Political ad, looks like a Presidental Campaign ad to me....

OOOPs, what DNC campaign was purely impugning Romney's character?

You live a kinda sad life when a simple typo can get you "LAMO"!
OOOPs, what DNC campaign was purely impugning Romney's character?

Of course you wouldn’t know it; you’re a low information voting hyper partisan.

The Democratic National Committee is promising not to release any more attack ads featuring Ann Romney’s dancing show horse after she expressed disapproval of a recent video, according to a report.

“Our use of the Romneys’ dressage horse was not meant to offend Mrs. Romney in any way, and we regret it if it did,” DNC spokesman Brad Woodhouse told ABC News.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0712/78712.html#ixzz2yEuBUtJ7

DNC Launches 6-State Ad Campaign Against Romney's Character

WASHINGTON— Democrats are using humor to try to undermine Republican Mitt Romney, pushing a movie trailer-style ad that portrays his candidacy as “the story of two men trapped in one body.”

DNC Homepage Shows More Romney Attack Ads Than Obama Accomplishments

You live a kinda sad life when a simple typo can get you "LAMO"!

Well, you being an attorney and everything, I wasn't sure if it was a mistake, or some deliberate effort to confuse.

You think that is bad; you should see your buddy Mainetard use grammar and spelling in his dishonest attempts to engage in third grade prattle rather than thread topics or substantive debate.

Notice I didn't say anything when you typed worms instead of women recently. Your selective outrage has been noted.

he's a total fucking loser.

Says the slum dwelling expat stuck on stupid. Yay you!

Of course when you dwell on grammar and spelling mistakes, it is a sign of brilliance right shit-for-brains?

Damn you are one ignorant hyprocrite dumbass you know that?
Says the slum dwelling expat stuck on stupid. Yay you!

Of course when you dwell on grammar and spelling mistakes, it is a sign of brilliance right shit-for-brains?

Damn you are one ignorant hyprocrite dumbass you know that?

so now... when you don't know the difference between epitaph and epithet, it's a SPELLING mistake?

fucking idiot.
Romney was subjected to a coordinated campaign to impugn his character, experience and "achievements" for purely partisan purposes.
Also, Obama was subjected to a coordinated campaign to impugn his character, experience and achievements for purely partisan purposes.

The substance of Obama's record of success and failure was debated at length.

I wasn't aware that Obama had a record of success. :dunno:
It would not be smart for any candidate to say anything right now.

Are you suggesting that Democrats are the only party that attempts character assassination?

Their is a difference, Democrats participate in Character assassination, then people like you say the Republicans do it to when Republicans defend themselves.
The RINOs are worried that real republicans are getting wise to the RINO'S BIG government hypocrisy. So, the RINO strategy is to throw another Bush into the mix who pretends to be a party peace maker who truly does like the Tea Party and libertarian folks who really do promote "limited" government. The RINOs figure that if they can pull the wool over the real republican's eyes with a peace pipe and another Bush the RINOs might be able to hang on to control of the neo-Fascist BIG government party they've worked so hard to establish ever since they got rid of Barry Goldwater.

It's a political, campaign add for attracting real republicans back into the fold by pretending BIG government RINOs really are "Limited" government patriots. Good luck with that fucking scam!!!!!
Their is a difference, Democrats participate in Character assassination, then people like you say the Republicans do it to when Republicans defend themselves.

So, you believe that Republican are better than Democrats in personal behavior? I think that is silly and illustrates that you have blinders on.
So, you believe that Republican are better than Democrats in personal behavior? I think that is silly and illustrates that you have blinders on.

Well thinking hasn't ever been your strong suit now has it Counselor; but Republucans really are better than Dems on personal behavior. But that isn't what we are talking about is it Counselor?

What we are talking about is the concerted effort Democrats love to engage in that avoids debating substance and prefers mud slinging.

The reason is very simple and obvious; because Democrats cannot get elected if they were honest about their agenda.

Example; how likely was it that Obummer could have gotten elected if he had stated his goal was to implement Government managed Universal Healthcare for everyone financed by higher taxes on those who have taxable earnings? He knows this would be political suicide, so instead we get the abomination we currently have that incrementally leads to his end goal.

It is the special brand of dishonest that Democrats wallow in.
If you think I don't know the difference, you're a dishonest fucking idiot trying to deflect and troll.

Oh sure... it was just a TYPO.... because the H-E-T are sitting there right next to the A-P-H. Right. Got it. moron.

Oh sure... it was just a TYPO.... because the H-E-T are sitting there right next to the A-P-H. Right. Got it. moron.


Another clueless idiot who doesn't know that typing on an I-Pad rapidly can produce words you don't intend to type due to their similarity.

You really can't be more of a repugnant whiney clueless dunce can you?

But whatever you do, keep avoiding substance and the thread topic like the dishonest clueless partisan hack that you are.
So, you believe that Republican are better than Democrats in personal behavior? I think that is silly and illustrates that you have blinders on.

No, I am honest, I don't like either party. I prefer conservatism over liberalism/socialism. Problem is the conservatives are the tea party, and they are constitutionalists, and neither dems, or repubs, seem to have any interest in preserving that.
Jeb bush will certainly run and there were be a longer list of primary hopefuls than the last time around. I cant wait for the show
No, I am honest, I don't like either party. I prefer conservatism over liberalism/socialism. Problem is the conservatives are the tea party, and they are constitutionalists, and neither dems, or repubs, seem to have any interest in preserving that.
Just look at almost any of Sarah Palin's stump speech from the 2008 campaign if you want to see an attempt at character assassination.