Pelosi Protest Houston, Texas - June 2009

I always felt sorry for Cindy Sheehan, but considered her a fringe wacko.

"Pelosi is not an honest politician, she is as corrupted as the rest of the Democrats and republicans."
fixed that for ya.

and these protest are going to extend to the Republicans..we're not going to leave them out..
We've had enough of our Goverment thinking they work for themselves and not us..
and these protest are going to extend to the Republicans..we're not going to leave them out..
We've had enough of our Goverment thinking they work for themselves and not us..

Sure, just wait till the next election and see who most vote for. Their parties candidate.
Sure, just wait till the next election and see who most vote for. Their parties candidate.

As long as they get the message we are watching and mean business.
I would like to see term limits put on members of Congress..we have one for the President...these congress people are not there to become a king or queen, but they are beginning to think they are.
As long as they get the message we are watching and mean business.
I would like to see term limits put on members of Congress..we have one for the President...these congress people are not there to become a king or queen, but they are beginning to think they are.

I am sure the dems in CA will get real concerned about how Texicans feel about a CA Congressperson.
I am sure the dems in CA will get real concerned about how Texicans feel about a CA Congressperson.

Californians can have her they deserve her...she is speaker of the house, so she acts for all of us now, not just California.what don't you get about that..sheeesh
do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
I suppose you said Cindy Sheehan was a fringe whacko also...
Pelosi is not an honest politician, she is as corrupted as the rest of the Democrats...
you are a sheep my dear....baaaa

No, Cindy Sheehan was just an example of what happens when an American does their patriotic duty and speaks out against immoral extremist who engaged us in an immoral war of choice that killed her son. You get your character attacked by the right wing nut slime machine. That's what happens.

Last I heard Cindy Sheehan hasn't cost anyone their lives but you wingnuts have cost tens of thousands of people their lives through lies and deceit and enabling of an incompetent President. That makes it pretty easy to spot who the extremist wack jobs are.

Me Sheep? Hardly. But your as blind as a bat and you only hear one frequency......your nearest AM station that plays Rush Limbaugh.
it is all the peoples house, not just the ones who hold the power..where do you think we live, North Korea, Iran, China...

What do you call the big red truck? DUH! FIRE TRUCK Captain Obvious. I wasn't claiming it be my all my own little house. It was those fringe elements in Texas who were claiming it was their house and arrogantly presuming to speak for me and the majority of Americans. What about that don't you get? Do you live with your head buried in the sand or is it just up your ass?
No, Cindy Sheehan was just an example of what happens when an American does their patriotic duty and speaks out against immoral extremist who engaged us in an immoral war of choice that killed her son. You get your character attacked by the right wing nut slime machine. That's what happens.

Last I heard Cindy Sheehan hasn't cost anyone their lives but you wingnuts have cost tens of thousands of people their lives through lies and deceit and enabling of an incompetent President. That makes it pretty easy to spot who the extremist wack jobs are.

Me Sheep? Hardly. But your as blind as a bat and you only hear one frequency......your nearest AM station that plays Rush Limbaugh.

Oh now how did i figure you would think Cindy Sheehan patriotic, but regular everyday people protesting are fringe extremist..don't forget, her son was an adult and volunteered to join the can call the Iraq war what ever you want, but you just demean what Sheehan's son died for..but that is to be expected, also..

I love Rush Limbaugh, what don't you? you should listen sometime, you might learn something..
I am sure the dems in CA will get real concerned about how Texicans feel about a CA Congressperson.
I think that points been made about 3 times now and they still don't get it. Texans in Houstand protesting a congresswoman from CA? They don't even have the brains to go to CA or DC to bitch. Why should anyone in CA give a flying fuck what they have to say in Texas?
Californians can have her they deserve her...she is speaker of the house, so she acts for all of us now, not just California.what don't you get about that..sheeesh
And you need to go back and study your civics. She is leader of the house, not Dictator for life. She was elected to represent her constituency in California.

But what the hell, you wingnuts need your boogey mans so I guess you'd better go look under your bed to make sure Nancy Pelosi isn't there to eat your children.

Must be tough being scared of a grandmother?
I think that points been made about 3 times now and they still don't get it. Texans in Houstand protesting a congresswoman from CA? They don't even have the brains to go to CA or DC to bitch. Why should anyone in CA give a flying fuck what they have to say in Texas?

good gawd man...she is speaker of the house, she is representing us all now, not just California...I though you were political genius..I see now..not
Oh now how did i figure you would think Cindy Sheehan patriotic, but regular everyday people protesting are fringe extremist..don't forget, her son was an adult and volunteered to join the can call the Iraq war what ever you want, but you just demean what Sheehan's son died for..but that is to be expected, also..

I love Rush Limbaugh, what don't you? you should listen sometime, you might learn something..
You know, the real bullshit to that reply is this. You can't even honestly tell me what he died for either. That's the shame here that nitwits like you don't get. Human life means nothing to you ideologues.
good gawd man...she is speaker of the house, she is representing us all now, not just California...I though you were political genius..I see now..not

Well does TX have any Dems in the house of reps? If not nothing you can do :clink:

If you do I don't think they would listen to this bunch since they all voted republican anyway.
And you need to go back and study your civics. She is leader of the house, not Dictator for life. She was elected to represent her constituency in California.

But what the hell, you wingnuts need your boogey mans so I guess you'd better go look under your bed to make sure Nancy Pelosi isn't there to eat your children.

Must be tough being scared of a grandmother?

we have a right to speak out against any politician of any state..what happened to "dissent is patriotic" that we heard all through the Bush yrs. Oh I forget that goes out the door when your Democrats are in control..:rolleyes:
You know, the real bullshit to that reply is this. You can't even honestly tell me what he died for either. That's the shame here that nitwits like you don't get. Human life means nothing to you ideologues.

so according to you, our military men and woman are it.
and I would bet your are pro don't talk to me about human life means nothing to me.
I think that points been made about 3 times now and they still don't get it. Texans in Houstand protesting a congresswoman from CA? They don't even have the brains to go to CA or DC to bitch. Why should anyone in CA give a flying fuck what they have to say in Texas?

As majority leader she impacts EVERY state! She'san fing hypocritical lying politician who needs to get the message loud and clear from every state that she is not respected nor wanted in the leadership role. How else are "the people" to make known their feelings but in protest? You are the one who needs a lesson in civics and the power of and the rights to protest.
Well if you want to parse words these people are still guilty of extreme and incredible arrogance because they are still claiming it to be "Their House" when, in fact, they represent a minority, where as "THE MAJORITY" of "Our House" has supported her as the Speaker of the House of Reps. So, yes you are correct. It is "OUR" house and not "Their" house and it is the height of arrogance of a small handfull of nutjobs to presume to speak for all of US. Who the hell do they think they are to speak for me?
You want to talk about arrogance? Look in the mirror. The House of Representatives is as much mine, and as much the protesters as it is yours. The protesters have as much right to claim it to be "our house" as any other group of citizens. The idea that it belongs more to the "majority" is a load of bull shit - the kind of bull shit that destroys liberty when taken not much farther than you are.

And who the fuck are you to claim they are talking for anyone but themselves? Protesters invariable speak for themselves. In many, if not most cases protesters running around complaining about this or that do not speak for me, either. But then I do not assume that because they want something I do not want that they are presuming to speak for me. Did they SAY they were talking for you? No. So get off your fucking high horse. They say they want Pelosi out. There was a time when a "small handful of nutjobs" (from a certain perspective since you want to play it that way) wanted Gingrich out. And they had every right to do so, to protest, AND to call it "our house" when at the time they were the minority.

BTW: Speaker of the House is also 2nd in line for the presidency, which is not exactly a small factor to consider.