President Trump INDICTED by NYC grand jury

You show your ignoramce and hate

Yep, and the sad thing is he isn't stupid and fully realizes that HIS people are the ones who not only focused on other people's genitals but chose to focus on kids genitals. He thinks he's on defensible ground which just goes to show how brainwashed he really is.
Even the insanely corrupt Wokeist DOJ sees Braggs idiocy, and the weakness of his "case".

A good article....

Trump Indictment: “The Blows Are Coming from Everywhere, and He Is up Against Many Better Boxers”
The falsification of business records charges may be similar to the records charges we saw in the successful conviction of the Trump Corporation and the Trump Payroll Corporation just this December. It’s business records falsification, It’s tax evasion, and I think it’s conspiracy. And I think it’s a scheme to defraud. The successful jury trial is a blueprint—so the same charges we saw that were successfully brought against Trump Organization. This is going to look a lot like that.
Try as he might he and his attorneys are not going to get this thrown out.
sorry, you have already lost the contest, you are the Fucking Loser of the Week......

Any parent who allows their young children to view a drag show is a bad parent.

Why do these far left Democratic Socialist loons insist on showing this garbage to children?
Any parent who allows their young children to view a drag show is a bad parent.

Why do these far left Democratic Socialist loons insist on showing this garbage to children?

So you agree that George Santos should be tossed out of Congress for being a perv, Captain Earl, ex-USAF....or are you a hypocrite along with being a traitor?
BREAKING: George Santos to Play Roxie Hart in Chicago on Broadway