President Trump INDICTED by NYC grand jury

The Democrats will rue the day.

When Harry Reid changed the Senate rules regarding nominations, some advised him to be careful. What goes around, comes around.

And thanks to Harry Reid changing the rules, we now have Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.

Until today, there has been a longstanding tradition that the current administration in power does not go after previous administration for political prosecution.

Now that has changed.

The real crimes have been committed by the Biden family, especially influence peddling, international money laundering, and foreign agent representation. When a new administration takes power, the gloves are off. Joe may be too mentally impaired to be prosecuted, but Hunter won't. He may very well see the inside of a jail cell for the real crimes. Hunter in jail will hurt the big guy.

You dumbfucks have been saying that for years. Just when is the DOJ or any other prosecutor going to bring charges? They know republicans are just pissing in the wind, there is nothing that Hunter or Joe have done that would merit charges. Assholes on the right like to think so but where is the investigation?
Quote Originally Posted by Geeko Sportivo View Post
A recent poll shows 70% of our nation want to see Donald Trump taken out of the public and put behind bars for his many numerous crimes.

While the other 30% are going to revolt and start terrorizing our nation.

Your link:

Forty-six percent of respondents to the survey said that Trump, who over the weekend had said he expected to be arrested on Tuesday in the probe, should be indicted for his actions, compared to 34 percent who said he shouldn’t. The remaining 20 percent were unsure.

They are sure now!

The grand jury in New York has voted to INDICT President Trump.

1 Russia hoax

2 failed impeachments

4 sham investigations

7 years of a WITCH HUNT

While the Regime hopes that grassroots patriots will give up (and give in!), YOU and I know that it's time to DOUBLE DOWN in our efforts to get a FULL INVESTIGATION of these Stalinist legal proceedings.

There is no question that Russia interferred in that election, they have admitted to it and the investigation never said he was innocent.

Trump was impeached twice.

Sham investigations don't have juries of 23 vote to indict.

Witch Hunt is something your dumbfuck coined and only his fucking ignorant nazi's repeat.

Just who is going to make asses of themselves investigatigating a perfectly legal grand jury indictment? I hope someone does because it will only alienate more to the stupidity of trying to protect this criminal.
Earl, John Durham failed to come up with anything that would exonerate Trump from being involved with Russia, so how can you call it a Russian Hoax????????

Of course they interferred. Just because the ignorant right refuses to believe it does not mean it isn't fact.

Putin-connected businessman admits interference in U.S. ...
Kremlin-connected entrepreneur Yevgeny Prigozhin admitted Monday that he had interfered in U.S. elections and would continue to do so ...
I hope they do protest. Cohen said the NYPD is not like the Capitol police and they wont put up with the shitheads, they will wipe the streets with them. I would love to see the Trump nazi's revolt, get rid of the assholes

Most of Trump's Pedo Nazis have been in hiding since 1/6. A Trump protest will not only bring them out from under their rocks, but gather them all in one place. :thup:
Most of Trump's Pedo Nazis have been in hiding since 1/6. A Trump protest will not only bring them out from under their rocks, but gather them all in one place. :thup:

I do not think there will be big protests, even though Turd has called for them, he no longer garners that much respect from his crazies, he saw that he did not pardon them.
Bullshit. Trump was supposed to win according to you and he lost in a landslide. He was never going to be charged and now he has been. The worthless shit does not stand a chance in another election and you are saying being indicted is going to help him? Fucking ridiculous.

This is classic Stoney. Pretend he ‘knows’ something mysterious that no one else knows so as not to appear as if his predictions aren’t completely wrong… Again. Predictions that he makes for one reason. To troll.
So, you lied about the numbers in your own link.

Take your own poll dude- if you don't believe me.

The split is 70% of Americans want Donnie indicted for all of his crimes, and 30% do not! I'm not talking about just this one!

And I will stand by what I said!
I do not think there will be big protests, even though Turd has called for them, he no longer garners that much respect from his crazies, he saw that he did not pardon them.

Agreed, but I think there are still enough crazies to do something. Even if it's only a few hundred losers, pedophiles, drug addicts, ex-cons, corrupt officials and the violently insane.

Still, seeing them all gathered in one spot and rounded up like sheep will be entertaining. :thup:

Take your own poll dude- if you don't believe me.

The split is 70% of Americans want Donnie indicted for all of his crimes, and 30% do not! I'm not talking about just this one!

And I will stand by what I said!


And EARL, all of your flailing your arms in the air, and crying about it, is not going to change things in Trump's favor!
A grand jury consists of 23 grand jurors, plus alternates, chosen at random from voter and Motor Vehicle Administration records. Grand jurors must be U.S. citizens and must live in the local jurisdiction where the grand jury sits.

Once again you show yourself to be an ignoramous.

ITN strikes again. This grand jury was not impaneled to deal just with this case. And it is picked at random not by the DA. In Atlanta for example the first to show were the ones selected.
30 counts of DOCUMENT FRAUD!

He thinks he is. I used to like him on Politically Incorrect. Real Time had a good run, but Maher is drinking his own piss now.

New Rules is still classic, though.

He is awfully smug, but I tend to enjoy him - even when I don't agree with him. You're right about New Rules!

He won't flee, but he's going to incite violence each time his temper acts up. That will make the insurrection trial even more interesting. He simply cannot control himself.

I already know you are going to fake 'Trump supporter violence'. Don't lie. It doesn't work anymore.