Political Disappointments

What I find most interesting is that after the Edwards story broke conservatives everywhere, including here talked about how when a man cheats on those closest to him he will betray others as well, meaning that a politician that cheats will also screw us in the end. IF that is true, and I can't remember which of you here said it was, then John McCain will screw all of us because he cheated on his first wife. Try to remain internally consistent and vote for Nadar of McKinney because I believe Barr also cheated on his wife.
What I find most interesting is that after the Edwards story broke conservatives everywhere, including here talked about how when a man cheats on those closest to him he will betray others as well, meaning that a politician that cheats will also screw us in the end. IF that is true, and I can't remember which of you here said it was, then John McCain will screw all of us because he cheated on his first wife. Try to remain internally consistent and vote for Nadar of McKinney because I believe Barr also cheated on his wife.

Soc, you are talking crazy now!

What is wrong with you man? According to SF and all the other cons, when republicans do it, it’s a “youthful mistake”. John McCain screwed his crippled wife in his 40’s. But that was a youthful error! Certainly he wouldn’t do it today, and that’s how we know that the NY Times was lying when the intimated that he was porking that blonde lobbyist who just happened to look like Cindy McCain 20 years ago!
Soc, you are talking crazy now!

What is wrong with you man? According to SF and all the other cons, when republicans do it, it’s a “youthful mistake”. John McCain screwed his crippled wife in his 40’s. But that was a youthful error! Certainly he wouldn’t do it today, and that’s how we know that the NY Times was lying when the intimated that he was porking that blonde lobbyist who just happened to look like Cindy McCain 20 years ago!
Yeah I do tend to talk crazy after a few in here told me that once a cheater always a cheater, and forgot that the guy they nominally support is a cheater as well. You do remember those conversations over the last few days right?
Yeah I do tend to talk crazy after a few in here told me that once a cheater always a cheater, and forgot that the guy they nominally support is a cheater as well. You do remember those conversations over the last few days right?

Yes I do! I think that you kind of have to say that at this point, it looks to me as if Barack and Michelle are actually still in love, and have a faithful and good marriage. So if that’s what is important to you, that’s who you got to go with.

But their moral outrage has always been selective. Maybe it’s because I’m a woman, but mine isn’t. You know, a dog is a dog. I don’t care what letter he has after his name. Though it’s true that it’s only as I get older it begins to weigh into my estimation of someone. I can’t help it.
[ame="http://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?t=12927"]John Edwards Caught With Mistress - Just Plain Politics![/ame]

tinfoil said most assuredly:

I find it amusing considering Edward's two americas speech. The duality being the funny part.

And believe it or not, some of us have less faith and trust in people we see betraying the trust of others. I don't know what kind of person you are, but if this doesn't bother you, I'm glad I don't have to call you my friend.
so knowing what we know know you are less trusting of John McCain for having cheated on his FIRST wife? Yes? Yes?
Then tinhat said:

wow, that really makes sense.

I don't trust people who lie to their dying spouses and that makes me simplistic.

Talk about a simplistic mind... you win the prize.
so maybe that is the qualifier for tinfoil, ONLY if your spouse is dying does cheating on her make that guy less trustworthy? Yes? Yes?
Ahhhh but then tinfoil become unequivocle (sp):

We differ in that the people I surround myself with don't lie and cheat others. If you consider that type of behavior to represent the people you associate with, I feel sorry for you.
Do you think people who lie to the closest people in their lives are going to be trustworthy when employed to work for people they don't know or care about?
So not going to vote for McCain right? Yes? Yes?
And then my buddy SF chimes in and says:

I think the connection, so to speak, for myself is in that if they would betray the ones closest to them, how can we trust that they will do what is in our best interest when in one of the most powerful positions in the country?

So SF that means you will not be voting for John McCain right? I mean his cheating on his first wife all those years ago was...well...all those years ago, but character counts right? Or will you overlook it just this once?
then SF said:

No, I do not give him a pass on it. Yes, he cheated on his first wife. I am well aware of that. According to Carol, he was changed from his POW experience, wanted to relive his youth, was more irresponisible and yes, I would imagine that her accident and change was a part of that. But it was also 30 years ago. So while I do not give him a pass on it, it doesn't have as much relevance as it would should it occur again today.
But but but you said earlier, up above that it DID matter. So as time passes a person that is otherwise untrustworthy because of his betrayal becoms trustworthy again? Let me know when you start to believe that about Bill Clinton. You can send me a postcard care of the afterlife.
Soc, you are talking crazy now!

What is wrong with you man? According to SF and all the other cons, when republicans do it, it’s a “youthful mistake”. John McCain screwed his crippled wife in his 40’s. But that was a youthful error! Certainly he wouldn’t do it today, and that’s how we know that the NY Times was lying when the intimated that he was porking that blonde lobbyist who just happened to look like Cindy McCain 20 years ago!

Close. What I said was is that both are wrong... but that timing of an action/decision is a factor in how much relevance I give a decision/action. Something that happened 30 years ago with no history of repeating the action/decision is going to have less relevance to something that was done today.

So again, to be clear.... both actions (by McCain and Edwards) were without question wrong (IMO). But the fact that McCain's was 30 years ago makes it less relevant to me today than Edwards actions (which supposedly just occured). I do beleive people are allowed to redeem themselves through subsequent actions.
Close. What I said was is that both are wrong... but that timing of an action/decision is a factor in how much relevance I give a decision/action. Something that happened 30 years ago with no history of repeating the action/decision is going to have less relevance to something that was done today.

So again, to be clear.... both actions (by McCain and Edwards) were without question wrong (IMO). But the fact that McCain's was 30 years ago makes it less relevant to me today than Edwards actions (which supposedly just occured). I do beleive people are allowed to redeem themselves through subsequent actions.
