Pelosi Protest Houston, Texas - June 2009

Yes it's a response that sidetracks from the original...kind of like you just did here. I asked you to enlighten me, instead you asked another question.

In this thread I specifically responded to you that it makes sense for someone in Texas to protest against Pelosi as her position gives her influential power over all the states. You have been stating throughout the thread how stupid and wrongheaded such protest is....when cornered you threw this out:

"Yes, but she's not a convicted felon like the former congressman from this district who is a convicted felon. Doesn't the rest of this nation have a say about Texas felons serving in our house?"

That's a strawman. I think i have a perfectly clear understanding of what a strawman is...and you like to use them regularly.
And there you go again with another strawman misrepresenting what I said. I said that they were stupid and hypocritical, not "wrong-headed" and you keep putting words into my mouth.

There foolish because a group of right wing republican conservatives protesting in Houston Texas against a Democrat Speaker of the House from San Francisco California is largely irrelevent and completely ineffective.

It's hypocritical because these people undoubtably supported a convicted felon who was a major house leader, Tom Delay, who was one of the most, if not in fact the most corrupt politician in recent US history. So it doesn't give them a hell of a lot of credibility in the first place.
Yes it's a response that sidetracks from the original...kind of like you just did here. I asked you to enlighten me, instead you asked another question.

In this thread I specifically responded to you that it makes sense for someone in Texas to protest against Pelosi as her position gives her influential power over all the states. You have been stating throughout the thread how stupid and wrongheaded such protest is....when cornered you threw this out:

"Yes, but she's not a convicted felon like the former congressman from this district who is a convicted felon. Doesn't the rest of this nation have a say about Texas felons serving in our house?"

That's a strawman. I think i have a perfectly clear understanding of what a strawman is...and you like to use them regularly.

No that is not what a strawman argument is. A strawman argument is a where in an argument you purposefully misrepresent an opponents position and then create a position that is easy to refute, then attribute that position to the opponent.

and by the way. The quote of mine you posted was not an argument at all, let alone a strawman, it was a rhetorical question.

So now we've established two facts here.

#1. You don't know what a strawman argument is and
#2. You don't know what a rhetorical question is.
And there you go again with another strawman misrepresenting what I said. I said that they were stupid and hypocritical, not "wrong-headed" and you keep putting words into my mouth.

There foolish because a group of right wing republican conservatives protesting in Houston Texas against a Democrat Speaker of the House from San Francisco California is largely irrelevent and completely ineffective.

It's hypocritical because these people undoubtably supported a convicted felon who was a major house leader, Tom Delay, who was one of the most, if not in fact the most corrupt politician in recent US history. So it doesn't give them a hell of a lot of credibility in the first place.
Protesting against the Speaker of the House is not "stupid" no matter where they come from. The people of CA put Pelosi in office, but the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (you know, the house that belongs to all of us, and is therefore "OUR HOUSE") made her Speaker. Will the protest be ineffective? Most definitely NOT because the democratic party has been taken over by people like yourself who come up with all kinds of excuses why a protest they do not like is somehow wrong. (Witness the ridicule and lies told about the Tea Parties.)

And, other than your own prejudice against people with differing political views, what evidence do you have that these people supported Delay AFTER his criminal activities were revealed? (Or were they supposed to somehow have the clairvoyance that Delay was a criminal BEFORE the evidence of his criminal activities came out?)

The hypocrite in this issue is the one who stares back at you from the mirror. Protesting against who the House majority party pick for their Speaker is a perfectly valid protest - as is evidenced by the people who complained AND PROTESTED against Newt Gingrich. It didn't matter which state people were from then, why does it matter now? There is no more "arrogance" of these people protesting against a Speaker (supposedly) supported by the majority of the public than there was "arrogance" in the people who protested against a war that was supported by a majority of the voters. The FACT is you don't like the political bent of the people involved in the protest, so you conclude the protest is somehow in the wrong. The FACT is your ridicule of this protest has no more validity than those who ridiculed the anti-war protests as "unAmerican".
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No that is not what a strawman argument is. A strawman argument is a where in an argument you purposefully misrepresent an opponents position and then create a position that is easy to refute, then attribute that position to the opponent.

You go a bit far afield trying to spin here. You did create the straw man when you tried to make this about whether or not Pelosi was a convicted felon. Asking the question you did was an attempt by you to make the discussion about being a convicted felon as grounds for protest...setting up a straw man. Straw men are usually set up with questions meant to detract ...get a clue.
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You go a bit far afield trying to spin here. You did create the straw man when you tried to make this about whether or not Pelosi was a convicted felon. Asking the question you did was an attempt by you to make the discussion about being a convicted felon as grounds for protest...setting up a straw man. Straw men are usually set up with questions meant to detract ...get a clue.
Spinning? What the hell are you talking about. I established two facts. You don't know what a strawman argument is and you don't know what a rhetorical question is. End of story.
Oh please Damo. She's a light weight. She's parroting stuff she doesn't even understand.
Even if that were true, she had you dead to rights. You might try to make yourself feel better that it was on "accident", but even if it were on accident, when she hit you with the bus it had the same effect as if she had done it on purpose.

Even if that were true, she had you dead to rights. You might try to make yourself feel better that it was on "accident", but even if it were on accident, when she hit you with the bus it had the same effect as if she had done it on purpose.


"...when she hit you with the bus..."

Spinning? What the hell are you talking about. I established two facts. You don't know what a strawman argument is and you don't know what a rhetorical question is. End of story.

You established nothing of the kind except your silly spin on what a straw man argument is.

I thought about posting several different links to straw man arguments and how they come about. I decided however that the proof was in your posts and how I had already layed it out.