President Trump INDICTED by NYC grand jury

It's embarrassing that everyone in the world who read this knows we had a president who was as dumb as a stump.

I think in most cases we get the president we deserve, which is just my way of expanding your statement. That so many Americans are so undereducated and care nothing at all about character and integrity is a stain on the entire country. I wonder how many JPP conservatives travel abroad. My guess is none. It's honestly embarrassing to try to explain what we've become. Trump is a literal joke across the globe, and Republicans take pride in that.
we've been discussing them for two years.......I'm sure you remember.....if not, google Biden won by 44,000 votes in three states........there will be 55,000 hits (more than the votes that put Biden in the Oval Office)......the number one hit will probably be from NPR....this time pay attention when you read it......

Only in your world can a criminally indicted candidate for office win an election. I will suggest that his indictment(s) will turn the majority of voters off. He has his base, but that wont be enough. Donalds legal problems will be getting much worse, and deservedly so.
Only in your world can a criminally indicted candidate for office win an election. I will suggest that his indictment(s) will turn the majority of voters off. He has his base, but that wont be enough. Donalds legal problems will be getting much worse, and deservedly so.

I live the world where independents believe (70%/26%) that the indictment is politically motivated.......I suggest that this, combined with Biden's horrendous record in office, will turn the votes of more than 45,000 voters in three states........

stop and consider MORE people think Trump is an evil criminal now than believed it in 2020? LESS people think Biden would be a good president now than in 2020?......
we've been discussing them for two years.......I'm sure you remember.....if not, google Biden won by 44,000 votes in three states........there will be 55,000 hits (more than the votes that put Biden in the Oval Office)......the number one hit will probably be from NPR....this time pay attention when you read it......

But you claim the election was stolen?So why are you going by those numbers!?
President Trump INDICTED by NYC grand jury

Braggs is not part of the city government, he is part of the state government. He is a New York State district attorney for the County of New York, not New York City(NYC). Because the County of New York exactly overlaps with Manhattan, he is commonly called the Manhattan district attorney. For the record, the County of New York is just a part of NYC.

I really do not know how you guys keep getting this wrong. This is not unique to New York, it is basically found throughout all the states. District attorneys are under state authority, not city authority.
I live the world where independents believe (70%/26%) that the indictment is politically motivated.......I suggest that this, combined with Biden's horrendous record in office, will turn the votes of more than 45,000 voters in three states........

stop and consider MORE people think Trump is an evil criminal now than believed it in 2020? LESS people think Biden would be a good president now than in 2020?......

Of course you have a link to that 70% of independents, so produce. Whatever the real numbers are they will change drastically once the charges against Trump are produced, and his other pending indictments taken into consideration.
Nope. Unless you have been talking about the death of the west for over 30 years like I have than you have zero on me. I need no soothing,...I KNOW what time it is. EVERYTHING has to go down just exactly like it has. ...." It will be as in the days of Noah" comes to mind.

Let's say the American civilization collapses... What do you think will happen to a lazy bum who has chosen never to work a full time job, and instead be supported by his family? Seriously.

I do not think America will collapse any time soon, but if it does, I still have my education, skill set, and work ethic.
Dont forget that I said long ago in a thread I started which was destroyed by staff that the Revolution is actively trying to provoke violence against it, so that it can use the full force of the state to include the military to rub out their opponents.

Somebody on Tucker just said that this mission is what this is about.

Carlson, and the rest of the alt right lunatics, keep saying they are about to be killed... And yet they never are. Odd how that works.
Thank you for proving my point, you stupid twat. You're afraid of a fucking drag show. :laugh: You're an embarrassing mess just like the rest of the Christian right. support taking children to drag shows and you think I'm the one who should be embarrassed.....
Carlson, and the rest of the alt right lunatics, keep saying they are about to be killed... And yet they never are. Odd how that works.

The Trump spokespeople like Carlson are playing the Trump card". poor poor pitiful me". I am being picked on unfairly for saying what I believe. However, they sent emails telling the truth. They are a station of lies and are backing a crook they hate. Fox is repulsive and as unAmerican as it can get. support taking children to drag shows and you think I'm the one who should be embarrassed.....

I don't care where parents take their children as long as no one gets harmed. Why are you so obsessed with other people's lives, families, genitals, and sexual partners? You're a fucking loser, man. Try to get a life. You don't have much time left.