PANIC!!! You Have An Idiot For President.

Recently on the news the president has been trying to do damage control on his admission that he knew the coronavirus was bad right from the start. He has been saying that he just didn't want to cause a panic. Really?!!!! Oh, it's ok if they die. Just so long as they don't panic. What a joke. I also saw on the news last night that in one state there were 44% of those asked who supported the president. How can anybody be that stupid. After basically murdering over 193,000 people, I would have been surprised that 4% of people supported him.

Also, what was this "panic" supposed to cause. People out in the streets raping and pillaging? Not very likely. But I can tell you what this "panic" would be more likely to cause. People demanding that scum bucket actually do something. And maybe that lying piece of shit actually believes in human caused global warming. But says it isn't real to keep people from "panicking."
Sorry, I want a real President, not Bozo the Clown President. Cadet Bone Spurs is about as far as you can get from presidential material. The rest of the world is totally disgusted.

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Want in 1 hand, and poo in the other, then see what fills up 1st, jerbroni.
Your president has done some very good things since being elected.
More things better for America than any other president in your lifetime.
Do you disagree?
My 80+ year old uncle says he's the best president in his lifetime, and he had Truman, k?
I think you need to start being a real American and not a commie turd, that's what I think.
Want in 1 hand, and poo in the other, then see what fills up 1st, jerbroni.
Your president has done some very good things since being elected.
More things better for America than any other president in your lifetime.
Do you disagree?
My 80+ year old uncle says he's the best president in his lifetime, and he had Truman, k?
I think you need to start being a real American and not a commie turd, that's what I think.

Yeah, Trump fooled old people too. Geezers are a huge part of his peeps and he is taking away their Medicare and allowed many to get sick and die.
Yeah, Trump fooled old people too. Geezers are a huge part of his peeps and he is taking away their Medicare and allowed many to get sick and die.
Like a dumbass of your ilk is worth a fuck?
I bet you can't cook or feed yourself. Idiot.
Want in 1 hand, and poo in the other, then see what fills up 1st, jerbroni.
Your president has done some very good things since being elected.
More things better for America than any other president in your lifetime.
Do you disagree?
My 80+ year old uncle says he's the best president in his lifetime, and he had Truman, k?
I think you need to start being a real American and not a commie turd, that's what I think.
You obviously don't think. Trump has been a disaster. He's lied constantly, and you suckers believe every word. He hasn't been able to come near the 5% GDP growth he promised. In fact, he's delivered a 30% drop in GDP, as well as the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression. He took a healthy growing economy and turned it into crap, just like he did with most of his businesses. But you patsies keep cheering him on as he makes things worse and worse. Even though he promised to release his tax returns on multiple occasions, he still hasn't. What is he hiding? He's a reality TV star and a conman, not a president.

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You obviously don't think. Trump has been a disaster. He's lied constantly, and you suckers believe every word. He hasn't been able to come near the 5% GDP growth he promised. In fact, he's delivered a 30% drop in GDP, as well as the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression. He took a healthy growing economy and turned it into crap, just like he did with most of his businesses. But you patsies keep cheering him on as he makes things worse and worse. Even though he promised to release his tax returns on multiple occasions, he still hasn't. What is he hiding? He's a reality TV star and a conman, not a president.

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Are you fucking retarded? I hate to keep asking you this but you keep giving me reasons to.
Ok...let's revisit. Is the Senate Constitutionally obligated to remove the President from office if the President is impeached by the House?
No, as I said multiple times, they were obligated to conduct an actual trial, instead of just ignoring the whole thing. I bet that you can't understand that either.

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No, as I said multiple times, they were obligated to conduct an actual trial, instead of just ignoring the whole thing. I bet that you can't understand that either.

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You're still wrong, they're not obligated to conduct a trial yet the they did for Trump anyway so you're still fucking wrong.
Are you fucking retarded? I hate to keep asking you this but you keep giving me reasons to.
You apparently can't deal with reality. All you have, like all Trump cultists, is denial. You keep giving me reason to ask you about your drug use.

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You apparently can't deal with reality. All you have, like all Trump cultists, is denial. You keep giving me reason to ask you about your drug use.

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Hey dumbfuck, what part of "the Senate held a trial" do you not fucking understand?