President Trump INDICTED by NYC grand jury

Last night I said if they can do it to Trump, they can do it to anyone. Just today, Douglass Mackey was convicted & could be sentenced up to *10 years in prison* for creating satirical internet memes that made fun of @HillaryClinton supporters by telling them they could vote via text message or social media. This is a flagrant assault on the First Amendment. Our country is becoming unrecognizable to anyone who understands our Constitution & we don’t have long to fix it.

Last night I said if they can do it to Trump, they can do it to anyone. Just today, Douglass Mackey was convicted & could be sentenced up to *10 years in prison* for creating satirical internet memes that made fun of @HillaryClinton supporters by telling them they could vote via text message or social media. This is a flagrant assault on the First Amendment. Our country is becoming unrecognizable to anyone who understands our Constitution & we don’t have long to fix it.

Did winnie the pooh tell you to say that?
Even the insanely corrupt Wokeist DOJ sees Braggs idiocy, and the weakness of his "case".

30 counts of falsifying records. Only the fucking dumbshit right winger says the case is weak. You know nothing about the case or charges and just like to parrot what other right wingers like to say.
Are feeling confident enough to make a prediction about 2024? will still be stupid, you will still be a troll and you will still be predicting Trump will be in jail someday.......Biden, if you are stupid enough to nominate him again, will not be re-elected......
I hope they do protest. Cohen said the NYPD is not like the Capitol police and they wont put up with the shitheads, they will wipe the streets with them. I would love to see the Trump nazi's revolt, get rid of the assholes

the assholes are the fascists who call everyone that supports Trump a nazi.......cope......
If the republicans are stupid enough to nominate this twice impeached asshole charged with numerous crimes we are going to see a blue wave like no other. Republicans might not vote for democrats but plenty of them will simply not vote at all. Every Republican not voting is a vote for the democrat. To think that republicans who do not intend to vote for Trump are going to say that since he has been charged with numerous crimes, I will, is fucking ridiculous.

on the other hand anyone who voted for Biden who doesn't by now realize that things were better off under Trump is not likely to vote for Biden again......we only need to turn 45000 votes in three states........what do you think about Biden's chances now?......
The only reason Trump declared his candidacy is so he could claim his prosecution was political. Everyone with an oz of sense knows that.

It's even more obvious that no one had a crime to indict Trump until he announced he was running again......then Bragg had to make one up...... will still be stupid, you will still be a troll and you will still be predicting Trump will be in jail someday.......Biden, if you are stupid enough to nominate him again, will not be re-elected......

Trump has almost no chance of beating Biden, and particularly so with more indictments coming soon.