PANIC!!! You Have An Idiot For President.

You think that because you are a dumbass who is confused and who is under the strange misconception that everyone else is equally confused. Go ahead and ask your STUPID question.

Hey moron, so the US can salvage credibility from the illegal actions of a corrupt previous administration. The US wants Ukraine to be a willing, supportive ally as opposed to a resentful enemy. I shouldn't have to teach you this but nothing surprises me anymore about how much schooling you missed as you napped in the back row.

Really? You don't know that Ukraine is a sovereign nation? You think Trump can execute a warrant to have Zalenskyy turn over documents? You're a moron.

Really? You don't understand that Ukraine might have a valid grievance at having been illegally strongarmed by Biden in the manner about which he bragged? Zelenskyy is going to hold his investigation and he requested information from Trump, and Trump asked Zelenskyy to work with the Attorney General, so it looks like a mutual "team effort" that will be underway and we can expect Ukraine to eventually submit an official protest that will need to be addressed. Imagine the international conflict of interest if Biden were President when that were to happen. But you hate the United States and actively WANT its credibility shot so I understand where you're going with this.

You are certainly confused, and you clearly hate America. Both are necessary prerequisites for your unquestioning support of Trump.

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right. atheists are definitely tools of evil. whereas agnostics are just young or compulsive fence sitters because they think that indicates intelligence.
More paranoia. Religion is a tool of evil. Atheists simply lack a religion. There is zero evidence for the existence of any gods. If there were such things, they or He would certainly be able to prove that they exist. Ergo, either there's no such thing or they don't care if we believe in them.

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It depends. Biden is an excellent example of a "Yes" answer.

Nope. Zalenskyy cleared that up in a jiffy.

Your usual denial.

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More paranoia. Religion is a tool of evil. Atheists simply lack a religion. There is zero evidence for the existence of any gods. If there were such things, they or He would certainly be able to prove that they exist. Ergo, either there's no such thing or they don't care if we believe in them.

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organized religion can be evil, but that's true of large secular organizations as well, such as government. do you think governments can be evil?
Yes they do. Since you supporting impeaching on hate alone, that's your problem, not mine or Trump's.

No, stupid whore, they don't have to be. Abuse of the office.
Denial of history.

Thanks for admitting you lied and that I'm right, stupid whore.
There was no murder of 200,000 Americans. Argument from randU fallacy. Contextomy fallacy.

No argument presented. Denial of history. Insults. Redefinitions. Hate. TDS.
We're done here.

Nice owning you. I accept your surrender.
Can't really have a trial if the charges aren't supported. Someone's saying that someone told them that someone else interpreted Trump's tone a certain way we can't charge someone with anything if that's your evidence. It isn't evidence, it isn't even hearsay.

Are you telling me a silly girl to put me downas though I should be ashamed if I was a female? Isn't misgendering someone considered violence?

The charges were supported by witness testimony and documentary evidence. You, being constantly high on meth, wouldn't ever understand that.

Please be less stupid.
There was no trial.
This is what happens when you let someone else do your thinking for you. Yes, there was a Senate trial and Trump was totally exonerated of all charges. Chief Justice Roberts presided and read the verdict.

Despite the Senate taking all action required under the Constitution, moron snowflakes like yourself nonetheless retreat to the delusional fanaties of your personal safe spaces, and then you all wonder why no one except for other snowflakes ever takes you seriously.

Too funny.
It's the GOP that needs purification. All of the conservative icons of the past are spinning in their graves because of how far off course the GOP has drifted. You are a psychopath. As are all Trump supporters.

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Trump supporters are psychopathic??? Who is rioting in the streets, dumbass??? Who is committing arson, vandalism, assaults, and even murder, dumbass?? Antifa and BLM...funded and supported by Democrats, who also created the KKK.
Both you and Truth Deflector are psychopathic Trump worshipers. You have abandoned even the pretense of being loyal Americans. You aren't even Republicans anymore. Trump is your God.

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Trump is no God.

I support the republic, just as Trump does. I uphold the Constitution of the United States, just as Trump does.