Pentagon:Iraq carnage soars

it is a fact, and not my opinion, that the ISG and David Kay and Hans Blix and every other group that has been charged with locating Saddam's WMD stockpiles all have come to the conclusion that they did not exist at the time we invaded.

NO, inspections never concluded, that will be another one of your key arguments if you recall! Blix stated that on more than one case that there was not co-operation. We acted unilaterally as we should of dones years before.
Yet all this evidence that you can't produce that it was a lie.

I have stated over and over the timline of the iraq issues, it goes a long way back, and you rebutt with "he was under control, I know this because the UN said so" bullshit. The UN created this fuckin mess if you wanna lay blame!!

I'm tired already of listening to your dribble about they were there at one time, they were'nt there another, saddam was under control, the UN kept him in check, and all the other bogus bullshit! The isses go so far back that there would'nt be enough bandwith here to add it all, and all of a sudden the world has an issue with this administration for doing something about it. what a crock of shit! Go back to your pc and create some more left handed rhetoric about it was all a lie, it was about oil, it was for bush's daddy, it was a conspiracy about keeping people scared about what really happened, I have heard em all, and have yet to here one fuckin good reason why it should'nt of happened, not one shred of evidence where all the lies are, I have yet to here anything except a bunch of fucking whininhg that we lost the white house and need to take it back!

But, I know, Bush lied and millions died, but when billy scored we all adored, too bad he wasn't doing the dirty work anywhere but from underneath the desk!
Well how interesting, you are afraid to stand on your own? You are a man? I haven't seen Maineman do this:

Last I checked, was just you. In any case, i needn't you to give me KIA or wounded.
You haven't a clue to where I was in 2003, much less 2006.

You are aggressive, if not informed.

You were an ass for implying MM or I made up the 20k dead and wounded, and then your were an even bigger ass for wishing their dead souls to "visit" me.

WTF was that all about. Not only were you wrong on the assumptions about the math, but you had to be an ass about it.

I simply called you on it. You should have said you were wrong, for implying the 20k number was made up
YOU think I am wrong.... and I think YOU are wrong...

the only difference is that I am pretty sure I have forgotten more about the middle east than you have ever known.

Paperboy, you have produced exactly:


other than your opinion!
You were an ass for implying MM or I made up the 20k dead and wounded, and then your were an even bigger ass for wishing their dead souls to "visit" me.

WTF was that all about. Not only were you wrong on the assumptions about the math, but you had to be an ass about it.

I simply called you on it. You should have said you were wrong, for implying the 20k number was made up

Mudflap, you are an ass period, no two ways about it! I hope the enitre fucking dead world visits you, whatcha gonna do about it strawman? hit me with your words of wonder, your statistical tough guy show.... YOU ARE A PLANE OUT ASSHOLE, LALALALALA......LOSER!
I'm dead tired of hearing you time related issues, it was there, then it was'nt and all this other bullshit, it was good for one admin to claim not the next, and it just never ends! Until the proof comes out that they never existed try another cup of shut the fuck up, and tell it like it is! It's nothing more than opinion based left handed rhetorical.


I did produce. I produced the FACT that RUmmy has yet to go out to that spot where he claimed the WMD's were.

No one has EVER said that Saddam never had any wmd's.... of course he did. He used chemical weapons against Iran in their war, he used them against kurds and later against shiites in his own country. No denying it.

After the first gulf war, his ability to produce them was eliminated and his stockpiles were mostly destroyed. He had not made any more since then. Chemical weapons have a shelf life measured in months, not decades. Anything he may have squirreled away that had not been destroyed by the previous inspectors was no longer a weapon anymore but cannisters of goo that could not massively destroy anything.

And if we had let Hans Blix have just a few more months, he would have confirmed that fact and we would not have had to invade.
write...if the sunnis in Iraq were to lay down their arms and stop their part of the sectarian violence tomorrow. Iraq, with its shiite dominated government, would align itself with Iran in a heartbeat.

There are lots and lots of very smart people in America who think that this war in Iraq is wrong and that it is counterproductive and that it has fucked up the realpolitik balance of power in the middle east... I agree with them.

The only thing counterproductive is you and those that think like you who want to run this country down. The only balance of power in the ME is us sitting in iraq starring down iran. If we weren't there that whole region would fall to them. And don't start that saddam wouldn't have let them bullshit.

When we go after iran, iraq is a great staging point.
I did produce. I produced the FACT that RUmmy has yet to go out to that spot where he claimed the WMD's were.

No one has EVER said that Saddam never had any wmd's.... of course he did. He used chemical weapons against Iran in their war, he used them against kurds and later against shiites in his own country. No denying it.

After the first gulf war, his ability to produce them was eliminated and his stockpiles were mostly destroyed. He had not made any more since then. Chemical weapons have a shelf life measured in months, not decades. Anything he may have squirreled away that had not been destroyed by the previous inspectors was no longer a weapon anymore but cannisters of goo that could not massively destroy anything.

And if we had let Hans Blix have just a few more months, he would have confirmed that fact and we would not have had to invade.

More of the same squat ya been shoveling paperboy!
Does it read any different from the guest view cypress? Look here, you are still a mudflap!:321:
More of the same squat ya been shoveling paperboy!

then we're done here... what more proof should I need that Bush and Rummy were bullshitting when they told us they knew for certain Saddam had WMD's and knew right where they were other than the fact that they have yet to go to those places where they knew they were and produce them for all the world to see?

Do you think that maybe they have found them and are waiting until the week before the midterms to tell us all about them?
The only thing counterproductive is you and those that think like you who want to run this country down. The only balance of power in the ME is us sitting in iraq starring down iran. If we weren't there that whole region would fall to them. And don't start that saddam wouldn't have let them bullshit.

When we go after iran, iraq is a great staging point.

I have never run this country down. I disagree with the course of action that our pResident has embarked upon.

The fact of the matter is...Saddam didn't let them flex their muscles...and we already have.

Just like we let that asshole in North Korea slap us in the face by launching missiles on the fourth of july...and we have sat still, like a big girlieman and let him do it....because we don't have the available military assets to do anything on the Korean penninsula even if Bush wasn't a girlieman... and Kim Jong Il knows it...and the asshole in Iran knows it and that is why he was able to exert his hegemony all the way over in Lebanon and they wasn't a fucking thing that we could do about it
YOU think I am wrong.... and I think YOU are wrong...

the only difference is that I am pretty sure I have forgotten more about the middle east than you have ever known.

That can be determined in time. But I haven't seen anything about your knowledge of the middle east so far. Just the "I hate Bush" rhetoric and name calling.
then we're done here... what more proof should I need that Bush and Rummy were bullshitting when they told us they knew for certain Saddam had WMD's and knew right where they were other than the fact that they have yet to go to those places where they knew they were and produce them for all the world to see?

Do you think that maybe they have found them and are waiting until the week before the midterms to tell us all about them?

Yes we are done here, you have spewed the same left handed rhetorical for how long and produced squat to support your lie theory. You spun it from they never had them, they did have them, the didn't once again have them, and I know what you are really saying with that but once again its the typical rhetoric that is already old. You have followed it like a handbook!

Now get back to me when ya have evidence to support the lies and I will gladly eat the crow on it. But as things stand now I will tell you that you are nothing more than a blithering idiot who goes from being normal to asshole depending on what you read, when it does'nt lend favor to your agenda you are instantly spitting the venom! I have no need to make any further discussion like that. The timline in iraq was there, I pointed it out, we went as far as it is going to go, and not a step further until you produce something more than opinion on the lies....
as a fine republican president once said:

"The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or any one else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about any one else."

Teddy Roosevelt

How DARE you say that I am running down this country by criticizing this president? Go FUCK yourself!
That can be determined in time. But I haven't seen anything about your knowledge of the middle east so far. Just the "I hate Bush" rhetoric and name calling.

Gaff, I know ya have been out on that side of the world, I know you saw action, I know you saw the deaths, I will listen to that before the rhetoric of the same ol' song and dance being spit out by the left.
as a fine republican president once said:

"The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or any one else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about any one else."

Teddy Roosevelt

How DARE you say that I am running down this country by criticizing this president? Go FUCK yourself!

And that is a fine speech, only if you were to produce something nearly alike, but you are offended because other have a view different then yours, too bad you have nothing left to prove other then the fact that you can monkey out the same old bullshit that is already old... You are nothing more but a puppet of YOUR own party, the proof of that lies right here withing the pudding paperboy!
again...I suggested that Rummy was hyping the intelligence more than it warranted when he said he was certain that Saddam had stockpiles and that he knew right where they were. You asked for proof of that suggestion and all I can offer up is the fact that Rummy has been to Iraq several times since he made that statement, and has yet to drive on out there and show them to us. And if Rummy were to drive on out there and show them to us, I would graciously retract my criticism of the hyping of the intelligence.

Why should I need more proof than that?
I have never run this country down. I disagree with the course of action that our pResident has embarked upon.

The fact of the matter is...Saddam didn't let them flex their muscles...and we already have.

Just like we let that asshole in North Korea slap us in the face by launching missiles on the fourth of july...and we have sat still, like a big girlieman and let him do it....because we don't have the available military assets to do anything on the Korean penninsula even if Bush wasn't a girlieman... and Kim Jong Il knows it...and the asshole in Iran knows it and that is why he was able to exert his hegemony all the way over in Lebanon and they wasn't a fucking thing that we could do about it

Like SE I'm tired of the Bush lied bullshit too. so you can drop that one. nk and iran both need to be taken down. Bush is playing the un game now cause of all the garbage your crowd dished out over iraq. When we go into iran we need to have the whole country together on it. Once again he's appeasing the damnocraps. and everyone is going to play politics with the war.

So with that, since I have to work in the morning I'm off to bed.
again...I suggested that Rummy was hyping the intelligence more than it warranted when he said he was certain that Saddam had stockpiles and that he knew right where they were. You asked for proof of that suggestion and all I can offer up is the fact that Rummy has been to Iraq several times since he made that statement, and has yet to drive on out there and show them to us. And if Rummy were to drive on out there and show them to us, I would graciously retract my criticism of the hyping of the intelligence.

Why should I need more proof than that?

You are the proof man, you ask for it, why not give it! you have no proof other than opinion that it was all based on lies. Like the thread starts "you suggested" and your party has been doing the same thing since day one of losing the white house.

You also state how bush lost obl, next you will be asking why don''t he just drive out and look for him while he is on a visit!

Give it a break........
You are the proof man, you ask for it, why not give it! you have no proof other than opinion that it was all based on lies. Like the thread starts "you suggested" and your party has been doing the same thing since day one of losing the white house.

You also state how bush lost obl, next you will be asking why don''t he just drive out and look for him while he is on a visit!

Give it a break........
You want the defendent to prove his innocence rather than bear the burden of proof yourself. Damned un-American of you, there, boll-wevil.

Bush asserted that certain things were true. The burden of proof lay with him . . . especially since he made the assertions in order that he might kill thousands of people. Now, he has killed thousands of people, yet the assertions he made have not been born out. How would you parse this out?