Pelosi Protest Houston, Texas - June 2009

Because it's not a valid point. It's a misrepresentation and thus a strawman.

WTF? It's not a valid point that citizens can gather and protest the direction the Leader Of The House Of Representatives is taking the country? You're out of your tree! You should have gracefully bowed out of this a while ago dude.
WTF? It's not a valid point that citizens can gather and protest the direction the Leader Of The House Of Representatives is taking the country? You're out of your tree! You should have gracefully bowed out of this a while ago dude.
and that's another strawman, you just misrepresented what I said. What is it with you wingnuts and this basic intellectual dishonesty that compels you to use strawman arguments?
what many people fail to realize is that having your voiced concerns go unheeded by the electorate leads to revolt. It's how this country was founded.

will you still feel that way when the blood flows?

The angry rightie, seeing that the very same fear tactics that worked so well and got him what he wanted for 8 years are finally beginning to fall on deaf ears, switches gears, to include thinly veiled threats of harm to those he disagrees with.
The angry rightie, seeing that the very same fear tactics that worked so well and got him what he wanted for 8 years are finally beginning to fall on deaf ears, switches gears, to include thinly veiled threats of harm to those he disagrees with.

sigh, the elite lefty who thinks that he knows whats best for everyone, hasn't figured out yet that Libertarian isn't the same as right winger, unless you're of the idiot mindset that equates anything not left, is right.
Do you even know what a strawman argument is?

Yes it's a response that sidetracks from the original...kind of like you just did here. I asked you to enlighten me, instead you asked another question.

In this thread I specifically responded to you that it makes sense for someone in Texas to protest against Pelosi as her position gives her influential power over all the states. You have been stating throughout the thread how stupid and wrongheaded such protest is....when cornered you threw this out:

"Yes, but she's not a convicted felon like the former congressman from this district who is a convicted felon. Doesn't the rest of this nation have a say about Texas felons serving in our house?"

That's a strawman. I think i have a perfectly clear understanding of what a strawman is...and you like to use them regularly.
Yes it's a response that sidetracks from the original...kind of like you just did here. I asked you to enlighten me, instead you asked another question.

In this thread I specifically responded to you that it makes sense for someone in Texas to protest against Pelosi as her position gives her influential power over all the states. You have been stating throughout the thread how stupid and wrongheaded such protest is....when cornered you threw this out:

"Yes, but she's not a convicted felon like the former congressman from this district who is a convicted felon. Doesn't the rest of this nation have a say about Texas felons serving in our house?"

That's a strawman. I think i have a perfectly clear understanding of what a strawman is...and you like to use them regularly.
Dayum! ID is pWning everybody today!

What will you do with your new MottleyDude you just bought?
sigh, the elite lefty who thinks that he knows whats best for everyone, hasn't figured out yet that Libertarian isn't the same as right winger, unless you're of the idiot mindset that equates anything not left, is right.

Doesn't matter where it's coming FROM, thinly veiled threats of harm aren't going to be any more convincing than all the fear mongering.
Originally Posted by Mottleydude:
Do you even know what a strawman argument is?

Yes it's a response that sidetracks from the original...kind of like you just did here. I asked you to enlighten me, instead you asked another question.

OMG, that is just TOO funny!! If that's your definition of a strawman, then you need to get FreeDumb to change his name to "strawman" cause that's ALL he ever does! "Sidetrack from the original".
no... at that point, the conservative right will go from being humorous.... to being pathetic.... to being targets.

what do you mean... they have been the the target for the last decade.
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Doesn't matter where it's coming FROM, thinly veiled threats of harm aren't going to be any more convincing than all the fear mongering.
But is it a thinly veiled threat, or statement of historical fact?

History is chock full of events where the little people, tired of being used as government's mud rug, revolt. Some of those revolts were successful, some were not. But it is historical fact that armed revolt IS the end result when a government oversteps its boundaries, giving some truth to the statement that all governments rule by the consent of the governed. Some, using the various methods of despotic totalitarianism manage to coerce more consent than others, until they, too, cross a line resulting in revolt at some level.

It just so happens that after 227 years of relative freedom, the boundaries defining government for our society are significantly tighter than with most other historical examples, so there is far less tolerance for government excess.
Originally Posted by Mottleydude:
Do you even know what a strawman argument is?

OMG, that is just TOO funny!! If that's your definition of a strawman, then you need to get FreeDumb to change his name to "strawman" cause that's ALL he ever does! "Sidetrack from the original".

AWWWWWWWWW, now zippies complaining about something that is part of his own behavior.

If your chubby little fingers can work, you should try pulling that plank out of your own eye first.
