President Trump INDICTED by NYC grand jury

Pffft hates Jews. That's the bottom line here.

Anyone who bitches and moans about "globalists", "Soros" and the like are using code for "Jews".

He claims to be a Christian but never acts like one.

George Soros is not 'the Jews'.
International corporations are not 'the Jews'.
You don't get to speak for Jesus Christ.
Some dance around it (e.g. Fat Boy, AHZ) but it's the psychos like Ptif who claim to be Christian but have a murderous rage inside them that catch my attention.

He claims to have a Concealed Carry permit in Florida. If his posts on JPP were given to Floridian LEOs, I suspect they'd pull his permit.

No permit is required to conceal carry in Florida, dumbass.
This is democrats trying to stop Trump from running against Biden

This is also about keeping Trump from restoring the republic. The Oligarchy is out to get anyone that threatens their coup.

It won't work. Democrats have already lost. They are too flat-footed to see it.
An indictment is not a conviction, dumbass. Your redefinition won't save you.

In this case, as huge as it is, trump, as usual, got every break possible. The grand jurors were presented with evidence and they voted to charge him. They spent 2 years and heard tons of evidence. Due to Trump's wealth and power, you can be sure they treated this case seriously. This is not a conviction, but it shows that a huge grand jury decided trump should face the court. It does not look good for Daffy Donald.
on the other hand there are folks who bring their children to drag shows....lets have a contest and decide who's the fucking loser.....

Again, why you care who goes to a drag show is a symptom of your mental illness and your betrayal of gawd. You are an evil, irredeemable pile of trash.
Again, why you care who goes to a drag show is a symptom of your mental illness and your betrayal of gawd. You are an evil, irredeemable pile of trash.

My guess is that Pmp has a tingling in the loins for men in a dress.
Democrats forced Cohen to pay off women to help Trump's political campaign? They force Wessielberg to cheat on taxes at Trump Company? There are 30-plus charges against Trump. Damn Soros did them all.
You are a nut.

They will be made up lies just like the 30,000 lies