Pentagon:Iraq carnage soars

simple question runyon:

Where you wrong, when you suggested that MM simply invented the 20k dead and wounded number?

Actually the implication was that you just accepted it, based on nothing. Hope that clears it up.
Actually the implication was that you just accepted it, based on nothing. Hope that clears it up.

Translation: You won't take responsibility for falsely claiming the 20k number was invented out of whole cloth.

When, in fact MM and I are quite aware of the carnage you helped cause to american troops. Odd that someone who loves this war, is totally unaware of the bloodshed it has caused.
Translation: You won't take responsibility for falsely claiming the 20k number was invented out of whole cloth.

When, in fact MM and I are quite aware of the carnage you helped cause to american troops. Odd that someone who loves this war, is totally unaware of the bloodshed it has caused.

:cof1: Ok.
Sir Evil;16385]

Who am I to judge on what is a lie and what is not, have I played the postion of maineman and claimed to be a human lie detector? The questions have been put forth very simply, if this was all lies then support that theory with evidence!

you are a human being and have been blessed with "deductive reasoning" supposedly... :)

Do you have the evidence care? or is it that you line maineman are just drawing your own conclusion?

What kind of Evidence would you like me to present to you Evil? If you do not understand the English language, like what the words, "there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein NOW HAS wmds amassed" then I don't know what to say, except you have a reading comprehension problem.

You want to jump on this particular post when I have stated so many times now that it is rediculous that the wmd issue was not even needed to make the case.

Really, it was not needed? hahaha! well, truely it is NOT FUNNY AND YOU are one sick person! You think that we can go in to a full fledge war on a whim, without an imminent threat or any threat BECAUSE WHY???? What makes you think this Evil? What justified a full fledge war and sending our guys and gals to the DEATH, if there was no wmd threat Evil. YOU CAN'T BE SO OBTUSE!

Obviously there is nothing else for you to dispute but the wmds but you are for certain it is all made up lies! Terrific, now show the evidence that it was all lies, show me this without your opinion, without some leftwing theory, just show me the evidence.

no one said ALL LIES....Evil, did I say all lies? Has anyone said ALL lies...?

Don't you know that in order for lies to work THEY MUST BE MINGLED WITH THE TRUTH?

I have stated there was a very long timeline with iraq, the failed sanctions, the dollars wasted within the UN, the appeasment that was going on forever, it's all here within the thread. If you don't see it as about time the situation came to the end than that is your opinion and you are entitled to it!

Well guess what? YOU are not allowed to think the way you do about this issue of sending our guys to WAR when there was no imminent threat to our country... The way you are thinking would make us the world's police, an Empire using their power to control more and more and more and more in the world and our CONSTITUTION FORBIDS YOUR KIND OF THINking BUDDY!

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and, when compared with Colin Powell's statements earlier, it is further indication that this NOW HAS and AMASSING business had to have taken place after February of '01 when Powell had said that Saddam did NOT have any capabilities..and clearly, the intelligence that Powell took to the UNSC was older than that! Sexed up intelligence....

but I think it is cute how this thread has digressed. This thread was started to highlight a report from our own Department of Defense that clearly shows that Iraq is not turning any corner...that is is dissolving into bloody sectarian conflict that we are incapable of stopping... As bad as Saddam was - and there is no doubt that he was a first class prick - life in Iraq under him was safer and less deadly than life in Iraq under the occupation of the United States.
And that's damn near criminal if you ask me.

I know Maineman, they are just INTENTIONALLY ignoring all of this and now are saying, "oh....well...wmd's were never the true reason for going in there"...bull f-ing shit...revisionists is all they are and truely, I am not even sure if they realize they are being this way?

Just do a search by month on what was in the news at the time and what was being posted when we first went to war with Iraq and it would most certainly confirm what I have been saying....but noooooo, we have these koolaide drinkers repeating the republican jargon of revisionist history, like they are some sort of clones or zombies, and for the life of me, I just don't get it? Don't understand what benefit to America will come of the rewriting of history?

I know Maineman, they are just INTENTIONALLY ignoring all of this and now are saying, "oh....well...wmd's were never the true reason for going in there"...bull f-ing shit...revisionists is all they are and truely, I am not even sure if they realize they are being this way?

Just do a search by month on what was in the news at the time and what was being posted when we first went to war with Iraq and it would most certainly confirm what I have been saying....but noooooo, we have these koolaide drinkers repeating the republican jargon of revisionist history, like they are some sort of clones or zombies, and for the life of me, I just don't get it? Don't understand what benefit to America will come of the rewriting of history?


know Maineman, they are just INTENTIONALLY ignoring all of this and now are saying, "oh....well...wmd's were never the true reason for going in there"...bull f-ing shit..

The astonishing thing is that back in 2003 when I said "the WMDS aren't the real reason for invading iraq" I was called an idiot and a traitor.

You're right - the revisionism is laughable.
"The astonishing thing is that back in 2003 when I said "the WMDS aren't the real reason for invading iraq" I was called an idiot and a traitor.

You're right - the revisionism is laughable."

I said it back then too. However I never attempted to say it was oil that made it happen. I presented the theory that it was an attempt to surround Iran with Democracies and thus promote change there too. I still stand by that. Even when it appears things are going poorly at this time, it doesn't change that I believe it was the reason that they went into Iraq, that they presented what they did to get there.
"The astonishing thing is that back in 2003 when I said "the WMDS aren't the real reason for invading iraq" I was called an idiot and a traitor.

You're right - the revisionism is laughable."

I said it back then too. However I never attempted to say it was oil that made it happen. I presented the theory that it was an attempt to surround Iran with Democracies and thus promote change there too. I still stand by that. Even when it appears things are going poorly at this time, it doesn't change that I believe it was the reason that they went into Iraq, that they presented what they did to get there.

I agree. I always said this - that the WMD - even if it existed - did not pose a real strategic threat to us. It was just a ruse to start a war, for other geopolitical concerns.

There's no doubt oil played a role. If Iraq's main export was turnips, we wouldn't be there.
I agree. I always said this - that the WMD - even if it existed - did not pose a real strategic threat to us. It was just a ruse to start a war, for other geopolitical concerns.

There's no doubt oil played a role. If Iraq's main export was turnips, we wouldn't be there.
Definitely. However it was not the driving factor. We knew that we could work with pretty much any government for the oil, and we have. The idea that we would do this only for oil? That's laughable.

They did this to promote their World Democracy Agenda that they openly espouse on their website.
"The astonishing thing is that back in 2003 when I said "the WMDS aren't the real reason for invading iraq" I was called an idiot and a traitor.

You're right - the revisionism is laughable."

I said it back then too. However I never attempted to say it was oil that made it happen. I presented the theory that it was an attempt to surround Iran with Democracies and thus promote change there too. I still stand by that. Even when it appears things are going poorly at this time, it doesn't change that I believe it was the reason that they went into Iraq, that they presented what they did to get there.

you and superfreak and zewazir felt it was necessary for other reasons...if memory serves, but that was about it...all other conservatives were on the wmd bandwagon...
btw damo, i have superfreak's email and can invite him here...maybe your site won't be blocked at his work, as full politics was...?
It is based upon DoD numbers. Go fuck yourself.

Hope that clears THAT up

Runyon doesnt' realize, that I didn't just "accept" it. I am quite well aware and informed of the number of american deaths and injuries runyon has helped cause.

He/she made a false assumption, and based on that false assumption then threw in an insult just for good measure.

I hope the souls of the soldiers "visit" you

What an ass.
you were the one who said:

"20k dead and wounded. You took the dead and multiplied x 10? Interesting. In any case, I hope each soul of the dead, visits you.'

I have shown you that that is a fucking lie....and you do not have the grace to admit it.

back to you douchebag
"20k dead and wounded. You took the dead and multiplied x 10? Interesting. In any case, I hope each soul of the dead, visits you.'

Simple question runyon:

Were you wrong in asserting that MM simply invented the 20k dead and wounded number? I'd appreciate a straightforward yes or no answer this time>

"20k dead and wounded. You took the dead and multiplied x 10? Interesting. In any case, I hope each soul of the dead, visits you.'

Simple question runyon:

Were you wrong in asserting that MM simply invented the 20k dead and wounded number? I'd appreciate a straightforward yes or no answer this time>

Done this twice now, Cypress. F yourself.
Done this twice now, Cypress. F yourself.

Don't have the balls to fess up to making a false assertion?

This speaks volumes about you.

You made a false assumption, and threw in an insult on top of that false assumption.

Your acting like a child. This is what children do. Run away from their lies, without taking responsibility for them.
you have never admitted your error once, let alone twice.

this runyon individual has all the character of toby or dixie.