Pelosi Protest Houston, Texas - June 2009

All of us have proportional representation in the house of representatives. Just the representatives from your state. Anything more would be unconstitutional.
Representatives are supposed to represent those in their congressional district or at most in their state.
You want to talk about arrogance? Look in the mirror. The House of Representatives is as much mine, and as much the protesters as it is yours. The protesters have as much right to claim it to be "our house" as any other group of citizens. The idea that it belongs more to the "majority" is a load of bull shit - the kind of bull shit that destroys liberty when taken not much farther than you are.

And who the fuck are you to claim they are talking for anyone but themselves? Protesters invariable speak for themselves. In many, if not most cases protesters running around complaining about this or that do not speak for me, either. But then I do not assume that because they want something I do not want that they are presuming to speak for me. Did they SAY they were talking for you? No. So get off your fucking high horse. They say they want Pelosi out. There was a time when a "small handful of nutjobs" (from a certain perspective since you want to play it that way) wanted Gingrich out. And they had every right to do so, to protest, AND to call it "our house" when at the time they were the minority.

BTW: Speaker of the House is also 2nd in line for the presidency, which is not exactly a small factor to consider.

nuff said! :clink:
You want to talk about arrogance? Look in the mirror. The House of Representatives is as much mine, and as much the protesters as it is yours. The protesters have as much right to claim it to be "our house" as any other group of citizens. The idea that it belongs more to the "majority" is a load of bull shit - the kind of bull shit that destroys liberty when taken not much farther than you are.

And who the fuck are you to claim they are talking for anyone but themselves? Protesters invariable speak for themselves. In many, if not most cases protesters running around complaining about this or that do not speak for me, either. But then I do not assume that because they want something I do not want that they are presuming to speak for me. Did they SAY they were talking for you? No. So get off your fucking high horse. They say they want Pelosi out. There was a time when a "small handful of nutjobs" (from a certain perspective since you want to play it that way) wanted Gingrich out. And they had every right to do so, to protest, AND to call it "our house" when at the time they were the minority.

BTW: Speaker of the House is also 2nd in line for the presidency, which is not exactly a small factor to consider.

I'm not a huge Pelosi fan, and I definitely support dissent.

However, it's unlikely that a protest like this will yield any practical results. My advice to anyone who wants Pelosi removed from her position would be this: start winning a few elections. Try to advance your cause with BETTER IDEAS, and win over a majority of the electorate.

Until then - enjoy your time in the wilderness. It has certainly been earned. are absolutely correct. If people don't like who the Speaker is, the ONLY legitimate way for them to change that is to elect more republicans than democrats to the House of Representatives in some future election. Until then, they can whine and protest and make all sorts of other demonstrations of their dissatisfaction, but the net effect of those sorts of things will continue to be negligible.

When republicans can present a slate of candidates and a platform of ideas that can convince America that they are prepared to lead us again, they will undoubtedly be given another chance to do so. Until then, the American voter has banished them to the wilderness and that is where they belong.

I personally find all their mewling to be quite humorous.
we have a right to speak out against any politician of any state..what happened to "dissent is patriotic" that we heard all through the Bush yrs. Oh I forget that goes out the door when your Democrats are in control..:rolleyes:
STRAWMAN. Who the hell said anything against their right to speak out? I said "Big whoop de freakin do" Some morons protesting about a congress lady from another state and then speaking for the entire nation is incredibly arrogant and I"m right.
so according to you, our military men and woman are it.
and I would bet your are pro don't talk to me about human life means nothing to me.
Not only a strawman but you've completely evaded the question. Please tell me. What did he die for?
As majority leader she impacts EVERY state! She'san fing hypocritical lying politician who needs to get the message loud and clear from every state that she is not respected nor wanted in the leadership role. How else are "the people" to make known their feelings but in protest? You are the one who needs a lesson in civics and the power of and the rights to protest.
Yes, but she's not a convicted felon like the former congressman from this district who is a convicted felon. Doesn't the rest of this nation have a say about Texas felons serving in our house?
You want to talk about arrogance? Look in the mirror. The House of Representatives is as much mine, and as much the protesters as it is yours. The protesters have as much right to claim it to be "our house" as any other group of citizens. The idea that it belongs more to the "majority" is a load of bull shit - the kind of bull shit that destroys liberty when taken not much farther than you are.

And who the fuck are you to claim they are talking for anyone but themselves? Protesters invariable speak for themselves. In many, if not most cases protesters running around complaining about this or that do not speak for me, either. But then I do not assume that because they want something I do not want that they are presuming to speak for me. Did they SAY they were talking for you? No. So get off your fucking high horse. They say they want Pelosi out. There was a time when a "small handful of nutjobs" (from a certain perspective since you want to play it that way) wanted Gingrich out. And they had every right to do so, to protest, AND to call it "our house" when at the time they were the minority.

BTW: Speaker of the House is also 2nd in line for the presidency, which is not exactly a small factor to consider.
Did you even watch the video? There chanting "Get Out Of Our House", meaning this handful of wackos have the umitigated arrogance to speak for the majority of this nation who support our Speaker. Besides, the whole proposition is perposterous. They want Nancy Pelosi out, then they can move to San Francisco and vote her out. Don't want her as Speaker of the house? Then they can register as Democrats and urge their party leaders to replace her. Other than that, there a bunch of arrogant fools. are absolutely correct. If people don't like who the Speaker is, the ONLY legitimate way for them to change that is to elect more republicans than democrats to the House of Representatives in some future election. Until then, they can whine and protest and make all sorts of other demonstrations of their dissatisfaction, but the net effect of those sorts of things will continue to be negligible.

When republicans can present a slate of candidates and a platform of ideas that can convince America that they are prepared to lead us again, they will undoubtedly be given another chance to do so. Until then, the American voter has banished them to the wilderness and that is where they belong.

I personally find all their mewling to be quite humorous.

Either that or they can change their affiliation to Democrat and write their local congressman to encourage replacing her or they can move to San Francisco and vote against her. Having said that, they have all the right in the word to make fools of themselves.
If people don't like who the Speaker is, the ONLY legitimate way for them to change that is to elect more republicans than democrats to the House of Representatives in some future election. Until then, they can whine and protest and make all sorts of other demonstrations of their dissatisfaction, but the net effect of those sorts of things will continue to be negligible.
what many people fail to realize is that having your voiced concerns go unheeded by the electorate leads to revolt. It's how this country was founded.

I personally find all their mewling to be quite humorous.

will you still feel that way when the blood flows?
"will you still feel that way when the blood flows? "

Yeah - that's right. When people can't present compelling enough ideas to actually win at the ballot box, they generally take up arms...
"will you still feel that way when the blood flows? "

Yeah - that's right. When people can't present compelling enough ideas to actually win at the ballot box, they generally take up arms...

false assumption.

it's about personal liberty and freedom. It's about having your rights violated by an electorate that only caters to the whims of the majority, no matter how violative of the constitution it may be. If the 'left' electorate wants to implement policy with no input from the 'right' and all the policies are in line with the constitution, then your ballot box winning would be correct. It's not going that way though. The 'left' is preparing to implement unfair and constitutionally invalid policy with no regard for the minority groups concerns. This has a tendency to irk the minority group.
Did you even watch the video? There chanting "Get Out Of Our House", meaning this handful of wackos have the umitigated arrogance to speak for the majority of this nation who support our Speaker. Besides, the whole proposition is perposterous. They want Nancy Pelosi out, then they can move to San Francisco and vote her out. Don't want her as Speaker of the house? Then they can register as Democrats and urge their party leaders to replace her. Other than that, there a bunch of arrogant fools.
Kind of reminds me of the war protesters in April of 2003, when THE MAJORITY supported invading Iraq. Heaven forbid that a group actually PROTEST against what the MAJORITY wants!! Why, that is UNAMERICAN!

And one more time they are not "speaking FOR the majority" you arrogant fucking twit. They are, quite obviously, speaking out AGAINST the majority. The vast majority of protests have that function.

People who protest for what you like are patriots. Protest against what you like are "wackos". Fucking hypocrite.

And lets not mention that while a majority supported democrats in office, that does not mean a majority support Pelosi as speaker. (I'd bet less than half who voted last election can even NAME the Speaker.)

As for influence, protests are not useless. A loud enough voice of dissatisfaction could eventually cause congress, even if still led by democrats, to choose a different speaker. Just as protests against the war had their effect, even though majority supported it when the protests first started.

And even if they do not have any effect, it is their RIGHT to protest what they see as wrong with our government. In fact, from My own POV, it is ones DUTY to protest against what one sees wrong with our government. Too bad hypocritical fucks like yourself cannot accept the right, and legitimacy, of protests whose intent you do not agree with.
Yes, but she's not a convicted felon like the former congressman from this district who is a convicted felon. Doesn't the rest of this nation have a say about Texas felons serving in our house?

Why is it when a valid poiint is made strawman crap is thrown up as some sort of valid response? It is no such thing and only serves to so support the notion that you have no valid argument.