Political Disappointments

Well, you despise his economic policies. And you were taken in by W, so you're no one to talk. The point is that none of us can ever make the judgements we make about politicians, because we don't know them, and we are all taken in quite regularly.

Yes, I do despise the "economic" policies he promoted. Yes, I admit, W. turned out a LOT different than I thought. While I did want McCain over Bush, once Bush became the nominee I was "certain" we would finally get the national debt lowered. Big BIG BIG OOOPS.
Yes, I do despise the "economic" policies he promoted. Yes, I admit, W. turned out a LOT different than I thought. While I did want McCain over Bush, once Bush became the nominee I was "certain" we would finally get the national debt lowered. Big BIG BIG OOOPS.

Look, SF has learned how to use fonts! Can you teach that to Cawacko? It promises to make his drunk posting even more interesting.
Anyone who hates trial lawyers is very interested in so-called tort reform. There are wide gaps in your knowledge Cawacko, but I am hopeful that after years of my working with you, someday, we are going to see an improvement.

Well, if you are talking in the political sense, then I would agree with the above assessment. Though there are a multitude.... MULTITUDE I say... of reasons to dislike trial liars.
Well, if you are talking in the political sense, then I would agree with the above assessment. Though there are a multitude.... MULTITUDE I say... of reasons to dislike trial liars.

But you are agreeing that there are wide gaps in Cawacko's knowledge?
How typical of a USC alum.... showing what a big "man" he is by threatening a woman. TOUGH GUY ALERT!!!

That's a good point. I was thinking of saying that it seems typical of a republican...but i don't know much about basketball, maybe it does have something to do with that.
I would be willing to wager Tospin's next three stock picks that if you ask people what their first thought is after you say ambulance chasers that less than 10% would say 'tort reform'.

I would be willing to bet that 90% of this country couldn't even EXPLAIN what tort reform IS.

They probably think "tort" is some sort of pastry.
So, tell us again how "OJ" was broken by the National Enquirer and how that lends credibility to the Edwards "scandal"?
That's a good point. I was thinking of saying that it seems typical of a republican...but i don't know much about basketball, maybe it does have something to do with that.

Not just ripping on their athletic teams... but the school in general. A LOT of prima donnas attend USC.
So, tell us again how "OJ" was broken by the National Enquirer and how that lends credibility to the Edwards "scandal"?

Ib, this is what made me start to think the story is probably true. The huffpo dug up a post from one year ago, written by Sam Stein, that had a very odd story to it. Stein had been alerted that the Edwards campaign pulled down a bunch of campaign videos that were up. They just disappeared and this raised questions. Well the Edwards campaign gave him this big run around, and lied even, and no one ever found out wtf was the problem that they pulled them and lied about it. Well, it ends up that the person who made those videos, is this woman.

Also, his campaign manager had "admitted" that this child was his. His campaign manager was married with kids when he made this confession. His campaign manager is still married today.

The entire thing is extremely odd.
How typical of a USC alum.... showing what a big "man" he is by threatening a woman. TOUGH GUY ALERT!!!

You're trying to call me out while your avatar has a picture of a guy about to hit a woman???

A little (or a lot) of hypocricy there SF???