PANIC!!! You Have An Idiot For President.

You're still wrong, they're not obligated to conduct a trial yet the they did for Trump anyway so you're still fucking wrong.
No, they just decided to drop the whole thing. That was pretty obviously the expected GOP response to impeachment. Totally corrupt.

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No, they just decided to drop the whole thing. That was pretty obviously the expected GOP response to impeachment. Totally corrupt.

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They held a trial dummy. Blankets and cocoa coming your way you worthless marxist fuckstick.
Hey dumbfuck, what part of "the Senate held a trial" do you not fucking understand?
They didn't hold a trial. They just voted to ignore the whole thing. You appear to have, like Trump and the vast majority of his cultists, a double digit IQ, and not a very high one.

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They didn't hold a trial. They just voted to ignore the whole thing. You appear to have, like Trump and the vast majority of his cultists, a double digit IQ, and not a very high one.

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They held a trial dipstick, you just don't like the outcome.
Is everyone that disagrees with you suffering from some sort of syndrome?
No, just Trump cultists. And Trumpism is a cult. His cultists have abandoned thought and just follow blindly. There are some who suffered from ODS before their TDS. The one seems to have made them more vulnerable to the other.

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Oh my fucking God, why haven't you killed yourself yet? Why do you hate your country?
Why do YOU hate your country, if you're even an American and not a Russian bot? Trump has been a disaster and you can't even begin to refute that. If anything good has happened during his reign of error, it's either been by accident or something someone else has done that he's taken credit for. That's been another constant in his life. Taking credit and denying responsibility.

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Why do YOU hate your country, if you're even an American and not a Russian bot? Trump has been a disaster and you can't even begin to refute that. If anything good has happened during his reign of error, it's either been by accident or something someone else has done that he's taken credit for. That's been another constant in his life. Taking credit and denying responsibility.

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Oh? So we aren't oil independent now? Trump fixed Carter's total fuck up with oil and gas. All those presidents between Carter and Trump didn't.
A lot of border wall has been built as well.
By the way, where's ISIS now? What's that? Ground into dust, you say?
Your TDS impedes rational thinking for you.
Blather some bullshit one more time and I'm gonna quote this OP from a guy and let's see you refute any of his claims. (I know you can't)
Oh? So we aren't oil independent now? Trump fixed Carter's total fuck up with oil and gas. All those presidents between Carter and Trump didn't.
A lot of border wall has been built as well.
By the way, where's ISIS now? What's that? Ground into dust, you say?
Your TDS impedes rational thinking for you.
Blather some bullshit one more time and I'm gonna quote this OP from a guy and let's see you refute any of his claims. (I know you can't)

He's destroying the oil industry, along with the rest of the economy. ISIS' defeat was mostly due to the Kurds, who he abandoned to the tender mercies of the Turks. A demonstration of what an alliance with Trump is worth.

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And the right can no longer deal with reality. TDS has ruined conservativism and the GOP.

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Spitting vitriol is a poor use of your time especially at a person like me I welcome it if it's pissing you off it's the right thing.
No, just those who are totally deranged
yeah people you disagree with. You judge them invariably as deranged.

Think about yourself for a minute instead of everyone else in the whole world being against you consider that maybe you might just be opinionated.
I heard Jeanine Pirro call Trump brilliant the other day..... she has known Trump well for a couple of decades at least.....I was struck that this is the exact same word Melania uses.

I have heard Bret Weinstein call him a political genius.