PANIC!!! You Have An Idiot For President.

A. Impeachable offenses don't have to be actual statutory crimes, stupid whore.
Yes they do. Since you supporting impeaching on hate alone, that's your problem, not mine or Trump's.
B. Infected Americans could and did return, stupid whore. There was no ban.
Denial of history.
C. Why do you support the murder of 200,000 Americans, stupid whore?
There was no murder of 200,000 Americans. Argument from randU fallacy. Contextomy fallacy.
A. Impeachable offenses don't have to be actual statutory crimes, stupid whore.
Yes they do. Since you supporting impeaching on hate alone, that's your problem, not mine or Trump's.
B. Infected Americans could and did return, stupid whore. There was no ban.
Denial of history.
C. Why do you support the murder of 200,000 Americans, stupid whore?
There was no murder of 200,000 Americans. Argument from randU fallacy. Contextomy fallacy.

No argument presented. Denial of history. Insults. Redefinitions. Hate. TDS.
We're done here.
Can't really have a trial if the charges aren't supported.
Actually, there WAS a trial. The Senate determined there were no charges specified with any evidence and summarily threw it out.
Someone's saying that someone told them that someone else interpreted Trump's tone a certain way we can't charge someone with anything if that's your evidence. It isn't evidence, it isn't even hearsay.
Which is why the Senate threw it out. That's a trial. Senate trials of impeachments do not look like a court trial.
Actually, there WAS a trial. The Senate determined there were no charges specified with any evidence and summarily threw it out.

Which is why the Senate threw it out. That's a trial. Senate trials of impeachments do not look like a court trial.

Fair enough it's a trial to review and decide to move ahead with the proceeding or not.
LOL! The President was totally exhonerated in short order and none of your tears will change that fact.

Why do you support a hoax?
Sorry dumbass, but the partisan Senate's refusal to do their Constitutional duty and give the impeachment an actual trial was not an exoneration. It was the usual denial that's all Trump and the GOP have in response to his crimes.
It's your 'President' who is the actual hoax.

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the House impreachment was more of a freak show.

The Senate trial at least was orderly and rational. Trump's total exoneration was well anticipated since Trump had done nothing wrong. The Articles of Impeachment effectively presumed that the Executive Branch was illegal and therefore claimed that the execution of the duties of the Presidency were "illegal abuses of power."

You are, as always, totally divorced from reality. There was no trial. The Senate, as expected, simply refused to take the action that the Constitution required. Not surprising that the GOP ignored the Constitution.

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Criticizing Democrats rightly or wrongly isn't answer to Trumps malfeasance. It's not the beginning of an answer. But it's all there is unless you address the question seriously..
All Grokkie has got is his usual paranoia and propaganda. He can't back any of it up. He can't even spell.

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You are, as always, totally divorced from reality. There was no trial. The Senate, as expected, simply refused to take the action that the Constitution required. Not surprising that the GOP ignored the Constitution.

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You think the Senate had an obligation to remove the President from office? Get off the Internet, you're too dumb to be here.
LOL! The President was totally exhonerated in a legal and fair trial by the Senate per the Constitution and none of your tears will change that fact.

The coronahype, the coronaflu death-reporting scam and the maskhole dogma are just the three most recent, but the hoax impeachment preceded those, as did the Russian coluuuuuuuusion before that ... just to name a few.

Russian collusion has been documented. There was no trial. The coronavirus 'hoax' is well on its way to killing 200,000 Americans. What little brain you've got is completely taken over by your TDS.

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Bogus charges led to lack of conviction.

The transcript prisons no such thing it wasn't the transcript that they were going by it was something someone heard from someone else who heard it and the sources anonymous so therefore fake.

48 senators are not enough.
That's because the rest were GOP traitors and put party ahead of country.

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That's the thing I don't get about them they know it's a joke they know that we know that they know it's a joke.

They're just insisting on it out of stubbornness
We know that Trump is a joke. And you must know that he is a joke, but you keep denying it.

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So it concluded correctly and he wasn't found guilty by the Senate I'm glad you agree with the Senate majority that's very mature of you.
The Senate wasn't going to convict no matter what evidence was presented. They were in Trump's hip pocket. Totally corrupt.

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The charges put forth by the house. yes I read the transcript because I'm not consumed with the loss of 2016 and irrational hatred for Donald Trump I don't magically see wrongdoing everything he says like you people do.

I'm going with the facts not the caterwauling and emotion.

No, you're going with what you wish were the facts. You are totally consumed by your TDS.

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... and because he was the first President in US history to have won reelection by winning his first election. Trump will win with more than 300 electoral votes ... unless the DNC is able to successfully pull off its massive voter fraud scheme.
Your usual paranoia and delusions. Not even making any sense.

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