President Trump INDICTED by NYC grand jury

The question that none of you loyalists will answer is:

Why not wait until you see the charge(s) and the evidence before unloading your outrage?

This is the answer: it doesn't matter to you what the charges and the evidence are. Whatever they are, your loyalty to Trump and to Republican politics will negate it.

It's irrelevant.
Because the TRUMP LOVERS never cared if Donnie broke the law or not!

In fact, they egged him on all the way, to break whatever laws he wanted to win his elections and OWN THE DEMOCRATS!

They thought it was funny! Laughed in our faces about it!

So, why should we even expect them to turn a new leaf now?

They are just going to dig in, and start terrorizing our nation, and many will end up in jail themselves trying to carry their revolution out.

Stay tuned, and protect your family!

Your lies don't work anymore.
Bullshit. Trump was supposed to win according to you and he lost in a landslide. He was never going to be charged and now he has been. The worthless shit does not stand a chance in another election and you are saying being indicted is going to help him? Fucking ridiculous.

Trump has never lost an election.
You twits have been persecuting him for EIGHT YEARS.
You just handed him the election.
A recent poll shows 70% of our nation want to see Donald Trump taken out of the public and put behind bars for his many numerous crimes.

While the other 30% are going to revolt and start terrorizing our nation.

Well they are out-numbered by over 2 to 1!

While the law, the Armed Guard, THE PEOPLE- THE CONSTITUTION- AND THE ENTIRE WORLD OF FREE NATIONS are all on our side of the law!

Stand proud- prepare for them to react with violence- and protect your home and family!

Denying the Constitution of the United States and all the constitutions of the various States is NOT supporting the Constitution.
I already know you are going to fake 'Trump support violence'.
What the fuck makes you think democrats are the ones who indicted him? It was a jury of 23 that decided to indict him, not democrats. The right continuously tries to blame Bragg or the democrats for this but it was a jury of 23 that listened to the evidence and said he is a criminal and to charge him.

The 'jury' of 23 are hand picked Democrats.
You witch hunt won't work. You've already lost.
Trump does not stand a chance against Biden. A twice impeached ex-president now indicted for campaign violations, tax evasion and falsifying records, fucking porn stars and and lying about it, and soon to be indicted for attempting to overthrow our govt and trying to steal an election is going to defeat an incumbent? Dream on, I only hope the fucking stupid republicans nominate him.

Your lies don't work anymore.
Manhattan Grand Jury...

He is awfully smug, but I tend to enjoy him - even when I don't agree with him. You're right about New Rules!
My feelings exactly. I used to get pissed when a topic was really heating up, but he would feel the need to interject a joke and kill the moment.

The 'smug' really works during New Rules!