Pentagon:Iraq carnage soars

now go fuck yourself your mathematically challenged moron...

I hope your son goes over there and dies and then when HIS soul comes to visit me from hell I can tell him what a fucking jerk he had for a dad.

Perhpas if you stated it the proper way to being with it would'nt of been questioned. saying 20,000 + dead and wounded could be taking different ways.

Now for your subtle remark that was just aimed at a female, is that typical of you? really, it would'nt surprise me in the least...
and you should know that some book written by some Iraqi general is hardly what anyone would consider "documentation"
bring in that stuff about Clinton murdering Vince Foster while you're at it.

I'll read your statements, but only for their comedic value.... you're a moron, but laughably so

Hey dickwad, still waiting on your evidence of the sexed up intellingence, we need some comedic value to ya know..... and now you wonder why mutual respects are's simple, you can't debate! you are so gung ho trying to proof yourself perfect that you are just a fuckup!
Perhpas if you stated it the proper way to being with it would'nt of been questioned. saying 20,000 + dead and wounded could be taking different ways.

Now for your subtle remark that was just aimed at a female, is that typical of you? really, it would'nt surprise me in the least...

20K dead and wounded means exactly what it says: 20K dead and wounded. This asshole tells ME he hopes the souls of the dead come visit me and gets a free fucking pass from you? take a hike
I point you to the following webpage:

and now we'll go through the math:

dead: 2642

wounded: 8991

wounded returned to duty: 10782

2642 + 8991 + 10782 = 22415

now go fuck yourself your mathematically challenged moron...

I hope your son goes over there and dies and then when HIS soul comes to visit me from hell I can tell him what a fucking jerk he had for a dad.

what a wonderful person you are for that last sentence. Careful your hate is showing again.

As for the wounded. 10782 returned to duty. That means light wounds for the most part and does it mention how many volunteered to go back to be with their buddies. Or that wanted to see their mission completed. The facts behind the numbers are what matter. Not the numbers.
Hey dickwad, still waiting on your evidence of the sexed up intellingence, we need some comedic value to ya know..... and now you wonder why mutual respects are's simple, you can't debate! you are so gung ho trying to proof yourself perfect that you are just a fuckup!

the proof is in the pudding. There were no WMD's. Do you recall Colin's speech to the UNSC? replete with photos? turns out a whole shitload of it was lifted verbatim from an academic research paper written years before? Do you recall Rummy saying before the war that we were certain that he had stockpiles of WMD's and we even knew where they were? Did you ever stop and wonder why, if we knew right where they were, we didn't just tell Hans Blix so that he could FIND them??? Bush scared us with talk of mushroom clouds and he used fear to mislead us. Deal with it
20K dead and wounded means exactly what it says: 20K dead and wounded. This asshole tells ME he hopes the souls of the dead come visit me and gets a free fucking pass from you? take a hike

There are not 20k dead, there are x amount dead and x amount wounded! I know it sounds real good to say it that way, you base much off of how it sounds, it's a democratic thing to do. Now take a hike? hell I'm still waiting for the coon report on the sexed up intelligence. Take a hike, as if you could even have the capacity to do such a thing, you are a monday morning general playing toy soldier at the opportune time, you are nothing more than a man who stand behind his flag when convenient. :321:
the proof is in the pudding. There were no WMD's. Do you recall Colin's speech to the UNSC? replete with photos? turns out a whole shitload of it was lifted verbatim from an academic research paper written years before? Do you recall Rummy saying before the war that we were certain that he had stockpiles of WMD's and we even knew where they were? Did you ever stop and wonder why, if we knew right where they were, we didn't just tell Hans Blix so that he could FIND them??? Bush scared us with talk of mushroom clouds and he used fear to mislead us. Deal with it

I did'nt ask for more of your left handed rhetoric, I asked for the proof that you had, not the pudding. Now got it or not? you are so well at asking for it, and when put at your nose you wanna claim it was for different reasons at a different time. Now produce what ya claim!
what a wonderful person you are for that last sentence. Careful your hate is showing again.

As for the wounded. 10782 returned to duty. That means light wounds for the most part and does it mention how many volunteered to go back to be with their buddies. Or that wanted to see their mission completed. The facts behind the numbers are what matter. Not the numbers.

look asshole The prick called me a liar for saying there were 20K dead and wounded when that is a perfectly legitimate statement and then wished that the souls of the dead would come visit me. Assholes like that don't get tea and crumpets....and I DO hate the assholes that took us to war. Last year, I served as a pallbearer for a young man who joined the maine national guard in better times...he was a fine young man. He, his father and I all served on the volunteer fire department.... he never should have died and left a young bride and baby son.... this war is horrible. It has fuck all to do with 9/ has not made us one iota has only made us fewer, poorer and more despised around the world.... you're damn right I hate the assholes that pissed away the goodwill of the entire world and got us into this bloody mess....damn right.
look asshole The prick called me a liar for saying there were 20K dead and wounded when that is a perfectly legitimate statement and then wished that the souls of the dead would come visit me. Assholes like that don't get tea and crumpets....and I DO hate the assholes that took us to war. Last year, I served as a pallbearer for a young man who joined the maine national guard in better times...he was a fine young man. He, his father and I all served on the volunteer fire department.... he never should have died and left a young bride and baby son.... this war is horrible. It has fuck all to do with 9/ has not made us one iota has only made us fewer, poorer and more despised around the world.... you're damn right I hate the assholes that pissed away the goodwill of the entire world and got us into this bloody mess....damn right.

Still I wait for the evidence, go in the pudding if ya need to, but I'm still waiting!
and you should know that some book written by some Iraqi general is hardly what anyone would consider "documentation"

I'm sure you would not consider it documentation after all what would someone who was there know about anything. And it might spoil all your ideas about the war. I'll find it anyway and post it for those interested. wouldn't want you to strain your brain looking at something not approved by howard dean.
I did'nt ask for more of your left handed rhetoric, I asked for the proof that you had, not the pudding. Now got it or not? you are so well at asking for it, and when put at your nose you wanna claim it was for different reasons at a different time. Now produce what ya claim!

the proof that the intell was sexed up is that there are no wmd's.... that is proof...considering that the assholes told us there was NO DOUBT that they existed. period. Do you have any proof that the intell was NOT sexed up?

A giant nuclear bomb discovered in Saddam's palace? A huge stockpile of chemical weapons and the means to use them? anything?

I'll wait.
lLast year, I served as a pallbearer for a young man who joined the maine national guard in better times...he was a fine young man. He, his father and I all served on the volunteer fire department.... he never should have died and left a young bride and baby son.... this war is horrible.

Well boo fuckin who! maine is the only one to have lost someone he knows. I have a youngter in the family that is in second duty their, Gaff has family there. Stop crying the fucking blues over those who were killed when ya know damn well you are'nt the only one!
I'm sure you would not consider it documentation after all what would someone who was there know about anything. And it might spoil all your ideas about the war. I'll find it anyway and post it for those interested. wouldn't want you to strain your brain looking at something not approved by howard dean.

I'd take something approved by the pentagon.

you got nothing
Well boo fuckin who! maine is the only one to have lost someone he knows. I have a youngter in the family that is in second duty their, Gaff has family there. Stop crying the fucking blues over those who were killed when ya know damn well you are'nt the only one!

fuck you ..I nver claimed I was the only one.... get a clue
I'm rather proud of my nephew who recently joined the Army and is going to DLI for Arabic... WooHooo! I actually adopted this kid for his first two years of existence. He truly is a good young man.
the proof that the intell was sexed up is that there are no wmd's.... that is proof...considering that the assholes told us there was NO DOUBT that they existed. period. Do you have any proof that the intell was NOT sexed up?

A giant nuclear bomb discovered in Saddam's palace? A huge stockpile of chemical weapons and the means to use them? anything?

I'll wait.

Produce the simple evidence that anyting was manipilated, sexed up or whatever you wanna call it. You can ask it of us, we dig it up, we ask you and you say it's in the pudding. No, the only pudding here is your argument! I too can jump on the bandwagon, oh my he lied, oh man we should'nt be there, it's the same old rhetoric from day one! yet I have'nt seen the lies presented, I have'nt been told about the previous years of appeasment in iraq, all I am hearing is dollar figure, and death tolls, something any jackass can tally up on the net! It mean Jack Fucking Shit if you can';t produce the evidence of the lies!!!
There are not 20k dead, there are x amount dead and x amount wounded! I know it sounds real good to say it that way, you base much off of how it sounds, it's a democratic thing to do. Now take a hike? hell I'm still waiting for the coon report on the sexed up intelligence. Take a hike, as if you could even have the capacity to do such a thing, you are a monday morning general playing toy soldier at the opportune time, you are nothing more than a man who stand behind his flag when convenient.
I never said there were 20K dead... I used the rather common term "dead and wounded" and there are 22K of those.
go google "Dead and wounded" and go read a few of the 529000 websites that use that phrase.... then get back to me.

I'll wait.