President Trump INDICTED by NYC grand jury

The truth about cons is that they always need somebody to hate or fear.

Do you guys ever acknowledge the billionaires who helped trump, like the Koch brothers?

It is democrats that show hate. They hate Trump and desantis and the GOP and Christians and the list goes on. Democrats are owned by Soros and love all their rich donors like Buffett and Gates and others

The Koch brothers are Liberterians
You ignore this is a political stunt to help Bidenget elected. It will blow up in the democrats face

It is simply not that at all. It is an act of justice. Two people who followed Trump's orders did jail time. Weisselberg is in jail right now and is firing the lawyers that Triump co. provided. Trump cannot win. Cohen got 3 years following instructions of person 1. Person one is Trump. You are clueless.
It is simply not that at all. It is an act of justice. Two people who followed Trump's orders did jail time. Weisselberg is in jail right now and is firing the lawyers that Triump co. provided. Trump cannot win. Cohen got 3 years following instructions of person 1. Person one is Trump. You are clueless.

This is a political stunt that looks like a third world dictator trying to get rid of political opposition. This will hurt the democrats. The GOP will remind voters of this come 2024 elections
This is a political stunt that looks like a third world dictator trying to get rid of political opposition. This will hurt the democrats. The GOP will remind voters of this come 2024 elections

Will you be at any protests or are you strictly a keyboard warrior, Ptif?
I remember how disappointed repubs were in 2017 because trump didn't lock up Hillary.

Trump lied a lot. Many of his fans are too stupid to notice.

Example: Trump threw his own supporters under the bus after 1/6 and refused to pardon any of them the two weeks leading up to Biden's inauguration. Now he claims he'll pardon them IF he's reelected.

Who is stupid enough to put their freedom at risk for Pedo Don? So far, not a single JPP Trump fan is willing to risk their freedom for him.
Conservatives online are pretty hilarious already. "You just guaranteed that Trump will be President in 2024!"

Such a weird cult. He's such a sleaze - it's really a total "emperor has no clothes" situation. They worship a false idol.

Go figure, right? What could make a fat, lying, unintelligent con artist more popular with his idiot fans? Charge him with 34 crimes.