Panama Canal To China? Wtf

Dealing with socrtease is like flicking a slug off a daisy.
Asshat I could have half my brain removed and then I wouild see the hidden hand in everything. You are a ZOG fighter, white supremacist, who is afraid of anything that is not run by whites or that allows minorities a place at the table. I GUARENTEE you have never lost a job to a non-white. YOu have lost jobs to a white person, you.
Asshat I could have half my brain removed and then I wouild see the hidden hand in everything. You are a ZOG fighter, white supremacist, who is afraid of anything that is not run by whites or that allows minorities a place at the table. I GUARENTEE you have never lost a job to a non-white. YOu have lost jobs to a white person, you.

I'm not a white supremacist. I think whites have the same civil rights as everyone else, unlike those imbibed in pc culture. You may be p-whipped, but has she made you hate your own race?

I have lost jobs to imported brown people simply because they will work for less, and corporations have destroyed our immigration laws so they can displace me.
I'm not a white supremacist. I think whites have the same civil rights as everyone else, unlike those imbibed in pc culture. You may be p-whipped, but has she made you hate your own race?

I have lost jobs to imported brown people simply because they will work for less, and corporations have destroyed our immigration laws so they can displace me.
Well here is an idea, if you have lost a job to imported brown people, you should go to a community college or something, get up off that HS education. Cause I have NEVER lost a job to an IMPORTED brown person and live 35 miles from the border of mexico. We have legal and illegal immigrant workers here and they have NEVER cost me a job. As for my race, classification of humans on a racial scale is something that bigots do. Science finds it very questionable to catagorize Homo sapiens sapiens based on racial characteristics.
Well here is an idea, if you have lost a job to imported brown people, you should go to a community college or something, get up off that HS education. Cause I have NEVER lost a job to an IMPORTED brown person and live 35 miles from the border of mexico. We have legal and illegal immigrant workers here and they have NEVER cost me a job. As for my race, classification of humans on a racial scale is something that bigots do. Science finds it very questionable to catagorize Homo sapiens sapiens based on racial characteristics.

Your profession is crucial to screwing the rest of us. They'll screw you last, get it?

And I went to the HARVARD of the south, and work in IT. They couldn't allow intelligent white people to have as much power as IT people have in corporations. They have to be smart and foreign, so they can hold the visa status over their heads. Plus, indians and chinese are from very hierarchical cultures and accepting of abuse. The problem with them though is they will not speak when companies are doing shit all wrong.
As for my race, classification of humans on a racial scale is something that bigots do.

So I guess that makes affirmative action an exercise not only in bigotry, but the implementation of policy based on bigotry.
perhaps you should attempt to try READING the thread while at the same time comprehending what you are reading. Go back to page one where we were actually discussing China and the canal and what that would mean to US interests.

After you are done, then you may come back and spew forth more of your oh so intellectual banter.

Your flat out wrong assumption that China is no threat and that those that enter in alliances with China aren't a threat. They are a clear and present threat to the fabric of our being. The fact that anything bought and sold in America has the label "Made in China" in it is a travesty. Fortunately there is one good soul on this board spreading the gospel about the slave labor currently being used in China. They are single handedly going to drive down the value of our output and make us on the same menial level of their backwoods country folks.
Ok finally caught up on the thread. First off AWC, good to have you on board, I never tire of listening to the rantings of the fighters of the great Racial Holy War. I imagine soon you will start signing off with RoHoWa. I want to know from you though, how exactly are THEY eliminating the white "race"? I was not forced to procreate with a brown person, though I chose to. Nor was my brother who also did. We are both horrible horrible race traitors. But no one is STOPPING the white people in this country from procreating. Upwardly mobile types of all colors are choosing to have less children. Have they all been brainwashed? Is it some subliminal on some channel that I don't watch cause I have 3 kids and my Girl Friend and I will probably have one more before I shut off the goo factory.

You and AHZ are hilarious. Poor old white fold that just can't git no break from the Gubmint. Next thing you know we're all gonna quit speakin' Amurican. Anyway, glad to see that the Apalachin country has entered the next century with the internet. Hell a few more modern appliances and you can probably jump right into the 21st century.

For the rest of you that are all for gun control, it is because there are LOTS of people like AWC and AHZ in this world that I STRIVE to keep my fire arms and long for some more.

No offense, but you sound awfully Jewish.
Well here is an idea, if you have lost a job to imported brown people, you should go to a community college or something, get up off that HS education. Cause I have NEVER lost a job to an IMPORTED brown person and live 35 miles from the border of mexico. We have legal and illegal immigrant workers here and they have NEVER cost me a job. As for my race, classification of humans on a racial scale is something that bigots do. Science finds it very questionable to catagorize Homo sapiens sapiens based on racial characteristics.

Its only a matter of time then. I hope you speak fluent Spanish.
No. minorities vastly underperform whites by many grade levels. This is why they're always talking about the problems in the black community. it's not due to them being "inherently inferior", but regardless of the reasons, it's a disservice to the better students to hold back their progress because of the worse students.

I have 2 words for you: Bell Curve. Read it, know it understand it, its the bible.
Hahahaha! Asshatzombie you sure do crack me up! How old are you? Do you have a picture posted here?

Im 36. Just rebellious. Most people my age are fully brainwashed into the system through the pressure to conform to all the lies. I speak the truth regardless of the consequences.

How old are you?

No pictures on here. It would drive all the ladies too crazy with lust.
Im 36. Just rebellious. Most people my age are fully brainwashed into the system through the pressure to conform to all the lies. I speak the truth regardless of the consequences.

How old are you?

No pictures on here. It would drive all the ladies too crazy with lust.

Oh I bet it would. I'm 20. I'm a bit rebellious myself. Recently I've come to the realization that in order to secure an existence for our white children (as you so cleverly stated in another thread ;)) we are going to have to bring back plural marriage. My parent's aren't too happy at least I wouldn't be marrying a black guy!
So I guess that makes affirmative action an exercise not only in bigotry, but the implementation of policy based on bigotry.
No Affirmative action is to make up for the 3 centuries of fucking that white people gave to people of color. Then they just expected them to compete the day after the CRA was passed. Should it last forever? No. Has it had enough time to correct past wrongs, no. Just cause you and beefy feel like you have been screwed by AA doesn't make it so. It sounds more like the whinings of underachieving mediocre white guys. And No, I am not Jewish. Last name is Thompson. My first ancestor in this country was a stow away on a british horse ship.