performance.
I was not forced to procreate with a brown person, though I chose to. Nor was my brother who also did. We are both horrible horrible race traitors. But no one is STOPPING the white people in this country from procreating. Upwardly mobile types of all colors are choosing to have less children. Have they all been brainwashed?
Yes. And we will see the damage in a couple generations as mexicans and islamics outbreed us and use the polls to vote racist policy into place. Many whites are already accepting discrimination against themselves. Perhaps they don't see how this will effect their children, these upwardly mobile you speak of.
Is it some subliminal on some channel that I don't watch cause I have 3 kids and my Girl Friend and I will probably have one more before I shut off the goo factory.

You and AHZ are hilarious. Poor old white fold that just can't git no break from the Gubmint. Next thing you know we're all gonna quit speakin' Amurican. Anyway, glad to see that the Apalachin country has entered the next century with the internet. Hell a few more modern appliances and you can probably jump right into the 21st century.

For the rest of you that are all for gun control, it is because there are LOTS of people like AWC and AHZ in this world that I STRIVE to keep my fire arms and long for some more.

You know we're right. white individuals should have the same civil rights as everyone else, but we do not currently. see affirmative action. You're name calling is completely ineffective.
Scholasically the white race is being held back by being shackled in the same classroom with people who are consistently many grades below them in performance.


Now that seems rascist as heck to me, but then I am just the board idiot.
Scholasically the white race is being held back by being shackled in the same classroom with people who are consistently many grades below them in performance.


Now that seems rascist as heck to me, but then I am just the board idiot.

No. minorities vastly underperform whites by many grade levels. This is why they're always talking about the problems in the black community. it's not due to them being "inherently inferior", but regardless of the reasons, it's a disservice to the better students to hold back their progress because of the worse students.