Pentagon:Iraq carnage soars

that IS proof. If I tell the world that Sir Evil has terrible snakes in a cage in his backyard and I am going to go into his neighborhood and kick him out of his house because he has all those terrible snakes...and I do go in and kick him out of his house...and then wander around in his backyard and set up the croquet set and mow the lawn and NEVER once go to the cage and show the world the terrible snakes. That is as good as proof gets.

Prove to me you never shoplifted. How does one prove that Bush and company lied about the certainty of the existence of WMD's except by the non-existence of those selfsame WMD's? For Crissakes, man...he told us he know were they were...and he DIDN'T! What else do I need to show you? I cannot "show" you the absence of something
You want the defendent to prove his innocence rather than bear the burden of proof yourself. Damned un-American of you, there, boll-wevil.

Bush asserted that certain things were true. The burden of proof lay with him . . . especially since he made the assertions in order that he might kill thousands of people. Now, he has killed thousands of people, yet the assertions he made have not been born out. How would you parse this out?

How very excellent of you to show yourself in this thread ornery!

Fact of the matter id you do nothing more than follow your boy cypress around, and spew out the same mantra, when he lifts his mudflap you amazingly find away to show up and add your brilliant two cents!

The fuckin burden of proof was the many years of appeasement no brain fuckers like yourself have given. You like everyone of the other left hand nutjobs here are hanging your hat on the wmd issue as if it was the one single cause, then you all are brilliant enough to claim it lie with no fucking proof!
The milk has spilled, now you and the rest wanna cry about it, how fuckin' un-american of your fat ass is that?
as a fine republican president once said:

"The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or any one else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about any one else."

Teddy Roosevelt

and it is instructive to note that Teddy wrote that after he had left the White House.... he wrote it when Woodrow Wilson was President....IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR!

You weenies can call me unpatiotic and un-American for having strong beliefs that the path we are on now is a dreadful one..... but I am sure that Teddy would side with me in voicing my dissent and not with you for trying to stifle it.
What frosts my balls is the FACT that Democrats, the very leaders of the party, whined and cryed about Saddam for the previous 5 or 6 years before the war....they warned about WMD, its inexcusable to allow this Saddam dude to stockpile WMD....he has them hidden all over the country, hes trying to get the atom bomb and on and on it went.....for literally years before the war....

Conviently forgotten now....all those rantings.....

Then in the face of calling their bluff, enough voted to get tough with Saddam....enough to pass the bill calling for war and disarming Saddam and removing him from power....enough Democrats voted for war and bill was passed....and wouldn't have been without their co-operaton.....

Then, like rats leaving a sinking ship, they bolt....deny, condemn Bush, and directly give aid to the enemy.....for the very action they demaned since at least 1998 something about Saddam....

then they deny they had a part of the entire thing....they can't be to blame....never, its all that cowboy in the White House....hes even responsible for the WTC attack....its all his fault.....

The fuckin' Twilight Zone is their base of Democratic operations, thats undeniable....
and it is instructive to note that Teddy wrote that after he had left the White House.... he wrote it when Woodrow Wilson was President....IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR!

You weenies can call me unpatiotic and un-American for having strong beliefs that the path we are on now is a dreadful one..... but I am sure that Teddy would side with me in voicing my dissent and not with you for trying to stifle it.

Still out to prove you utter genius on this one eh? It's over for me, it went as far as it needs to go to say that it is nothing more than the way people view it. When you have the evidence of them lies I have already said I will eat the crow, I have no problem with that. Now let us know if Teddy sides with you when ya speak to him because I am sure that will be another one of your opinions that you somehow spin to fact...
What frosts my balls is the FACT that Democrats, the very leaders of the party, whined and cryed about Saddam for the previous 5 or 6 years before the war....they warned about WMD, its inexcusable to allow this Saddam dude to stockpile WMD....he has them hidden all over the country, hes trying to get the atom bomb and on and on it went.....for literally years before the war....

Conviently forgotten now....all those rantings.....

Then in the face of calling their bluff, enough voted to get tough with Saddam....enough to pass the bill calling for war and disarming Saddam and removing him from power....enough Democrats voted for war and bill was passed....and wouldn't have been without their co-operaton.....

Then, like rats leaving a sinking ship, they bolt....deny, condemn Bush, and directly give aid to the enemy.....for the very action they demaned since at least 1998 something about Saddam....

then they deny they had a part of the entire thing....they can't be to blame....never, its all that cowboy in the White House....hes even responsible for the WTC attack....its all his fault.....

The fuckin' Twilight Zone is their base of Democratic operations, thats undeniable....

different time, different cause, just save your time now bravo while the night is still young, go bang back a couple instead of wasting your time with this one.
Show me how Gore KNEW Saddam had WMD hidden all over Iraq....he didn't mince words....He KNEW
What frosts my balls is the FACT that Democrats, the very leaders of the party, whined and cryed about Saddam for the previous 5 or 6 years before the war....they warned about WMD, its inexcusable to allow this Saddam dude to stockpile WMD....he has them hidden all over the country, hes trying to get the atom bomb and on and on it went.....for literally years before the war....

Conviently forgotten now....all those rantings.....

Then in the face of calling their bluff, enough voted to get tough with Saddam....enough to pass the bill calling for war and disarming Saddam and removing him from power....enough Democrats voted for war and bill was passed....and wouldn't have been without their co-operaton.....

Then, like rats leaving a sinking ship, they bolt....deny, condemn Bush, and directly give aid to the enemy.....for the very action they demaned since at least 1998 something about Saddam....

then they deny they had a part of the entire thing....they can't be to blame....never, its all that cowboy in the White House....hes even responsible for the WTC attack....its all his fault.....

The fuckin' Twilight Zone is their base of Democratic operations, thats undeniable....

virtually every single republican in congress voted to give Bush the authority to use force as a last resort against Iraq.... A MAJORITY OF CONGRESSIONAL DEMOCRATS VOTED AGAINST IT. The majority of MY party had nothing to bolt FROM.
As a matter history....everyone in Washington DC knew, believed, was just about positive, and demanded something be sone about it....

NOW....the Democrats seem to have forgotten they KNEW and DEMANDED something be done Saddam...
Still out to prove you utter genius on this one eh? It's over for me, it went as far as it needs to go to say that it is nothing more than the way people view it. When you have the evidence of them lies I have already said I will eat the crow, I have no problem with that. Now let us know if Teddy sides with you when ya speak to him because I am sure that will be another one of your opinions that you somehow spin to fact...

again... the proof that the intelligence was sexed up is self evident. The WMD's that they claimed they were certain were there weren't there.
As a matter history....everyone in Washington DC knew, believed, was just about positive, and demanded something be sone about it....

NOW....the Democrats seem to have forgotten they KNEW and DEMANDED something be done Saddam...

no...but you seem to have forgotten that a majority of congressional democrats voted against it.

Look...when this war was going all ducky and Dubya was flying onto carriers and swaggering around and announcing "mission accomplished", all you republicans could do was point out how the majority of congressional democrats were on the wrong side of history....this was YOUR war when it was going well...when statues were toppled and Saddam was found in the spider hole..... it was your war and democrats were on the wrong side.....

now that it has turned into the bucket of shit that many of us predicted it would all along, NOW...NOW you want to point out that some democrats voted for this debacle as well and that it really wasn't a republican war after all but a bipartisan effort from day one!

Well, lets not stop there....what about all the rest of the lefties....we can name about 10 more spuing the same rhetoric in those 5 years before the war...maybe more....all LEADERS and big names in the party....including both of the Clintons, Kerry, Kennedy, etc.....the so-called blame can be spread around quite a bit over both sides.....but the Dems seem to have forgotten all about those years.....suddenly its only Bush and Republicans...its Bush's War.....bullshit...
They all have dirty hands in this war....running from the truth doesn't change history....the sooner Democrats own up to their part of this the sooner we can start working for solutions to the problems....terrorism will not disappear just the Democrats deny their part in the Iraqi couldn't have occured without their help.....and their vote....meanwhile US soldiers and Citizens are dying at the hands of the Islamic jihad....
they tell you flat out they will kill us at any oppertunity.....and as of today want us to convert to Islam....
and the ignorant think we can be friends with them....we just don't understand them.....its all socio-economic injustice....
Man ..... think it over....think hard....
spin all you want..but there was a time not too long ago when all the conservative talking heads were claiming this war was a republican war and democrats were "on the wrong side of history" As a matter of fact, I think I can remember a fellow named "write" on the other board voicing similar sentiments.

Success has many parents.... failure is an orphan... and when failure turns out to be the illegitimate child of the republican guys are trying to make the democrats the daddy.... it won't work.

and your ignorance about the goals of wahabbism is overwhelming.

it is not ALL socioeconomic injustice... but to ignore that aspect is to doom ourselves to failure.

We will never get muslims to stop killing us by killing more muslims
How very excellent of you to show yourself in this thread ornery!

Fact of the matter id you do nothing more than follow your boy cypress around, and spew out the same mantra, when he lifts his mudflap you amazingly find away to show up and add your brilliant two cents!

The fuckin burden of proof was the many years of appeasement no brain fuckers like yourself have given. You like everyone of the other left hand nutjobs here are hanging your hat on the wmd issue as if it was the one single cause, then you all are brilliant enough to claim it lie with no fucking proof!
The milk has spilled, now you and the rest wanna cry about it, how fuckin' un-american of your fat ass is that?

Sooooooo, Evil, do you think all of the statements from Cheney and Rumsfeld and Bush and Wolfowitz and Pearle and Rice were true, and NOT MANIPULATED in the least to promote going to war in Iraq with the public?

yes or no?
You are the proof man, you ask for it, why not give it! you have no proof other than opinion that it was all based on lies. Like the thread starts "you suggested" and your party has been doing the same thing since day one of losing the white house.

You also state how bush lost obl, next you will be asking why don''t he just drive out and look for him while he is on a visit!

Give it a break........


"There is NO DOUBT that Saddam Hussein NOW HAS wmd's AMASSED against our allies, their neighbors and against us..."

NOW HAS- implies that these are NEW WMD'S, not something from the past that was left over.

Please, Sir Evil....

Tell us what is NOT A LIE about that statement... please, no smart ellic remarks just an honest deduction and answer.
and, when compared with Colin Powell's statements earlier, it is further indication that this NOW HAS and AMASSING business had to have taken place after February of '01 when Powell had said that Saddam did NOT have any capabilities..and clearly, the intelligence that Powell took to the UNSC was older than that! Sexed up intelligence....

but I think it is cute how this thread has digressed. This thread was started to highlight a report from our own Department of Defense that clearly shows that Iraq is not turning any corner...that is is dissolving into bloody sectarian conflict that we are incapable of stopping... As bad as Saddam was - and there is no doubt that he was a first class prick - life in Iraq under him was safer and less deadly than life in Iraq under the occupation of the United States.
And that's damn near criminal if you ask me.
Please, Sir Evil....

Tell us what is NOT A LIE about that statement... please, no smart ellic remarks just an honest deduction and answer.

Care - read any of my posts on the board about the iraq issue, you wanted to know my opinion as to why we are there, my opinion is all over this thread as well as meany other threads.

Who am I to judge on what is a lie and what is not, have I played the postion of maineman and claimed to be a human lie detector? The questions have been put forth very simply, if this was all lies then support that theory with evidence!

Do you have the evidence care? or is it that you line maineman are just drawing your own conclusion?

You want to jump on this particular post when I have stated so many times now that it is rediculous that the wmd issue was not even needed to make the case. Obviously there is nothing else for you to dispute but the wmds but you are for certain it is all made up lies! Terrific, now show the evidence that it was all lies, show me this without your opinion, without some leftwing theory, just show me the evidence.

I have stated there was a very long timeline with iraq, the failed sanctions, the dollars wasted within the UN, the appeasment that was going on forever, it's all here within the thread. If you don't see it as about time the situation came to the end than that is your opinion and you are entitled to it!
what a wonderful person you are for that last sentence. Careful your hate is showing again.

As for the wounded. 10782 returned to duty. That means light wounds for the most part and does it mention how many volunteered to go back to be with their buddies. Or that wanted to see their mission completed. The facts behind the numbers are what matter. Not the numbers.

simple question runyon:

Where you wrong, when you suggested that MM simply invented the 20k dead and wounded number?