President Trump has brought in Tulsi Gabbard for debate preparation against Kamala Harris

If you were actually paying attention DURING the Pandemic you'd know that economists knew inflation was going to happen after a year and a half of pent-up demand suddenly being released.

So this inflation was going to happen NO MATTER WHO WAS IN OFFICE.
BULLSHIT......just as anticipated from the ignorant lib'ruls......
Sometimes, good ideas are just that. I'd hate a candidate to reject a good idea just because the "other side" came up w/ it. Too many of them do that.

It would hardly lead one to any kind of conclusion that Trump is better on the economy. We know he isn't. He was an abysmal economic President.
And why didn't Kamala have the good ideas 3 years ago?
If you were actually paying attention DURING the Pandemic you'd know that economists knew inflation was going to happen after a year and a half of pent-up demand suddenly being released.

So this inflation was going to happen NO MATTER WHO WAS IN OFFICE.

Not to mention that it was GLOBAL inflation, and started before Biden even took office.

People who blame Biden for inflation simply do not understand economics. There is always a lag between any policy a President can enact and an impact on the economy that is long-lasting.

We're getting over what was actually Trump's inflation - though, I don't blame him, since as you said inflation was inevitable after COVID. I do blame Trump for being the worst jobs President in modern American history, though.
Not to mention that it was GLOBAL inflation, and started before Biden even took office.

People who blame Biden for inflation simply do not understand economics. There is always a lag between any policy a President can enact and an impact on the economy that is long-lasting.

We're getting over what was actually Trump's inflation - though, I don't blame him, since as you said inflation was inevitable after COVID. I do blame Trump for being the worst jobs President in modern American history, though.
people who pretend Biden didn't cause inflation don't understand that energy prices affect EVERYTHING and do it world wide........fuel prices rose the month after he issued his orders in January and the prices of everything that had to be shipped followed.....
It's sweet how you all think this particular gambit has any legs. LOL. So sweetly naive. Sweetie, no one actually cares about that anymore. Joe's gone. He's not coming back, honey. He's gone to a farm up state where he can run and play all day with the other ex-presidents.

Inflation rate already close to where it was when Trump took office. Not sure how much better he's going to be able to get it and if so why didn't he do it the first time?

Yeah, it's not as scary as you are being told by your Fox Overlords. Remember, sweetie, just because a pretty blonde woman on the TV says it does NOT make it necessarily true! And unless you are a lower-level worker (as in like near the bottom of the ladder) your job isn't going to be stolen by anyone who crosses the border. And if it IS stolen by an Illegal then PROSECUTE THE EMPLOYER.

It's so easy to demonize a group and coalesce a movement around it. We saw it in Germany way back when. The only difference is this time the target victim has spicier food.

But it's all the same playbook. It always runs the same way.
The Rate is TWICE what it was when Biden/HARRIS took office. And the total in crease is ~ 20%
This election season, Trump pitched it as a campaign talking point. Harris has since picked it up and is now saying the same thing. Your appeal to history fallacy is, as with all fallacies, irrelevant.
Not an appeal to anything, fact is the idea has been around decades, and never enacted cause isn’t as easy as it sounds. Economists from both sides of the isle think it is a bad idea, and both candidates are just showboating with it now

Trump might have rejuvenated the idea first, but Harris co-opted it, which is kinda humorous how you Trumpkins are all upset about her countermove
Exactly, two months ago there wasn’t any blue in those States now half are toss ups, thanks
actually Trump has led Biden/HarmUs in those same states since January, 2024......just look at the chart at the bottom of the RCP polls I previously linked to......and thanks for posting something so incredibly easy to prove a lie.......the fact she "bounced" close enough to make it a toss up for a couple weeks is hardly reason for you to take hope......
Not to mention that it was GLOBAL inflation, and started before Biden even took office.

People who blame Biden for inflation simply do not understand economics. There is always a lag between any policy a President can enact and an impact on the economy that is long-lasting.

We're getting over what was actually Trump's inflation - though, I don't blame him, since as you said inflation was inevitable after COVID. I do blame Trump for being the worst jobs President in modern American history, though.
I'm sure the world's largest economy has no effect on inflation

World inflation rate for 2022 was 7.97%, a 4.5% increase from 2021. World inflation rate for 2021 was 3.47%, a 1.53% increase from 2020. World inflation rate for 2020 was 1.94%, a 0.27% decline from 2019. World inflation rate for 2019 was 2.21%, a 0.24% decline from 2018

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I'm sure the world's largest economy has no effect on inflation :facepalm:

Who said it didn't?

But that doesn't counter what I said. I'm sure you understand that. Inflation that started the month Biden took office - was not caused by Biden policies.

I'm sure you don't actually believe that, because you pay enough attention to politics to at least understand basic economics. I wouldn't insult your intelligence by suggesting otherwise.
Another point I'd make debating Harris is on her price fixing scheme. She says that on "Day one" she'll work to bring down grocery prices. I'd point out they skyrocketed on her watch as part of the Biden administration, then ask, "Why not start bringing them down now and show everyone how great your price fixing scheme is...?"