President Trump INDICTED by NYC grand jury

You mean it shows they know the truth about democrats
AFAIK Soros isn't registered to vote in the US, and donates money to liberal causes throughout the world, not just the US. What next, you're going to say he influenced the world to go against trump?

Pffft hates Jews. That's the bottom line here.

Anyone who bitches and moans about "globalists", "Soros" and the like are using code for "Jews".

He claims to be a Christian but never acts like one.

I am a Christian and I doubt you know anything about Christianity
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Aside from the obvious fact that this word salad was written by a clinically insane mess, all of the improper capitalization indicates illiteracy.

It's embarrassing that everyone in the world who read this knows we had a president who was as dumb as a stump.
I already know you twits are going to fake 'Trump supporter violence'.

True dat. Mr Tiny Penis and a host of others have been pushing for violence all day. They are a nasty lot and their hatred of America is obvious. Trump broke them and they will never recover.
So many of them are like that and they're so boastful, too.

Some dance around it (e.g. Fat Boy, AHZ) but it's the psychos like Ptif who claim to be Christian but have a murderous rage inside them that catch my attention.

He claims to have a Concealed Carry permit in Florida. If his posts on JPP were given to Floridian LEOs, I suspect they'd pull his permit.
Some dance around it (e.g. Fat Boy, AHZ) but it's the psychos like Ptif who claim to be Christian but have a murderous rage inside them that catch my attention.

He claims to have a Concealed Carry permit in Florida. If his posts on JPP were given to Floridian LEOs, I suspect they'd pull his permit.

Rage and hubris, two of the seven deadly sins that Christians are supposed to avoid at all costs.
The Revolution could convict a ham sandwich in DC.

NYC is much the same, which is why Trump is being hauled in front of a NYC jury.

the caliber of lib'rul intelligence......and they think they should be allowed to run the country......