PANIC!!! You Have An Idiot For President.

No it's just fit throwing because the Democrats are ran an incompetent twat. And guess what in 2020 they're running an incompetent twat. In 2008 they ran an incompetent twat.

It's like a pattern.

This is an effort to subvert democracy because the Democrats are flunkies.

Boy, they really picked an amazingly incompetent twat this time though. I've never seen anyone run a Presidential campaign from their basement before! :D
It's not corruption, its called checks and balances but I don't blame you for not knowing that because you have demonstrated that you don't know shit about how the government here works.
It's got nothing to do with checks and balances. It's putting party ahead of country. IOW, corruption.

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Now I see. The difference between no trial having occurred and a trial having occurred is that you didn't get the verdict that you wanted ... but you can't say that because then you would be asked how a verdict could be reached if there was no trial.

Obviously, Chief Justice John Roberts read the verdict so there was a full trial. You just can't be honest enough to use the correct wording to reflect that you are merely pouting over not getting the verdict you so desperately wanted.

It was the baseless impeachment by House Democrats that was the sham of total corruption, but now we have a fully exonerated President and a fully exposed corrupt Democrat Party that cannot be trusted in any sort of leadership position.
So where was there any evidence presented or anything except "we're not going to do anything about it"? There was a charge of "high crimes and misdemeanors", but the Senate refused to even look at it because it was Trump. Denial is how the right treats all of Trump's transgressions.

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you're a delusional moron.

it's dems who hate the bill of rights. you prefer the technocratic utilitarianism of your chinese overlords.
Trump hates the 1st Amendment because it allows him to be criticized. The right hates it because they want religion to control the government.
I think Biden's stance on gun control is stupid, but it's up to the courts to stop him. Trump is busy subverting the government by filling the government and the courts with his sycophants.

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Correct. The Senate isn't even required to receive the Articles of Impeachment. The Constitution specifies that nobody but the Senate can try an impeachment, but they are clearly not obligated.

The Senate can tell the House "Talk to the hand!"

I confess, I laugh too.
You have just made the Constitution meaningless.

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You are officially on record as asserting that I have TDS ... because you believe it means Trump's Diehard Support?
No, fool, it means Trump Derangement Syndrome. You are totally deranged in your support of Trump. Totally unable to see any of the reality about him.

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Only people with below some standard education think that proper spelling is a mark of intelligence.

I have 14 notifications in my inbox because your complaining about my language don't read my posts if it bothers you.
Proper spelling is a mark of education, not intelligence. It's the content of your posts that indicates lower intelligence.

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No it's just fit throwing because the Democrats are ran an incompetent twat. And guess what in 2020 they're running an incompetent twat. In 2008 they ran an incompetent twat.

It's like a pattern.

This is an effort to subvert democracy because the Democrats are flunkies.
Funny, the GOP ran an incompetent twat in 2016, and they're running the same incompetent twat this year. At least Obama was competent enough to lead us out of the recession he was handed. He gave Trump a growing economy and Trump screwed everything up.
The GOP is just Trump's flunkies.

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If you was on trial it's just the complaint was stupid. Maybe if they had something that would have gone somewhere.
Total incomprehensible nonsense. Even worse than your usual. I have to ask again if English is your native language? Or if you actually finished elementary school?

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No, I'm not obsessed with you, but your consistent stupidity.

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I'm the passed two days you made 25 responses to me you're obsessed.

Boldned text is exactly what an obsessed person would say.

It's creepy get a life of your own.
I'm the passed two days you made 25 responses to me you're obsessed.

Boldned text is exactly what an obsessed person would say.

It's creepy get a life of your own.

Go back to 3rd grade. Every post you make embarrasses the U.S. education system. How many responses have you made to me?

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