Pentagon:Iraq carnage soars

I do not revel in their deaths....I mourn each and every one...I do not dishonor any of them...and just as I thought, you are incapable of finding one word of mine that would express such a foreign sentiment.

Go fuck yourself you worthless syphlitic cunt
In the past, those that served defended and encouraged those that followed. You break that tradition. You dishonor those that died, nay, you revel in their deaths. You slime their sacrifice, dishonor them and their families. You and your acolytes, of which there are too many, piss on them, not me.
Typical emotional drivel. Your arrogance is showing, dear.
I do not revel in their deaths....I mourn each and every one...I do not dishonor any of them...and just as I thought, you are incapable of finding one word of mine that would express such a foreign sentiment.

Go fuck yourself you worthless syphlitic cunt

Very nice paper general - who ya talking to, cypress, or maybe your wife? Nah, your wife would kick your ass for less! spineless worm........
Debating? are you serious? there is no debating or for that matter simple discussions going on here without it being "we the left are all right period"
I have yet to see much of anything else other than that, would be nice to see opinions for what they are instead of we are right and heres why.

Honestly Evil, YOU and your clones from the site you came from, have put up maybe 3 links in total for the lot of you since you have come on board here with your ever so arrogant approach to politics. I have supplied links, I have suggested google searches that would lead to more info on my comments to substantiate why I have come to my conclusions and all we get from you guys is republican mantra that I could get from going to their GOPmsite, no need to listen to all of you... supply some facts to back up why you all have come to your conclusions or something concrete for goodness are DEMANDING IT CONSTANTLY of us, so where do youget off? and other than always making fun of your opponent or always asking them to SUPPLY you with links for INFORMATION that has been widespread and in the news have given us nothing of substance to support your opinion on the issues...

like I said, there is no debate happening, just bickering.

And yes, I can see how you think that the Dems on this site just repeat the same mantra from the democratic site...but I haven't been to any political site like that and certaninly have not been to the Democratic party's site in over two years or longer.

I am a c-span addict.... that is where I get most of my info and things that I have heard on there I then google and research to find out more.

I couldn't give a crap about the Democratic party...the party means nothing to me...America, that's another story!

Sir Evil:

what have I ever done or said to you that would indicate that I was spineless?

Anytime you feel it fit that a discussion does not go your way you stoop to an extremely low level without no indication of just joking! Remember my fist day here when ya said you may have to bitchslap me? yeah well, I expect nothing less from someone on the other end of a keyboard, However I am a slight trip down the coast from you, so come bitch slap me, show me you are not spineless! I can be as reasonable, and fun as just about anyone, last night I saw how you discuss an issue, you don't discuss, you go out of your way to show everyone that you are right as if there is really a winner at the end of any discussion. I have no need to discuss with people like that, it's not fun when it gets like that. You show a lack of respect for anything or anyone who is not seeing it your way.

Now come bitchslap me and show me your manly ways, otherwise I have nothing further to say to you, I have no respect for your thoughts or your opinions, or for you as a person in general!

Clear enough, cut & dry, one sided enough?
I am a c-span addict.... that is where I get most of my info and things that I have heard on there I then google and research to find out more.

I couldn't give a crap about the Democratic party...the party means nothing to me...America, that's another story!


I saw you as reasonable to begin, but I have seen the way you play. You have classified me from day one and continue to do so however it fits the cause. I supported the war on iraq, I stated my opinion on why and you continue to say the stuff that has been left over from where you came from. Call me what you want, I have stated all before, I have no issues with it whatsoever as no matter what I say you will have a position for it.

You have shown me nothing except that you are very much against anything I will say because it does not sit well with you, well guess what, I don't give a damn. Im the evil dick, remember?
last night you asked me for proof that Bush and company had sexed up the intelligence in advance of the Iraq war. I pointed out that the evidence was...self evident. The weapons of mass destruction that they had been "certain" of were not where they were certain they would be. And you kept wailing about me not proving anything. You seemed to not be able to comprehend that argument which still baffles me.

I believe in right and wrong. I think some people's positions on issues are provably right and others are provably wrong. I am far from right about a great many things...but I am right about Iraq.... I was right about the fact that there was no link between Saddam and Al Qaeda...and republicans in the chatroom were wrong...I was right about the fact that there would not be any WMDs and the republicans in the chatroom were wrong.... I was right about four digit casualty figures (almost three times over) and the sunni-shiite violence...and all the republicans in the chatrooms were calling me a traitor and a coward and on the wrong side of history for each and every one of my predictions and those predictions were ALL correct.... and now, rather than admit that they were wrong... and admit that this war was wrong... they continue to call me names and to wish the souls of the dead would haunt me... and never take responsibility for their Runyon claiming that I had taken the dead and multiplied it by ten.... wrong ... but no grace..... and the republicans in Washington are exactly the same way....refusing to admit that this war was a mistake because they don't want to lose their control of congress and the executive branch....

I have a full and fun life...I am anything but spineless, but I have no desire to drive down the coast to bitchslap you... I might stop in and take you to lunch someday, but I have no need to fight you.... we undoubtedly have much more in common than this forum will allow us to discern.
last night you asked me for proof that Bush and company had sexed up the intelligence in advance of the Iraq war. I pointed out that the evidence was...self evident. The weapons of mass destruction that they had been "certain" of were not where they were certain they would be. And you kept wailing about me not proving anything. You seemed to not be able to comprehend that argument which still baffles me.

I believe in right and wrong. I think some people's positions on issues are provably right and others are provably wrong. I am far from right about a great many things...but I am right about Iraq.... I was right about the fact that there was no link between Saddam and Al Qaeda...and republicans in the chatroom were wrong...I was right about the fact that there would not be any WMDs and the republicans in the chatroom were wrong.... I was right about four digit casualty figures (almost three times over) and the sunni-shiite violence...and all the republicans in the chatrooms were calling me a traitor and a coward and on the wrong side of history for each and every one of my predictions and those predictions were ALL correct.... and now, rather than admit that they were wrong... and admit that this war was wrong... they continue to call me names and to wish the souls of the dead would haunt me... and never take responsibility for their Runyon claiming that I had taken the dead and multiplied it by ten.... wrong ... but no grace..... and the republicans in Washington are exactly the same way....refusing to admit that this war was a mistake because they don't want to lose their control of congress and the executive branch....

I have a full and fun life...I am anything but spineless, but I have no desire to drive down the coast to bitchslap you... I might stop in and take you to lunch someday, but I have no need to fight you.... we undoubtedly have much more in common than this forum will allow us to discern.

I'm sorry, but whom are you addressing?
I have a full and fun life...I am anything but spineless, but I have no desire to drive down the coast to bitchslap you... I might stop in and take you to lunch someday, but I have no need to fight you.... we undoubtedly have much more in common than this forum will allow us to discern.

Negative! we been this route before. I eneded my points and stated there was really nothing more to say. I find it funny that the rest come to the rescue 10 pages into a discussion and lay down opinions as if they were part of it all along.

I have been anything outside of reasonable with my thoughts here, this board has done nothing more than show how much hatred is projected towards bush, and the right in general. it's all about which side you fall on except you and the moral majaroty morons here fail to even realize there is more than two sides available. point after point, post after post, it comes down to what side you fall upon. I fail to see the fun in discussing any issue with people who are in disbelief that other opinions do apply. You and many of the others here have done nothing except show your one sided view of your own little worlds but we have to respect that..... Bullshit!!

Now ya wanna take me out to lunch? like I said, we been that route, it didn't work... I'm just a little fellow down the coast, pick up some of these other behind the keyboard badasses along the way and come bitchslap me, I welcome the challenge anytime! otherwise count me out on any discussions further, we have no meaningful values in common......
you are wrong about me.... this has nothing to do with what side you fall on. I happen to have one issue that I am really passionate about and that is the war in Iraq. If John Kerry had won in '04, and had not immediately gotten us out of that hellhole, I would have been just as critical of him. I can compromise on lots of things...I would love to debate with the anti-abortion crowd, for example, to find ways to make abortion rare but keep it legal... I am always willing to bargain on the extent of progressivism in our tax code.... welfare reform? absolutely on the table.... education funding? let's talk about it.... and on and on...

The war in Iraq? It is a terrible mistake and nothing has happened that would make me change my mind...and lots and lots of things have happened that would, I would hope, make folks who once supported it change THEIR minds.
It appears that Runyon mistook your statement at 20k DEAD and not 20k Dead and wounded, (because we know that being without your arms or legs is definately the better scenario over being dead :D)

And now she is too stubborn to admit this mistake in my opinion...otherwise, why not just say I mistook what you said and thought you were referring to just the dead, thus my comment about 2000...ten folded?

Why she would not do that is beyond me?

Because Runyon is a partisan flamer, with no interest in honesty and maturity. He's like the handfull of other flamers that have "suddenly" shown up in the last two weeks. Not interested in factual discussion, simply interested in entertaining flaming and defending Bush at all costs.

I asked him/her several times to simply admit he made a false assertion on the 20k dead and wounded number - to no avail.

Its like we have a bunch more Toby's who showed up here.
you are wrong about me.... this has nothing to do with what side you fall on. I happen to have one issue that I am really passionate about and that is the war in Iraq. If John Kerry had won in '04, and had not immediately gotten us out of that hellhole, I would have been just as critical of him. I can compromise on lots of things...I would love to debate with the anti-abortion crowd, for example, to find ways to make abortion rare but keep it legal... I am always willing to bargain on the extent of progressivism in our tax code.... welfare reform? absolutely on the table.... education funding? let's talk about it.... and on and on...

The war in Iraq? It is a terrible mistake and nothing has happened that would make me change my mind...and lots and lots of things have happened that would, I would hope, make folks who once supported it change THEIR minds.

That is very nice for you maine, now you may go on and discuss the issue with the mighty mudflap in hiding, he will see it your way and you can sit around all patting each others back. But please, if you ever take me up bring that little sissy along for the ride. There is no mind changing, you have'nt don't nothing moire than offer up your statistical views, and what you see as a handful of lies.
In the past, those that served defended and encouraged those that followed. You break that tradition. You dishonor those that died, nay, you revel in their deaths. You slime their sacrifice, dishonor them and their families. You and your acolytes, of which there are too many, piss on them, not me.


Do you plan on bringing anything worthwhile to this board, besides flaming, tired-old rants about democratic "treason", and running away when you make false assertions about other posters?

Do you plan on bringing anything worthwhile to this board, besides flaming, tired-old rants about democratic "treason", and running away when you make false assertions about other posters?

LOL, the masked man asks about running away......:lolup: :lolup:
that IS proof. If I tell the world that Sir Evil has terrible snakes in a cage in his backyard and I am going to go into his neighborhood and kick him out of his house because he has all those terrible snakes...and I do go in and kick him out of his house...and then wander around in his backyard and set up the croquet set and mow the lawn and NEVER once go to the cage and show the world the terrible snakes. That is as good as proof gets.

Prove to me you never shoplifted. How does one prove that Bush and company lied about the certainty of the existence of WMD's except by the non-existence of those selfsame WMD's? For Crissakes, man...he told us he know were they were...and he DIDN'T! What else do I need to show you? I cannot "show" you the absence of something

so you go in and do all those things in his yard. But just before you got there I went in and removed them to a house down the street. What do you tell the world now? how do you explain your actions even tho you knew all along those snakes were there.