Pentagon:Iraq carnage soars

and let me receive this "documentation" only when you step outside at night in your backyard wearing your tinfoil hat?

Provide this "documentation" or retract that statement.

and P.S. tinfoil hat brigage blogs don't count as "documentation"

I'll have to go dig it up now providing my satelite link holds up.

There are photos showing trucks hauling the stuff into syria. There are also documents still being deciefered and interpretted by private organizations because the government wasn't doing it. I fault Bush and the CIA for that.

They have released many of the documentation about the transfers. The russians did the work and its not known where the wmds ended up. In addition an iraqi general wrote a book about his experiences serving with saddam and tells about the russian involvement. I don't know his name I caught the tale end of an interview with him concerning the book. But I will see what all I can find.

I will provide documentation as I find it but not because you say so. And I refuse to retract my statement with or without documentation. If you don't like my statements, don't read them.
And you know that I'm a m*f* how? Based on what? How interesting. You reveal more of yourself with each post.

Is there anything really needed to be revealed here? the guy claims everyone else is just partisan. look at his avatar, then he will make a post, log off, and view it as a guest. Need to know anything else?
And once again totally wipe out the whole wmd issue and this here is just the tip of it all, the shit goes back as many years one would care to believe. If the tab keeper kept his tabs in check he too wouild know this, well I'm sure he does but were also talking about a guy who thinks sanctions worked, The dandy U.N had it all in check, and blah blah blah, only problem is that was the re-occuring issues year after year. Cry about billions, then cry about the billion wasted with the shithole known as the U.N.

I think this was an oops on your part.
Is there anything really needed to be revealed here? the guy claims everyone else is just partisan. look at his avatar, then he will make a post, log off, and view it as a guest. Need to know anything else?

and here I was, all agog at his ability to spew inappropriate keyboarding swears! :cool:
And you know that I'm a m*f* how? Based on what? How interesting. You reveal more of yourself with each post.

And you know that I'm a m*f* how? Based on what?

1) Because you stated that the deaths and mortal wounds of tens of thousands of american soliders are on the concience of people who sought to keep them OUT of an unneccessary war:

Runyon: 20k dead and wounded. You took the dead and multiplied x 10? Interesting. In any case, I hope each soul of the dead, visits you.

That blood is on your hands, not on the hands of those who tried to stop your war. The only people those souls have any reason to "visit" is you.

;and 2) Because you didn't have the faintest idea of how many wounded americans you've maimed for life. You assumed mainman or I simply made it up.
And you know that I'm a m*f* how? Based on what?

1) Because you stated that the deaths and mortal wounds of tens of thousands of american soliders are on the concience of people who sought to keep them OUT of an unneccessary war:

Runyon: 20k dead and wounded. You took the dead and multiplied x 10? Interesting. In any case, I hope each soul of the dead, visits you.

That blood is on your hands, not on the hands of those who tried to stop your war. The only people those souls have any reason to "visit" is you.

;and 2) Because you didn't have the faintest idea of how many wounded americans you've maimed for life. You assumed mainman or I simply made it up.

shut up mudlap! speaking for others you still come of sounding like a broken record asshole that you are....
I think you were grabbing the quote from the wrong post. I had a good laugh over it tho. scroll back and see.

Yeah unfortunately I had to tend to some business earlier, gotta take it when I can. But of course I had to come back and answer my posts that get replied to by others that they were'nt intended for, throw in the neverending rhetoric from the mudflap, and yeah I could have misquoted something somwhere. :cof1:
And you know that I'm a m*f* how? Based on what?

1) Because you stated that the deaths and mortal wounds of tens of thousands of american soliders are on the concience of people who sought to keep them OUT of an unneccessary war:

Runyon: 20k dead and wounded. You took the dead and multiplied x 10? Interesting. In any case, I hope each soul of the dead, visits you.

That blood is on your hands, not on the hands of those who tried to stop your war. The only people those souls have any reason to "visit" is you.

;and 2) Because you didn't have the faintest idea of how many wounded americans you've maimed for life. You assumed mainman or I simply made it up.

Well how interesting, you are afraid to stand on your own? You are a man? I haven't seen Maineman do this:

You assumed mainman or I simply made it up.
Last I checked, was just you. In any case, i needn't you to give me KIA or wounded.
You haven't a clue to where I was in 2003, much less 2006.

You are aggressive, if not informed.
shut up mudlap! speaking for others you still come of sounding like a broken record asshole that you are....

Have you noticed they are always trying to put everyone on a guilt trip. I only see the parts of cyphlas's post you quote cause i blocked him my second day on the board. He has nothing relavent to add to anything here so I don't waste my time with him.
20k dead and wounded. You took the dead and multiplied x 10? Interesting. In any case, I hope each soul of the dead, visits you.

I point you to the following webpage:

and now we'll go through the math:

dead: 2642

wounded: 8991

wounded returned to duty: 10782

2642 + 8991 + 10782 = 22415

now go fuck yourself your mathematically challenged moron...

I hope your son goes over there and dies and then when HIS soul comes to visit me from hell I can tell him what a fucking jerk he had for a dad.
Have you noticed they are always trying to put everyone on a guilt trip. I only see the parts of cyphlas's post you quote cause i blocked him my second day on the board. He has nothing relavent to add to anything here so I don't waste my time with him.

It's a valid point but just as valid is his cut and run posting style, with that you can tell automattically what he's about. His crying about dollars is endless yet not a single word about issues were the dollars are wasted even more. either a college boy, or graduated up to a subsitute teacher with his way of looking at things....well you know how it is.....:cof1:
I'll have to go dig it up now providing my satelite link holds up.

There are photos showing trucks hauling the stuff into syria. There are also documents still being deciefered and interpretted by private organizations because the government wasn't doing it. I fault Bush and the CIA for that.

They have released many of the documentation about the transfers. The russians did the work and its not known where the wmds ended up. In addition an iraqi general wrote a book about his experiences serving with saddam and tells about the russian involvement. I don't know his name I caught the tale end of an interview with him concerning the book. But I will see what all I can find.

I will provide documentation as I find it but not because you say so. And I refuse to retract my statement with or without documentation. If you don't like my statements, don't read them.

bring in that stuff about Clinton murdering Vince Foster while you're at it.

I'll read your statements, but only for their comedic value.... you're a moron, but laughably so