Political Disappointments

Ib, this is what made me start to think the story is probably true. The huffpo dug up a post from one year ago, written by Sam Stein, that had a very odd story to it. Stein had been alerted that the Edwards campaign pulled down a bunch of campaign videos that were up. They just disappeared and this raised questions. Well the Edwards campaign gave him this big run around, and lied even, and no one ever found out wtf was the problem that they pulled them and lied about it. Well, it ends up that the person who made those videos, is this woman.

Also, his campaign manager had "admitted" that this child was his. His campaign manager was married with kids when he made this confession. His campaign manager is still married today.

The entire thing is extremely odd.

I was wondering why you put so much stock in it.

It's the sort of thing I would be inclined to otherwise dismiss as rumor.
All I can say is that if it turns out to be true, he couldn't get elected sheriff in his own hometown.

I would struggle to think of a more utterly destructive scandal.
McCain is really reaching out to his constiuency. Equating Obama to Paris and Brittany. subjects they can understand.
Well, you despise his economic policies. And you were taken in by W, so you're no one to talk. The point is that none of us can ever make the judgements we make about politicians, because we don't know them, and we are all taken in quite regularly.

Well said.

Obama quickly became the biggest disappointment I've ever seen in politics.

Bush was an easy call.
Well said.

Obama quickly became the biggest disappointment I've ever seen in politics.

Bush was an easy call.

welcome back.

Completely off topic.... I watched the Great Debaters last week. Thanks for the recomendation a while back. Great movie. I had never heard of it before, so not only great movie, but educational as well.
welcome back.

Completely off topic.... I watched the Great Debaters last week. Thanks for the recomendation a while back. Great movie. I had never heard of it before, so not only great movie, but educational as well.

Oh yeah, me too, I forgot to tell him