President Trump INDICTED by NYC grand jury


Aside from the obvious fact that this word salad was written by a clinically insane mess, all of the improper capitalization indicates illiteracy.
Who cares what bullshit, Trump spews. It has nothing to do with this case.

Can you even imagine subscribing to Trump's campaign blasts or his embarrassing social media failure? And then showing the internet that you did? I think people like Ziggy have no self awareness.
The grand jury who listened to the facts indicted Trump, not Alvin Bragg. How come these dumbfuck republicans aren't blaming those jury members?

How come these dumbfucks don't wait until they see the charge(s) and the evidence before unloading their outrage?

Answer: politics for them is above the law. This is the man who could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue "and not lose any votes". He told us so himself. Laws don't apply in his case.

Republicans are proving his point.

What a dumbfuck. First off the DA didn't bend shit, a jury of 23 listened to the facts and indicted Trump. Not Soros and not Alvin Bragg. It's nice to know that a possible presidential candidate would ignore a juries decision and refuse to extradicte a charged criminal. This asshole stands no chance of being elected.
How can he have a cabinet if he doesnt win in 24? You must believe that he will indeed win in 24 and I agree with you. The left just gave him the rocket fuel to do just that. Many thanks....:)

I cannot imagine anyone ignorant enough to say "I wasn't going to vote for Trump but since he was charged with a crime I will". I can easily see hundreds of thousands saying "we can't elect a criminal to the presidency". Now we have Trump who once said he never paid Stormy anything, who now says he paid her but he never fucked her. Is the right really fucking stupid enough to believe that? I wonder if I would be charged if I hid $130,000 of income by calling it a business expense and falsifying business records? He obviously commited a campaign violation as well by spending $130,000 to cover something up during his election. That jury of 23 is not going to be that different from the next one that finds him guilty all while the right will be blaming a prosecutor and democrats that really have nothing to do with it.
How can he have a cabinet if he doesnt win in 24? You must believe that he will indeed win in 24 and I agree with you. The left just gave him the rocket fuel to do just that. Many thanks....:)

I think you may just be wrong. It will excite his small base, but will garner no converts. Trump is the only president to have lost the popular vote twice. He also lost votes for the Trumpper party is the last three congressional elections.

He has an excited but shrinking base, I’ll give him that.
Since 65% of the country or more believes correctly that its politically motivated.

Bullshit. 80% think the only reason the asshole declared his candidacy is so he could make the stupid claim that it was politically motivated. The jury that voted to indict were not democrats.