Preppers and Nutters, the party is over.

I guess you never heard they were in a classroom when the shooting took place.

Dragging? Maybe just quietly put them in the ground and forget it all happened?

Since you have now decided to attempt to defend your stupidity, by using your stupid circular arguments, I guess it's time to ignore you again.

I case you haven't noticed; that soap box you're attempting to preach from, consists of the bodies of 20 dead children. Not that it matters to you.
I'm talking to the preppers and nutters scared of their own shadow... NOT the normal reasonable and safe gun owner.

I'm talking to the tiny minority out there that watch Walking Dead and don't get it's actors and special fx. Not a docudrama.

There is no practical purpose for citizens to own military style weapons. That is over.

There is no practical purpose for high capacity magazines. That is over.

You are not going to ever overthrow your government because you are your government. Your government is you. That is America. So, that is no longer a legitimate reason to own a firearm.

America is to blame for what happened in CT; we stupidly thought that most of you gun nutters and preppers either shoot each other in drunken family feuds or beers cans. But we can't even trust you to do that right, because every now and then one of you gets loose and hurts the normal Americans. We are to blame because we became complacent and kept seeing each tragic event as a one-off, a one-in-million freak 'accident'. These weren't freak accidents. These were ALL preventable with common sense legislation. Common sense checks. Common sense (here comes the R word) restrictions on firearms.

Many of the rights in the Bill of Rights have EXCEPTIONS. Reasonable EXCEPTIONS.

First Amendment EXCEPTIONS = Incitement to Crime, Fighting Words, True Threats, Obscenity, Child pornography.

Fourth Amendment EXCEPTIONS = consent, plain view, open field, Exigent Circumstances.

Fifth Amendment EXCEPTIONS = there are volumes of case law outlining reasonable procedural exceptions. e.g. the I.R.S. can compel you to turn over documents/records that may incriminate you.

Sixth Amendment EXCEPTION = public trial is NOT absolute.

Seventh Amendment EXCEPTION = lots of case law, procedural, $20 clause, etc.

Eight Amendment EXCEPTIONS = codifying punishment, not really an exception, just a long history of case law with exceptions for sanity and mental competence.

A reasonable and common sense reading of the Second Amendment. -- your rights can NOT interfere with our safety and security. See above: Incitement to crime, Exigent circumstances, public trial limits, etc.

Hunters and sportsmen. You're life, you're enjoyment of the outdoors will not change one bit. In fact, you will notice the tiny minority of dangerous and unsafe hunters disappear from hunting season. You're safety will improve as we remove guns from reckless and dangerous individuals like Ted Nudgent.

If you own a cash business or have to transport valuables such as diamonds and have a legitimate reason for a carry permit, we support that.

If you live in a remote area, removed from immediate LE response, we support you having firearms to protect yourself.

If you follow the rules, qualify for a permit, take the classes, we will not interfere with your life at all.

Some idiots have suggested we arm teachers, parents will never let this happen. I suggest we fill out the proper paperwork and make sure NICS is updated and accurate, all reasonable gun owners support this as it makes their life easier by eliminating the unsafe individuals from qualifying.

A simple way to solve gun show and internet sale would be to have a national firearm license that is recognized at gun shows and online sales. ATF agents should be empowered to monitor guns shows and check people for their IDs. ATF should also strictly monitor online sales, requiring very strict records for payment and shipping.

Online sellers should be supplying records of all shipments to buyers out of state to the federal government.

Private sales need to be monitored by a third party agency. This would generate taxable income and eliminate the personal liability. A stubhub for firearms.

What SmarterthanYou said. And fuck off.

You have the balls to come take em? If not then you are just a big mouth fag pussy.
Biggest misconception going right now.

There is such anger about this incident, that I don't think people on the "gun" side will ever get. People are sick & tired of this shite. If there is one thing that just about everyone in America wants to do, it's to be able to put their kids on a school bus with a good feeling that they'll see them at the end of the school day. It's the bare minimum that most people ask.

It's not - hey, what a great excuse to push our agenda! It's just being sick and tired, and that's all.

You can be sick and tired. Nobody argues that this isn't a tragedy. But you won't restrict my freedoms by exploiting it now fuck off
Given that nobody in that building was armed but Lanza he could have used smaller clips.

Even Desh and her magic underpants chair couldn't have stopped him
I think the focus is on the wrong thing.

The murderer was mentally ill and had threatened to kill people. The fact that the system failed to lock him up is the problem.

Also, the entire focus on "assault" rifles and high capacity magazines in worthless. I guarantee that a shotgun is a more deadly close range weapon than an AR15. I guarantee that an M1911 .45 with a 7 or 8 round magazine is just as deadly as the high cap. Glocks and Berettas. And I am willing to bet that a good shooter with a decent hunting rifle could get a high body count than these lunatics, if he wanted to do so. It is not the gun, it is the shooter.
Like what? What sort of 'restriction' should there be? I keep hearing all the statists say this or that, but damned if they know anything that they actually want. Emotion is their only argument, and it is a poor argument. Substance, logic, and reason, can, will and rightly SHOULD triumph over the tidal wave of emotion and illogical fallacy that has been literally vomited up in the past few days.

A restriction like no guns in homes with mentally ill people. What is the point of denying a mentally ill person the right to own a gun and then allow guns in the home in which he/she lives? Does that make sense to you? If that restriction was in place Adam wouldn't have had access to guns. Is this so difficult to comprehend?
A restriction like no guns in homes with mentally ill people. What is the point of denying a mentally ill person the right to own a gun and then allow guns in the home in which he/she lives? Does that make sense to you? If that restriction was in place Adam wouldn't have had access to guns. Is this so difficult to comprehend?

If Adam was dangerously mentally ill, why was he out in society?
A restriction like no guns in homes with mentally ill people. What is the point of denying a mentally ill person the right to own a gun and then allow guns in the home in which he/she lives? Does that make sense to you? If that restriction was in place Adam wouldn't have had access to guns. Is this so difficult to comprehend?

What mental illnesses would be included? All? I seem to remember a time when homosexuality was classified as an illness, would you take guns away from gays? If the person is dangerous, why are they allowed to freely mingle in society to begin with?
Biggest misconception going right now.

There is such anger about this incident, that I don't think people on the "gun" side will ever get. People are sick & tired of this shite. If there is one thing that just about everyone in America wants to do, it's to be able to put their kids on a school bus with a good feeling that they'll see them at the end of the school day. It's the bare minimum that most people ask.

It's not - hey, what a great excuse to push our agenda! It's just being sick and tired, and that's all.

funny how don't have a problem with the left using this to push their agenda....:pke:
Unless the neighbors went with her, all they truly know is that he went with her.

Thanks for admitting that just because he went with her, doesn't mean she was teaching him anything about shooting.
You also continue to fail, by asserting that she made the guns available to him.

Let's try to use a little logic here, OK? The mother is going to take her grown son with her shooting and not let him shoot? Does he sit in a waiting room while she shoots or watch her?

If someone steals your car and runs over someone; are you responsible, since you made your car "available" to the criminal?

If you put a revolver in a cardboard box under the bed and a toddler opens the box and steals it are you responsible? What kind of security did she have that would ensure her mentally ill son was not able to get the arms? Obviously not a lot as she slept until he shot her so he didn't have to smash some cabinet to get them.

Think, man. Think.
yep. let me guess, you'll just say 'too bad'....'go along to get along'.....and 'it's their own fault' when people are killed?

Well, I'd probably say it was too bad they were unable to understand common sense. Expecting people to be diligent, such as not having guns in a home where there are mentally ill people, is the logical thing to do. On the other hand, with people such as yourself who has been told, I'd say, "go along to get along."
Well, I'd probably say it was too bad they were unable to understand common sense. Expecting people to be diligent, such as not having guns in a home where there are mentally ill people, is the logical thing to do. On the other hand, with people such as yourself who has been told, I'd say, "go along to get along."

How about jus banning mentally ill people?

Or I just won't invite your mentally ill ass over to my house. If you show up uninvited that is at your own risk.

I love how tough you libbies talk about taking our guns yet you don't have the balls to do it yourself

The irony is that you would sen people to our houses using weapons you abhor to take something we legally own.

Why do you hate freedom?
Since you have now decided to attempt to defend your stupidity, by using your stupid circular arguments, I guess it's time to ignore you again.

I case you haven't noticed; that soap box you're attempting to preach from, consists of the bodies of 20 dead children. Not that it matters to you.

My argument only seems circular to you because that's how you think. You can't see outside your circle. As for you finding my discussing ways to prevent an occurrence to be preaching on dead bodies the stupidity rests with you.

By all means put me on ignore. You're just another nutter.
If Adam was dangerously mentally ill, why was he out in society?
It's very difficult to institutionalize someone without them practically committing a crime. A long, drawn out legal process. You cannot simply 'say' someone is mentally ill and have them put away.