Political ad, looks like a Presidental Campaign ad to me....

You're a walking talking point. I can pick any of them.

Because you say so Sparky? Compelling.

But of course you're not parroting. Only those on the left do that. Honestly you right wing knuckledraggers are entertaining.

The only knuckle-draggers I see on this forum are leftist twits like you who never add anything substantive to any debate other than parrot their loony leftist talking points and engage in schoolyard bullshit.

Hell, you dunces aren’t entertaining; you’re a sad testament to how badly the Liberal left teachers Unions have dumbed down the society to the lowest common denominator.

Buying your own bullshit and then turning around and trying to polish the turds for the rest of us. Amusing to say the least.

You’re welcome to point out what “bullshit” I am talking about sparky? Or are you another simple minded lefttard who thinks “just saying so” make things so?

Come on sparky; blind us with some of your brilliance and show where anything I post is just bullshit and cannot be supported by any facts or the historic record!!

You and your ilk have a strangle hold on that label son.

My “Ilk”? Son? Are you another one of them OLD lefttards that never grew up and still naively think that BIG Government is your buddy?

Wanna bet who this genius relates to?

That picture has to be one of your relatives because you certainly don’t have sufficient intelligence to debate anything beyond your leftist meme’s and dimwitted talking points. Hell, for all I know your family tree has no branches from what I am seeing so far.

But hey, I have an open mind; dazzle me with your brilliance!!
Note, not a single comment above was made by any candidate for office. No evidence was presented that those who made the statements were Democrats. Not a single one of these statements came from the Democratic party.

She was attacked personally, I don't see where you come close to even alleging it has come from the Democratic party.

LMAO; that's because you are a dishonest hyper partisan stuck on stupid counselor.

I found a better source with the full quote after much googling:

President Bush declared that "my dog Millie knows more about foreign affairs than these two bozos."


Damned funny; and so true as it relates to Billybob and AlGore!! But hurling ugly insults like Democrats do? Not even on the same playing field Counselor.
and now you keep tap dancing, in an attempt to cover up for the fact that you can't produce one single lie.

sooooo fucking boring.
and now you keep tap dancing, in an attempt to cover up for the fact that you can't produce one single lie.

sooooo fucking boring.

You lied when you failed to declare your weapon, prior to crossing into Mexico, and then you continued to lie, by saying that you have integrity and never lie.

You're a liar; PERIOD. :)
I never lied to anyone at the border. I answered all questions completely and truthfully.

And yet you continued to hide your illegal activity, the act of which was a lie.
Just goes to show how much you value that nonexistent integrity of yours. :palm:
You are wrong. I presented myself at the border and answered all questions truthfully and completely. I hid nothing. My car was even directed to the inspection lane where a customs officer inspected my car and cleared us for passage. Not one lie. If you had any lie in any post of mine here, you would have presented it long ago. You know you have nothing...you know it is you who is the liar... and yet you continue this ridiculous tap dancing. Put up or shut up.

You, of course, will ignore the above and continue dancing, no doubt.

You are wrong. I presented myself at the border and answered all questions truthfully and completely. I hid nothing. My car was even directed to the inspection lane where a customs officer inspected my car and cleared us for passage. Not one lie. If you had any lie in any post of mine here, you would have presented it long ago. You know you have nothing...you know it is you who is the liar... and yet you continue this ridiculous tap dancing. Put up or shut up.

You, of course, will ignore the above and continue dancing, no doubt.


But you knew it was illegal to import a gun into Mexico and you did it anyway; when you should have declared your possession of such, so you lied by omission.
You have no integrity and you are a liar.
But you knew it was illegal to import a gun into Mexico and you did it anyway; when you should have declared your possession of such, so you lied by omission.
You have no integrity and you are a liar.

"should have declared my possession of such?" says who? YOU?

"should have declared my possession of such?" says who? YOU?


The law says so; but thanks for finally admitting that you don't feel laws apply to you; because it just adds to the fact that you're just a gun smuggling liar, with no integrity.
again... I am not denying, nor have I eve denied, that it was illegal for me to bring a weapon across the way I did. That's not a lie. People break the law all the time. You'd be a liar if you said you'd never driven your car 20 mph higher than the speed limit... to do so is a felony. Doing so makes you liable for felony charges but we both know you are innocent until proven guilty. When you - or anyone else - exceeds the speed limit by more than 20 mph, there is usually no pressing need to go that fast... we do because it is fun to drive fast. I did not bring a weapon into Mexico for any flippant reason. I decided to do something illegal because I was convinced that the authorities in a Mexican state that was in between point A and point B were incapable and unwilling to protect me, and were, in fact, working with criminal elements to steal from and kidnap and otherwise harm wealthy foreigners. My current neighbor in the state police here confirms that the police in Tamaulipas are corrupt and that the roads throughout that state are dangerous for foreigners to travel. I made a conscious decision to take extraordinary steps to protect my family in a place where the local authorities would not and could not do so. I'd do it again if I had to. The above is what I have always said. I have never lied about that event in any way.
again... I am not denying, nor have I eve denied, that it was illegal for me to bring a weapon across the way I did. That's not a lie. People break the law all the time. You'd be a liar if you said you'd never driven your car 20 mph higher than the speed limit... to do so is a felony. Doing so makes you liable for felony charges but we both know you are innocent until proven guilty. When you - or anyone else - exceeds the speed limit by more than 20 mph, there is usually no pressing need to go that fast... we do because it is fun to drive fast. I did not bring a weapon into Mexico for any flippant reason. I decided to do something illegal because I was convinced that the authorities in a Mexican state that was in between point A and point B were incapable and unwilling to protect me, and were, in fact, working with criminal elements to steal from and kidnap and otherwise harm wealthy foreigners. My current neighbor in the state police here confirms that the police in Tamaulipas are corrupt and that the roads throughout that state are dangerous for foreigners to travel. I made a conscious decision to take extraordinary steps to protect my family in a place where the local authorities would not and could not do so. I'd do it again if I had to. The above is what I have always said. I have never lied about that event in any way.

It was lie for you not to declare your firearm, prior to entering Mexico, and now you've finally acknowledged that you knew you were committing a crime, so there goes your integrity.

Using your "opinion", anyone in the US should be able to ignore any law that they FEEL they have a reason for doing so.
For example: There is a stop light, on my way back home, that literally sits in the middle of no where and the only reason it's there, is because it's at an intersection of two roads that sometimes have a lot of traffic; but only at certain times of the day.
Using your logic; I should have the RIGHT to ignore this stop light; because stopping at it, in the middle of the night, could place me at risk from possible criminals.
I was not required to "declare" anything. I drove up to the border. The Mexican officials asked my a raft of questions or their choosing - not mine - and I answered all questions truthfully and completely. They asked me to present my car for inspection and I did so. The only questions they ever asked me about the content of my car was whether I had current veterinarian paperwork for my dogs, which I did and showed them. They never said anything remotely similar to "do you have anything else in your car we would be interested in? Do you have any firearms in your car? Do you have anything else you should tell us that you think we'd like to know.... nothing" EVERYTHING they asked me I answered honestly and completely and, if they had asked me if I had had a firearm, I certainly would have told them yes and explained to them my rationale for having it. I never claimed it was my RIGHT to break the laws of Mexico. I chose to do so because the state where I was entering did not enforce their own laws and their law enforcement was demonstrably corrupt. You can chose to run that red light in the middle of nowhere if you want... it's not my concern any more than my taking steps to protect my family is any concern of yours. See how that works?***

*** unless you are a geek without a life who must live vicariously through the more glamorous lives of others whom you envy..... then, I'm sure you'll keep up this pathetic act of yours where you follow me around the internet and stare longingly at photos of my life. You really are pretty sad.
1 - I was not required to "declare" anything. I drove up to the border. The Mexican officials asked my a raft of questions or their choosing - not mine - and I answered all questions truthfully and completely. They asked me to present my car for inspection and I did so. The only questions they ever asked me about the content of my car was whether I had current veterinarian paperwork for my dogs, which I did and showed them. They never said anything remotely similar to "do you have anything else in your car we would be interested in? Do you have any firearms in your car? Do you have anything else you should tell us that you think we'd like to know.... nothing" EVERYTHING they asked me I answered honestly and completely and, if they had asked me if I had had a firearm, I certainly would have told them yes and explained to them my rationale for having it. I never claimed it was my RIGHT to break the laws of Mexico. I chose to do so because the state where I was entering did not enforce their own laws and their law enforcement was demonstrably corrupt. You can chose to run that red light in the middle of nowhere if you want... it's not my concern any more than my taking steps to protect my family is any concern of yours. See how that works?***

*** unless you are a geek without a life who must live vicariously through the more glamorous lives of others whom you envy..... then, I'm sure you'll keep up this pathetic act of yours where you follow me around the internet and stare longingly at photos of my life. You really are pretty sad.

1 - There goes your claim of integrity.
: the quality of being honest and fair

The rest of your diatribe is nothing more then a verbose and long winded attempt by you attempting to JUSTIFY your lying criminal behavior.