Pentagon:Iraq carnage soars

I think Runyon is a she but I am not certain, ask Damo, he called her/him "teacher" on another thread, so I think he knows her/him?
based on saying:

Originally Posted by Runyon
"20k dead and wounded. You took the dead and multiplied x 10? Interesting. In any case, I hope each soul of the dead, visits you."

and when proven wrong, not apologizing for such shit....

no grace.... unethical asshole from my perspective.
based on saying:

Originally Posted by Runyon
"20k dead and wounded. You took the dead and multiplied x 10? Interesting. In any case, I hope each soul of the dead, visits you."

and when proven wrong, not apologizing for such shit....

no grace.... unethical asshole from my perspective.

Yeah, you are real high class yourself mister know it all! I'm certain the rumors about you are very true, or at least it would seem so. What a selve serving douchebag!
based on saying:

Originally Posted by Runyon
"20k dead and wounded. You took the dead and multiplied x 10? Interesting. In any case, I hope each soul of the dead, visits you."

and when proven wrong, not apologizing for such shit....

no grace.... unethical asshole from my perspective.

I do hope they haunt you, they are your breathren. They died, while you lived. And now you dishonor them. Shame on you. Even worse, you encourage those that are not serving to dishonor them too. There is no word for as low as you.
Cypress in an earlier post referred to you as he/she...

I was just putting my 2 cents in on that.... it matters NONE when it comes to debating as far as I am concerned!


Debating? are you serious? there is no debating or for that matter simple discussions going on here without it being "we the left are all right period"
I have yet to see much of anything else other than that, would be nice to see opinions for what they are instead of we are right and heres why.
I do hope they haunt you, they are your breathren. They died, while you lived. And now you dishonor them. Shame on you. Even worse, you encourage those that are not serving to dishonor them too. There is no word for as low as you.

Arghhh, learn to listen to good advice when it's given! now you are going to be super wrong on anything else you have to say!!! Ya dummy...:D
HOw do I dishonor them in any way. I am proud of their service... I empathize with their plight.. I do NOT encourage anyone to dishonor them. YOu do not know what you are saying. I DARE you to show me ONE WORD I have ever written that dishonors our honorable fighting men.... or ONE WORD that encourages others to do such a thing.

Scum.... I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.
It appears that Runyon mistook your statement at 20k DEAD and not 20k Dead and wounded, (because we know that being without your arms or legs is definately the better scenario over being dead :D)

And now she is too stubborn to admit this mistake in my opinion...otherwise, why not just say I mistook what you said and thought you were referring to just the dead, thus my comment about 2000...ten folded?

Why she would not do that is beyond me?
HOw do I dishonor them in any way. I am proud of their service... I empathize with their plight.. I do NOT encourage anyone to dishonor them. YOu do not know what you are saying. I DARE you to show me ONE WORD I have ever written that dishonors our honorable fighting men.... or ONE WORD that encourages others to do such a thing.

Scum.... I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.

In the past, those that served defended and encouraged those that followed. You break that tradition. You dishonor those that died, nay, you revel in their deaths. You slime their sacrifice, dishonor them and their families. You and your acolytes, of which there are too many, piss on them, not me.
Why she would not do that is beyond me?

Of course it is beyond you care4left, because a person not doing the day in and day out searched on that stats that ya do so well here could easily read it as 20K from both sides, dead and wounded. We were well aware of what he meant, we were also well aware of the slight twist to it too. It serves well when stated that way, it's been used endlessly......