I'll presume that you have no clue what "tyranny" is and that you operate under the misconception that your document somehow overrides the Constitution. It makes so much sense now that you put it that way.

I'll presume that you were still in elementary school when you dropped out in order to begin a life of uneducated stupidity.

H.R. 2068, An act to revise, codify, and enact without substantive change certain general and permanent laws, related to public buildings, property, and works, as title 40, United States Code, "Public Buildings, Property, and Works"



The Constitution empowers the government to maintain necessary control over all government operated buildings, including limiting public access to them, setting operating hours during which limited public access may be granted and closing them to the public after normal operating hours or for other reasons deemed necessary.

It's sad that there are people like you, who will tell us they are adults, then try to foist some childish POV on us thinking we'll just take them seriously.

Grow up, fool.
Sure there is. Hell, in NY they're handing out settlement money to people who rioted against Trump. J6 was a three-hour riot. It has gotten insane levels of scrutiny with an attempt to arrest and charge anyone that was anywhere near it. On the other hand, violent rioters across the US who were protesting Trump rarely got arrested and charged, and even when they did most of the charges were dropped.

That's selective justice. Rioting is rioting. Rioters--all of them--should be arrested, charged, and if found guilty given punishment for it. But it seems to me that what you riot about or what your politics are, determines whether you get held accountable or not. That's wrong.

Rioting with the intent of overthrowing the govt, interfering with a lawful election, interfering with the duties of Congress, threatening to kidnap and kill public officials etc, etc, commands a much higher level of attention and reaction than looting and burning some shoe stores, etc.

I'm not saying that the BLM protest related looters are not criminals and don't deserve severe punishment. They are, they do and several of them were. But you are not being completely honest here.

The J6 rioters were apprehended on a higher percentage because they were so much easier to apprehend to begin with.

The reason being that there was an incredible abundance of high quality video available with which to identify them. There was even a professional videographer who was invited by the ringleaders to document what they thought was going to be seen as some kind of heroic and historical episode that they'd be the stars of. And of course there were the Capitol building's surveillance cameras and dozens of personal cellphone cameras.

Plus, it was daytime and they were white, making their identification by law enforcement much easier.

The BLM related riots OTOH, had very little video for law enforcement to make use of. The perpetrators were mostly wearing masks and hoodies, they were mostly black and it was nighttime.

The narrative that the authorities just shrugged those rioters off as no big deal, requires the overlooking and ignoring of some very basic, physical world realities.

It's also a prime example of victim card playing.
Rioting with the intent of overthrowing the govt, interfering with a lawful election, interfering with the duties of Congress, threatening to kidnap and kill public officials etc, etc, commands a much higher level of attention and reaction than looting and burning some shoe stores, etc.

I'm not saying that the BLM protest related looters are not criminals and don't deserve severe punishment. They are, they do and several of them were. But you are not being completely honest here.

The J6 rioters were apprehended on a higher percentage because they were so much easier to apprehend to begin with.

The reason being that there was an incredible abundance of high quality video available with which to identify them. There was even a professional videographer who was invited by the ringleaders to document what they thought was going to be seen as some kind of heroic and historical episode that they'd be the stars of. And of course there were the Capitol building's surveillance cameras and dozens of personal cellphone cameras.

Plus, it was daytime and they were white, making their identification by law enforcement much easier.

The BLM related riots OTOH, had very little video for law enforcement to make use of. The perpetrators were mostly wearing masks and hoodies, they were mostly black and it was nighttime.

The narrative that the authorities just shrugged those rioters off as no big deal, requires the overlooking and ignoring of some very basic, physical world realities.

It's also a prime example of victim card playing.

The riots I mentioned were the ones against Trump taking office, not BLM.

Tens of Thousands Protest Trump Election Victory, 124 Arrested
Protests erupted in major cities from coast to coast.

A large group of protesters marched on Trump Tower in midtown Manhattan Wednesday night, chanting, "My body, my choice," "Not my president," and "Hey, hey, ho, ho, Donald Trump has got to go."


Protests against Donald Trump’s win turn violent

Violence flares in Washington during Trump inauguration

They chanted anti-Donald Trump slogans. They flooded city streets. They gathered near the White House, disheartened and dismayed.
“Not my President, not today,” many across the nation yelled.
In cities from Boston to Los Angeles, thousands of demonstrators gathered Wednesday night in protest of election results that mean the billionaire real estate developer will be the next president.


There were often violent riots coast-to-coast against Trump's win. There was a violent protest at his inauguration. There were attempts by a riotous mob to storm the White House.

Rioting with the intent of overthrowing the govt, interfering with a lawful election, interfering with the duties of Congress, threatening to kidnap and kill public officials etc, etc, commands a much higher level of attention and reaction than looting and burning some shoe stores, etc.

Well, you seem to have short memory because that's what the Left did when Trump got elected. They too were ineffective, but it doesn't change they too rioted over an election.
The riots I mentioned were the ones against Trump taking office, not BLM.

Tens of Thousands Protest Trump Election Victory, 124 Arrested
Protests erupted in major cities from coast to coast.

A large group of protesters marched on Trump Tower in midtown Manhattan Wednesday night, chanting, "My body, my choice," "Not my president," and "Hey, hey, ho, ho, Donald Trump has got to go."


Protests against Donald Trump’s win turn violent

Violence flares in Washington during Trump inauguration

They chanted anti-Donald Trump slogans. They flooded city streets. They gathered near the White House, disheartened and dismayed.
“Not my President, not today,” many across the nation yelled.
In cities from Boston to Los Angeles, thousands of demonstrators gathered Wednesday night in protest of election results that mean the billionaire real estate developer will be the next president.


There were often violent riots coast-to-coast against Trump's win. There was a violent protest at his inauguration. There were attempts by a riotous mob to storm the White House.

Well, you seem to have short memory because that's what the Left did when Trump got elected. They too were ineffective, but it doesn't change they too rioted over an election.

They didn't storm the US Capitol.

They didn't threaten to kidnap and kill the VP and the Speaker.

They didn't take over the offices of Congressional Representatives.

They didn't loot and destroy government property.

They didn't shit and piss on the walls and floors.

They didn't try to violently undo and overturn the results of the election by force.

Any attempt to equate the two incidents is pure, desperately absurd bullshit.

They are not the same and they are barely even similar.

You know it, I know it, Trump knows it.

Everybody knows it.

Now feel free to go shit and piss in your diapers just like your filthy, disgusting Trumptrash friends shit and pissed in the halls of Congress.
They didn't storm the US Capitol.

They didn't threaten to kidnap and kill the VP and the Speaker.

They didn't take over the offices of Congressional Representatives.

They didn't loot and destroy government property.

They didn't shit and piss on the walls and floors.

They didn't try to violently undo and overturn the results of the election by force.

Any attempt to equate the two incidents is pure, desperately absurd bullshit.

They are not the same and they are barely even similar.

You know it, I know it, Trump knows it.

Everybody knows it.

Now feel free to go shit and piss in your diapers just like your filthy, disgusting Trumptrash friends shit and pissed in the halls of Congress.

That's just a reductio ad absurdum defense in the form of cherry picking. Oh! Those--THOSE--riots were not EXACTLY the same thing, so they don't count... What you're trying to do is make Jan 6 an overwhelming exception by excluding anything and everything you can from other riots against politicians you hate such that you justify one set of riots while excoriating another set.

Oh, and in those anti-Trump riots, they did damage and destroy government property. They did try to violently overturn an election. They did threaten to kill or injure government officials. So...
The Constitution empowers the government to maintain necessary control over all government operated buildings, including limiting public access to them, setting operating hours during which limited public access may be granted and closing them to the public after normal operating hours or for other reasons deemed necessary.
How much do you want to bet?
That's just a reductio ad absurdum defense in the form of cherry picking. Oh! Those--THOSE--riots were not EXACTLY the same thing, so they don't count... What you're trying to do is make Jan 6 an overwhelming exception by excluding anything and everything you can from other riots against politicians you hate such that you justify one set of riots while excoriating another set.

Oh, and in those anti-Trump riots, they did damage and destroy government property. They did try to violently overturn an election. They did threaten to kill or injure government officials. So...

Nothing but the usual Trumper :lies: and BS.


What YOU are doing is engaging in a very thinly veiled exercise in blatant WHATABOUTISM.

You show me video and or photos of post election anti Trump demonstrators in 2016 scaling the Capitol walls, smashing out and climbing through windows, spraying mace, beating and assaulting Capitol Police officers, storming the Capitol Rotunda, taking over Congressional offices, chanting to hang some Trump campaign member, walking out with government property, stealing the classified laptops of elected govt officials, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc...... and I might concede that there were more similarities than I originally thought.

But since none of that happened in any anti-Trump demonstrations, I wouldn't be holding my breath if I were you.

Jan. 6 Arrests Continue Brisk Pace in 2024, Nearing 1,400 Mark

The 122 arrests through April 5 outpace the 70 arrests in 2023 and the 50 arrests in 2022, DOJ data show. Nearly 7 in 10 guilty pleas are for misdemeanors.

The number of people arrested for alleged Jan. 6 crimes at the U.S. Capitol is nearing 1,400 as the rate of arrests showed a sharp increase in the first quarter compared to 2023 and 2022, a report shows.

READ MORE HERE: https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/ja...m_source=partner&utm_campaign=TheLibertyDaily

You are free to post this, so we know that Biden is not rounding up political prisoners. If you commit terrorism, you may well be arrested.
You are free to post this, so we know that Biden is not rounding up political prisoners. If you commit terrorism, you may well be arrested.

It was all a political set up. The sham committee in Congress was a blot on freedom and justice. The committee members should be censured at least and probably should face jail time.
Nothing but the usual Trumper :lies: and BS.


What YOU are doing is engaging in a very thinly veiled exercise in blatant WHATABOUTISM.

You show me video and or photos of post election anti Trump demonstrators in 2016 scaling the Capitol walls, smashing out and climbing through windows, spraying mace, beating and assaulting Capitol Police officers, storming the Capitol Rotunda, taking over Congressional offices, chanting to hang some Trump campaign member, walking out with government property, stealing the classified laptops of elected govt officials, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc...... and I might concede that there were more similarities than I originally thought.

But since none of that happened in any anti-Trump demonstrations, I wouldn't be holding my breath if I were you.

More trivial objections in an attempt to make an reductio ad absurdum argument.

What your rebuttal tries to do is argue that Well, it wasn't the EXACT same thing. Since it wasn't the EXACT same thing, the differences make those other riots irrelevant to the point even though they were trying to achieve the same outcome.
That's just a reductio ad absurdum defense in the form of cherry picking. Oh! Those--THOSE--riots were not EXACTLY the same thing, so they don't count... What you're trying to do is make Jan 6 an overwhelming exception by excluding anything and everything you can from other riots against politicians you hate such that you justify one set of riots while excoriating another set.

Oh, and in those anti-Trump riots, they did damage and destroy government property. They did try to violently overturn an election. They did threaten to kill or injure government officials. So...

Name the government property that was destroyed or damaged in anti-Trump rallies.
The links you posted said the protestors were outside Trump owned properties for the most part.
Portland, they destroyed shop windows.
Minneapolis and LA they blocked a freeway
Baltimore, they marched through the downtown harbor area
Denver, they marched through downtown. (No mention of any damage.)
DC, they protested outside Trump Hotel
NY, protests outside Trump tower.
Boston, no mention of damage or arrests

There is not a single mention of any government building being damaged in anti-Trump protest.

Can you provide evidence to support your claim that a government building was damaged during an anti-Trump protest?
Name the government property that was destroyed or damaged in anti-Trump rallies.
The links you posted said the protestors were outside Trump owned properties for the most part.
Portland, they destroyed shop windows.
Minneapolis and LA they blocked a freeway
Baltimore, they marched through the downtown harbor area
Denver, they marched through downtown. (No mention of any damage.)
DC, they protested outside Trump Hotel
NY, protests outside Trump tower.
Boston, no mention of damage or arrests

There is not a single mention of any government building being damaged in anti-Trump protest.

Can you provide evidence to support your claim that a government building was damaged during an anti-Trump protest?

We could start with the Federal courthouse in Portland...

or, the 40 people that entered the Capitol building on Nov 14th and took over Chuck Schumer's office demanding he overturn the election results (17 more were in the hallway outside)...

Anti-Trump Protests Spread to Democratic Leadership With Sit-In at Schumer's DC Office

Hint: Some were cited for a misdemeanor and released...
Let's go to the video to see who is opening the doors.

Question: Are the capitol building doors locked electronically with dead bolts?

Answer: The doors of the U.S. Capitol Building, known as the Columbus Doors, are indeed secured by a locking mechanism. However, they are not locked with deadbolts. Instead, these 20,000-pound doors are secured by magnetic locks12. These locks can only be opened from the inside using a security code controlled by the Capitol Police2. This information is based on various reports and claims, and there is no explicit evidence to support the claim that an electronic mechanism locks the doors from the inside3. Please note that security measures can change over time, and this information might not be up-to-date. For the most accurate information, it would be best to contact the U.S. Capitol Police or the Architect of the Capitol.

So the capitol police unlocked these doors.
We could start with the Federal courthouse in Portland...

or, the 40 people that entered the Capitol building on Nov 14th and took over Chuck Schumer's office demanding he overturn the election results (17 more were in the hallway outside)...

Anti-Trump Protests Spread to Democratic Leadership With Sit-In at Schumer's DC Office

Hint: Some were cited for a misdemeanor and released...
I see no evidence of anti-Trump protestors doing anything to a Federal courthouse in Portland. The only damage I can find was done in the summer of 2020.

As to Schumer's office, your argument is that they didn't destroy anything and they were cited for blocking a hallway when the Capitol was open to visitors and likely had to at least pay a fine?
And that somehow means they got off easier than people who illegally entered the Capitol and were not cited when they attacked the Capitol but were arrested later.
That certainly seems like you are the one making a ridiculous comparison.
Question: Are the capitol building doors locked electronically with dead bolts?

Answer: The doors of the U.S. Capitol Building, known as the Columbus Doors, are indeed secured by a locking mechanism. However, they are not locked with deadbolts. Instead, these 20,000-pound doors are secured by magnetic locks12. These locks can only be opened from the inside using a security code controlled by the Capitol Police2. This information is based on various reports and claims, and there is no explicit evidence to support the claim that an electronic mechanism locks the doors from the inside3. Please note that security measures can change over time, and this information might not be up-to-date. For the most accurate information, it would be best to contact the U.S. Capitol Police or the Architect of the Capitol.

So the capitol police unlocked these doors.

I guess you have no evidence that they are locked with any electronic mechanism but that means they must be locked with such a mechanism?

The fact of the matter is that all doors must be able to be opened from the inside or it would violate fire code. The door that keeps being talked about that was opened is one that has an electronic lock that is opened after holding the push bar for a certain time.
You seem confused, can I go into the supreme court at midnight and look through his files?
Can I go into the Oval Office while Biden is meeting with a foreign leader?
Even better, can I go get in bed with Dr. Jill while she is sleeping (I own the White House and that bed!)

How stupid are you?

So if I get a police officer to unlock the door to a bank and invite me in, he is not an accomplice to my robbery?

This is getting wilder and wilder. They don't even believe these tall tales.

They were either: escorted into the Capitol building; or, entrapped

They are either: patriots; or, Democrats, antifa, BLM, or government agents

They are free to wander the halls and offices of the CIA, DOD, nuclear missile installations..
I guess you have no evidence that they are locked with any electronic mechanism but that means they must be locked with such a mechanism?

The fact of the matter is that all doors must be able to be opened from the inside or it would violate fire code. The door that keeps being talked about that was opened is one that has an electronic lock that is opened after holding the push bar for a certain time.

You don't have evidence to the contrary and there is no sound on the video.
More trivial objections in an attempt to make an reductio ad absurdum argument.

Is that your new favorite word?

Are we going to be subjected to it in every post from now on?

Please spare us.

What your rebuttal tries to do is argue that Well, it wasn't the EXACT same thing. Since it wasn't the EXACT same thing, the differences make those other riots irrelevant to the point even though they were trying to achieve the same outcome.


They were nothing close and nowhere near the same things.

Your J6 assholes stormed the center of our government. The US Capitol building.

I know the place means nothing to you and the more a bunch of angry, butthurt lunatics trash the place, the more heroic they are in your fucked up, myopic eyes, but a few minor skirmishes in cities around the country which might have resulted in some minor damage to commercial storefronts, doesn't come anywhere near attacking the seat of the nation's government.

You can play your little idiot word games until the drool off your chin soaks the front of your shirt.....


....but you aren't convincing anyone.

Not even yourself.