Pentagon:Iraq carnage soars

go google "Dead and wounded" and go read a few of the 529000 websites that use that phrase.... then get back to me.

I'll wait.

I'm well aware of the figures, but I am still waiting for your evidence that has been asked so many times of you to produce, and yet you keep throwing out your stats! Now, if ya have no evidence to base all these lies on, then shut the fuck up and tell it like it is! You have nothing other than a opinion on the way you see it period!!!!!!!
By using the more generic term he can make it seem like those in VN wouldn't be wishing beyond all hope to have the same number of casualties.
go google "Dead and wounded" and go read a few of the 529000 websites that use that phrase.... then get back to me.

I'll wait.

And I don't doubt that those figures are wrong at all, only a armchair general would know how many websites house those figures anyway.
Like I said...the proof is in the fact that there are no WMD's. That is proof that the Bush adminstration's hype about tons and tons of stockpiles and "no doubt" about their existence and "we know right where they are" were, in fact, sexed up.

Again...please offer your proof to the contrary.... please prove that those statements were not exaggerations and were all me the WMD's that Rummy knew the location of.... I'll wait.
We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country.  Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

I told Bush not to believee this guy.
And then ge goes and repeats this crap...Gore suckered us all in.....we know?

Yeah sure,...he knew shit...
look asshole The prick called me a liar for saying there were 20K dead and wounded when that is a perfectly legitimate statement and then wished that the souls of the dead would come visit me. Assholes like that don't get tea and crumpets....and I DO hate the assholes that took us to war. Last year, I served as a pallbearer for a young man who joined the maine national guard in better times...he was a fine young man. He, his father and I all served on the volunteer fire department.... he never should have died and left a young bride and baby son.... this war is horrible. It has fuck all to do with 9/ has not made us one iota has only made us fewer, poorer and more despised around the world.... you're damn right I hate the assholes that pissed away the goodwill of the entire world and got us into this bloody mess....damn right.

There was never any good will of the entire world. Other than a select few most countries don't like us and never have. They prove that repeatedly in the un. We are no more dispised now than we ever were. we're not poorer either. The ecomomy is just as strong as it ever was. And I can't see how 2000 deaths over three years makes us fewer. The loss of even one life is tragic, but there's a war on. Instead of dwelling on what got us there and what has happened in the past you might try looking to the future and seeing what needs to be done. when the shooting starts with iran are you going to cry about how Bush lied and got us into another war? iran does have ties with al queda and many others.

You and the rest of your ilk want to fight another cold war using the containment policies. That only works with someone that desires to live and progress. That strategy won't work against this enemy.

iraq and syria were of the same ideology when sadam was in power. Both baathists. syria is now allied with iran. saddam would have been too if left in power. They wil always be looking for ways to undermine each other but they unite for their common hate of the west.

Its going to be a long war and we will win inspite of people like you.
Like I said...the proof is in the fact that there are no WMD's. That is proof that the Bush adminstration's hype about tons and tons of stockpiles and "no doubt" about their existence and "we know right where they are" were, in fact, sexed up.

Again...please offer your proof to the contrary.... please prove that those statements were not exaggerations and were all me the WMD's that Rummy knew the location of.... I'll wait.

So your evidence is therefore non existing just like I have stated, what you have is nothing more than what you choose to believe. My proof of the contrary is the fact as I once again stated many times before, even without wmds the cause was there, this has been going on for so long that most on this board were probably not even born yet! I have stated that the possibility lean with the fact that the wmds are not there, but the simple fact that it is not over still leaves many possibilities wide open. I can very simply buy into the theory that they have been moved, I can simply buy into the fact that they are still well hidden and not been found but I am yet to provide evidence in stone that backs that, I have yet to make any suck statement that they definitely existed, I simply reside with the issue that if the evidence was there to suggest that they were, I would certainly buy into that before I would buy into a simple case of "I know they are'nt there, because we have'nt found them" theory. They has the ambitions to go along with the well documented history.

Now to date YOU HAVE PRODUCED SQUAT, I REPEAT SQUAT, to provide any evidence that they never existed, you have produced nothing but an opinion.
Now if you can't admit to that then go back to playing your fuckin war games, and pile up your statistical win!
when the shooting starts with Iran, I will be wondering where we will get the military resources to conduct the effort given the fact that we will, in all probability, still be entangled in a civil war in Iraq that we set in motion by out boneheaded invasion.

Saddam would never have allied itself with Iran.... that is beyond foolish.

and "people like me" hope that "people like you" walk out in front of a fucking bus, you sanctimonious prick.
I'd take something approved by the pentagon.

you got nothing

wait a minute. You want approved by the pentagon? you want Rummies signature on that too? I thought the pentagon lied. They are in cahoots with Bush you know. He's sorta like.....commander in chief.
So your evidence is therefore non existing just like I have stated, what you have is nothing more than what you choose to believe. My proof of the contrary is the fact as I once again stated many times before, even without wmds the cause was there, this has been going on for so long that most on this board were probably not even born yet! I have stated that the possibility lean with the fact that the wmds are not there, but the simple fact that it is not over still leaves many possibilities wide open. I can very simply buy into the theory that they have been moved, I can simply buy into the fact that they are still well hidden and not been found but I am yet to provide evidence in stone that backs that, I have yet to make any suck statement that they definitely existed, I simply reside with the issue that if the evidence was there to suggest that they were, I would certainly buy into that before I would buy into a simple case of "I know they are'nt there, because we have'nt found them" theory. They has the ambitions to go along with the well documented history.

Now to date YOU HAVE PRODUCED SQUAT, I REPEAT SQUAT, to provide any evidence that they never existed, you have produced nothing but an opinion.
Now if you can't admit to that then go back to playing your fuckin war games, and pile up your statistical win!
I never said that Saddam's wmd's NEVER existed. Hell we KNOW they existed. We kept the receipts. I am saying that, at the time we invaded Iraq, at the time that RUmmy and Bush and Cheney were all telling us that there was no doubt that they were still in existence and that we knew right where they were, that such pronouncements were bullshit. And the PROOF is clear: If Rummy was NOT bullshitting when he told he knew right where they were, why the fuck doesn't he just fly over there, hop in a humvee and drive on out to where he knows they are and show them to us?
when the shooting starts with Iran, I will be wondering where we will get the military resources to conduct the effort given the fact that we will, in all probability, still be entangled in a civil war in Iraq that we set in motion by out boneheaded invasion.

Saddam would never have allied itself with Iran.... that is beyond foolish.

and "people like me" hope that "people like you" walk out in front of a fucking bus, you sanctimonious prick.

More speculation, pure and utter opinion! You wanted to play the big fucking hero to the leftist but you to can produce SQUAT other than the same old bullshit rhetoric that has been spewed out ever since the election.

Now your crying iran already, before they were the ones slapping our face like the koreans, and you would still be playing armchair general with all your tabs of rheotical bullshit so long as it is taking a shot at the administration, You are a true team player for sure.

wait a minute. You want approved by the pentagon? you want Rummies signature on that too? I thought the pentagon lied. They are in cahoots with Bush you know. He's sorta like.....commander in chief.

anything more believable than novels by Iraqi generals.... anyone anywhere of any standing...any reputable news media buying this "russia took the wmd's away bullshit? anybody who isn't wearing a fucking tin foil hat?
it is a fact, and not my opinion, that the ISG and David Kay and Hans Blix and every other group that has been charged with locating Saddam's WMD stockpiles all have come to the conclusion that they did not exist at the time we invaded.
I never said that Saddam's wmd's NEVER existed. Hell we KNOW they existed. We kept the receipts. I am saying that, at the time we invaded Iraq, at the time that RUmmy and Bush and Cheney were all telling us that there was no doubt that they were still in existence and that we knew right where they were, that such pronouncements were bullshit. And the PROOF is clear: If Rummy was NOT bullshitting when he told he knew right where they were, why the fuck doesn't he just fly over there, hop in a humvee and drive on out to where he knows they are and show them to us?

I'm dead tired of hearing you time related issues, it was there, then it was'nt and all this other bullshit, it was good for one admin to claim not the next, and it just never ends! Until the proof comes out that they never existed try another cup of shut the fuck up, and tell it like it is! It's nothing more than opinion based left handed rhetorical.

when the shooting starts with Iran, I will be wondering where we will get the military resources to conduct the effort given the fact that we will, in all probability, still be entangled in a civil war in Iraq that we set in motion by out boneheaded invasion.

Saddam would never have allied itself with Iran.... that is beyond foolish.

and "people like me" hope that "people like you" walk out in front of a fucking bus, you sanctimonious prick.

Now is that any way to speak to an anti-christ figure?

Yes I am sanctimonious. I state my opinions and I don't revert to name calling. Your wrong and I said so.
Sounds like you don't think the US is up to the job, ye of little faith....
If the left would finally get with the program and side with their own freekin' country for just once, things would be alot different....

Its difficult fighting insurgents and terrorists, and realizing that Iran is right now aligning itself with the fanatics in Iraq and then having to fight the leftists of your very own country waging an anti-American propaganda war with its own government....which in effect is aiding a abeting the very enemy trying to kill our citizens....and then denies it like a child crying "Not me...I didn't hit my sister".....
write...if the sunnis in Iraq were to lay down their arms and stop their part of the sectarian violence tomorrow. Iraq, with its shiite dominated government, would align itself with Iran in a heartbeat.

There are lots and lots of very smart people in America who think that this war in Iraq is wrong and that it is counterproductive and that it has fucked up the realpolitik balance of power in the middle east... I agree with them.
Sounds like you don't think the US is up to the job, ye of little faith....
If the left would finally get with the program and side with their own freekin' country for just once, things would be alot different....

Its difficult fighting insurgents and terrorists, and realizing that Iran is right now aligning itself with the fanatics in Iraq and then having to fight the leftists of your very own country waging an anti-American propaganda war with its own government....which in effect is aiding a abeting the very enemy trying to kill our citizens....and then denies it like a child crying "Not me...I didn't hit my sister".....

You are so dead on with that. :clink:
Now is that any way to speak to an anti-christ figure?

Yes I am sanctimonious. I state my opinions and I don't revert to name calling. Your wrong and I said so.

YOU think I am wrong.... and I think YOU are wrong...

the only difference is that I am pretty sure I have forgotten more about the middle east than you have ever known.