Partisan Summer Camp? Would you send your kids?

I got news for you Damo.....what do you think the boy scouts are? I'm not being judgemental. Hell I was a boy scout and I loved scouting when i was a kid but the honest to gods truth is that they are a para-military organization who's primary purpose is to indoctrinate young boys about military service and to prepare them for same when they are older.

I call Bullshit, on this assertion.
You know, the more I think about it the more I wonder why there aren't more political party based summer camps.

Its not like us to miss such a lucrative niche market.
You know, the more I think about it the more I wonder why there aren't more political party based summer camps. Its not like us to miss such a lucrative niche market.

Despite Damo's deliberately disingenuous OP, what makes you think aren't plenty in this country already?
You know, the more I think about it the more I wonder why there aren't more political party based summer camps.

Its not like us to miss such a lucrative niche market.

There probably are many of them. I just don't hear about them because I have no interest. It's why I asked the questions I did in the OP. Would you send your kid to a camp like this?
There probably are many of them. I just don't hear about them because I have no interest. It's why I asked the questions I did in the OP. Would you send your kid to a camp like this?

Are you attempting to blame the victims by insinuating that attending a politically-themed summer camp is unusual, suspicious, and dangerous?

The rightwing Christian killer set off a bomb and shot people (MOSTLY KIDS) because he hates liberals.

He describes himself as a Christian and conservative on his Facebook page ...

He says he's a Christian in his manifesto

Deal with it.
Are you attempting to blame the victims by insinuating that attending a politically-themed summer camp is unusual, suspicious, and dangerous?
The rightwing Christian killer set off a bomb and shot people (MOSTLY KIDS) because he hates liberals.
Other than noting that the camp was a political summer camp, this thread has nothing to do with the killer. It's about partisan political summer camps and whether or not you would send your kids to one of them. Or in your case, whether or not your parents might send you to one.
He describes himself as a Christian and conservative on his Facebook page ...
He has nothing to do with this thread.

He says he's a Christian in his manifesto
He isn't the subject of this thread.
Deal with it.
I have. In the thread where he is a subject.
I see.

So it was a coincidence that led you to muse on the suitability of sending kids to political summer camp right after a conservative Christian killed kids at one.

Got it.
I see.

So it was a coincidence that led you to muse on the suitability of sending kids to political summer camp right after a conservative Christian killed kids at one.

Got it.

No, as I said before, it was what brought the fact that camps like this exist. I created a separate thread because I didn't want this one to be about the killer.

Anyway. Will you answer the actual question? Would you send your kids to a partisan political summer camp?
I see.

So it was a coincidence that led you to muse on the suitability of sending kids to political summer camp right after a conservative Christian killed kids at one.

Got it.

You are trying to make this thread about something that has nothing to do with the topic.

No one has even hinted that the campers were responsible or to blame. But the camp is an oddly themed one, from my perspective.

And furthermore, the one who has tried to politicize this tragedy more than anyone else on this board has been you.
You are trying to make this thread about something that has nothing to do with the topic. No one has even hinted that the campers were responsible or to blame. But the camp is an oddly themed one, from my perspective. And furthermore, the one who has tried to politicize this tragedy more than anyone else on this board has been you.

Right. It's just coincidental that Damocles posted a thread about the suitability of politically-themed summer camps at this particular juncture, and has nothing to do with the slaughter committed at one by the conservative Christian killer.

Of course, the fact that there are numerous threads discussing politically-motivated rightwing killing on this board - and tens of thousands worldwide - means nothing to rightwingers, whose sole concern seems to be protesting the description of the conservative killer as a Christian.

Some of the conservatives have also stated that the massacre is the fault of liberals. Their logic is that liberals want gun control, and if only liberals weren't so stupid, all those teenagers would've blasted the conservative Christian killer disguised as a cop.

Oops, did I "politicize"? Or was the nature of the mass murder political?
No, as I said before, it was what brought the fact that camps like this exist. I created a separate thread because I didn't want this one to be about the killer. Anyway. Will you answer the actual question? Would you send your kids to a partisan political summer camp?

No, I will not answer the loaded question.

Have you stopped beating your wife?
Right. It's just coincidental that Damocles posted a thread about the suitability of politically-themed summer camps at this particular juncture, and has nothing to do with the slaughter committed at one by the conservative Christian killer.

Did I say that? Of course I didn't. But you rarely try to debate without trying to add what you wish someone had said.

Of course this subject came up because of the news coverage of the tragedy in Norway. But no one has, as you claimed, tried to say it was the victim's fault. Damo saw the description of the camp and was curious about it. So he posted a question of whether or not we (the members of this forum) would send our kids to a camp like this. That is all there was to it.

Of course, the fact that there are numerous threads discussing politically-motivated rightwing killing on this board - and tens of thousands worldwide - means nothing to rightwingers, whose sole concern seems to be protesting the description of the conservative killer as a Christian.

There are several posts on this board making the claim that christians are killers, and using the Norway tragedy as proof. In fact, didn't you post a thread comparing the lunatic murderer with the Tea Party?

Some of the conservatives have also stated that the massacre is the fault of liberals. Their logic is that liberals want gun control, and if only liberals weren't so stupid, all those teenagers would've blasted the conservative Christian killer disguised as a cop.

There have also been posters who claim the world is hollow and an entire world is inside ours, or that a race of hybrid lizard people rules our race. People say all sorts of shit. But is that cause to accuse Damo of saying the victims were to blame when all he did was ask if we would send our kids to a partisan summer camp?

At least one of those posts claiming the kids would have been fine if they were armed, was posted in sarcasm. And many conservatives have learned that immediately following a highly publicized killing, there are often calls for stricter gun controls or gun bans.

Have there been no calls by liberals to curtail the availability of guns and of the need for stricter controls on conservative talk media?

Oops, did I "politicize"? Or was the nature of the mass murder political?

Considering you tried to chastise me for my lack of sympathy, I think you politicized it. It certainly had nothing to do with the Tea Party, but you have tried numerous times to draw lines between the two.
No, I will not answer the loaded question.

Have you stopped beating your wife?
How is it "loaded"? That's inane. Camps like this exist, we've pretty much shown that. Would you send your kids to one?

Pretty much everybody who posted here has answered it. It isn't hard, nor is it "loaded" with anything.
No, I will not answer the loaded question.

Have you stopped beating your wife?

How is that a loaded question? It is not even close to the example you posted.

It is a simple, straightforward question about whether you would or would not send your kids to a camp that was designed to be a partisan political summer camp.

You just hate answering questions. God forbid you actually have to take a firm stand on any issue. Because then you would lose your favorite answer "Did I say that?" when someone called you on your bullshit.
No, I will not answer the loaded question.

Have you stopped beating your wife?

Please tell me how Damo's question is loaded?

The one you asked is loaded because either answer is an admission of beating your wife. But Damo's question carries no such fault. So tell us how his question is loaded?
Did I say that? Of course I didn't. But you rarely try to debate without trying to add what you wish someone had said. Of course this subject came up because of the news coverage of the tragedy in Norway. But no one has, as you claimed, tried to say it was the victim's fault. Damo saw the description of the camp and was curious about it. So he posted a question of whether or not we (the members of this forum) would send our kids to a camp like this. That is all there was to it. There are several posts on this board making the claim that christians are killers, and using the Norway tragedy as proof. In fact, didn't you post a thread comparing the lunatic murderer with the Tea Party? There have also been posters who claim the world is hollow and an entire world is inside ours, or that a race of hybrid lizard people rules our race. People say all sorts of shit. But is that cause to accuse Damo of saying the victims were to blame when all he did was ask if we would send our kids to a partisan summer camp? At least one of those posts claiming the kids would have been fine if they were armed, was posted in sarcasm. And many conservatives have learned that immediately following a highly publicized killing, there are often calls for stricter gun controls or gun bans. Have there been no calls by liberals to curtail the availability of guns and of the need for stricter controls on conservative talk media? Considering you tried to chastise me for my lack of sympathy, I think you politicized it. It certainly had nothing to do with the Tea Party, but you have tried numerous times to draw lines between the two.

Yeah, Damocles hasn't tried to pretend that Breivik isn't a Christian, has he?

There have been posts on this board by avowed conservatives stating that the massacre would have been prevented by lax gun laws - which laws, BTW, are already extremely lax by European standards.

There are parallels between Teabagger beliefs and Breivik's. Did I say he was a member of the Tea Party? That's impossible anyway, since there is no single official entity.

What I said - and what nobody has been able to refute - is that there are numerous similarities between Teabaggers and Breivik, the conservative Christian killer.

And, yes, I call bullshit on rightwing compassion for the victims.
Yeah, Damocles hasn't tried to pretend that Breivik isn't a Christian, has he?

There have been posts on this board by avowed conservatives stating that the massacre would have been prevented by lax gun laws - which laws, BTW, are already extremely lax by European standards.

There are parallels between Teabagger beliefs and Breivik's. Did I say he was a member of the Tea Party? That's impossible anyway, since there is no single official entity.

What I said - and what nobody has been able to refute - is that there are numerous similarities between Teabaggers and Breivik, the conservative Christian killer.

And, yes, I call bullshit on rightwing compassion for the victims.

And that has what to do with the topic????

Damo asked a simply question. And btw, when will you tell us how the question is loaded?
Please tell me how Damo's question is loaded? The one you asked is loaded because either answer is an admission of beating your wife. But Damo's question carries no such fault. So tell us how his question is loaded?

It's a loaded question because there's no 'good" answer.

"Yes" infers that you are a kook - probably a liberal kook, while "no" infers that you are just an irresponsible kook, since only kooks send their kids to partisan camps to be indoctrinated and possibly shot.

Either way, "look what happened at Utoeya" is the elephant in the room.