President Trump INDICTED by NYC grand jury

Your optimism has been wrong all the way up till now.

My record is of being right a high percentage of the time.

And you will continue to be right for awhile. Right up until the time they are gone. We are BOTH right actually.
And you will continue to be right for awhile. Right up until the time they are gone. We are BOTH right actually.

I think that you are trying to sooth yourself with fantasy, that you refuse to see how bad things are, and how bad things are likely to be for a long time to come.

The West is in final collapse, the West is dying.
I think that you are trying to sooth yourself with fantasy, that you refuse to see how bad things are, and how bad things are likely to be for a long time to come.

The West is in final collapse, the West is dying.

Nope. Unless you have been talking about the death of the west for over 30 years like I have than you have zero on me. I need no soothing,...I KNOW what time it is. EVERYTHING has to go down just exactly like it has. ...." It will be as in the days of Noah" comes to mind.
Nope. Unless you have been talking about the death of the west for over 30 years like I have than you have zero on me. I need no soothing,...I KNOW what time it is. EVERYTHING has to go down just exactly like it has. ...." It will be as in the days of Noah" comes to mind.

You need to turn up right a few times.
Dont forget that I said long ago in a thread I started which was destroyed by staff that the Revolution is actively trying to provoke violence against it, so that it can use the full force of the state to include the military to rub out their opponents.

Somebody on Tucker just said that this mission is what this is about.
I still have a hard time believing that so many of you actually think I am talking about politics when I talk about these things. Politics??? :laugh: Politics means nothing. Pretty sure about the only one who REALLY knows what Im talking about in here is, believe it or not,.....Lefty.
I still have a hard time believing that so many of you actually think I am talking about politics when I talk about these things. Politics??? :laugh: Politics means nothing. Pretty sure about the only one who REALLY knows what Im talking about in here is, believe it or not,.....Lefty.

Learning to communicate better is a part of the education program.
I have all along. Difference is I am years ahead of most. You really honestly dont know WHAT is up, WHAT is going on right now do you? YOU WILL.

I can explain it: a sleazy con artist who has always played loose w/ the rules just got the 1st of what will be at least several indictments, and is going to be held accountable for his crimes.

Pick a subject and then be right...this is how one builds credibility.

I wont say you are hopeless, because almost nobody is, But you are close. You have a one track mind and are utterly close minded to anything else.
If that were true I would not be right so often, the opposite of you.

Go cry, you are of no use here.

I rarely cry. In fact I cant think of a single reason in the world to cry right now. WHY such anger and triggeredness from you? I am MUCH use here...your opinion on if I am or not doesnt mean anything to me.